Conservative Biology Research Papers/Topics

Importance of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi in the restoration of a disturbed site in Kakamega forest

Abstract: Kakamega forest, a major reservoir of biodiversity in Kenya has experienced degradation over a long period of time due to human disturbance. This disturbance has resulted in a heterogeneous mixture of vegetation including disturbed primary forest, secondary forest, clearings and glades, and timber plantations. Restoration of the forest ecosystem has included the re-establishment of native tree species in order to accelerate recovery of the degraded areas and connect formally joined...

Bat Habitat Use In Logged Jarrah Eucalypt Forests Of South-Western Australia

ABSTRACT Forest logging is a major threat to global biodiversity (Sala et al. 2000) and a growing demand for timber means logging rates are increasing (Perry, Ram & Hart 2008). Consequently, there is a drive to develop forest timber harvesting strategies that maintain biodiversity alongside timber extraction. Attempts are, therefore, being made to integrate conservation into production forests according to ecologically sustainable forest management principles such as themaintenance of stand s...

Factors Influencing The Establishment Of Translocated Eland (Taurotragus Oryx) And Springbok (Antidorcas Marsupialis) In The Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Namibia

ABSTRACT The emergence of the Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) approach in Namibia contributed to the establishment of communal conservancies that aim to conserve wildlife outside protected areas, as well as benefit local communities. Recent translocations in Namibia involved the movement of wildlife from protected areas to communal conservancies in order to expand the range of wildlife species in the areas they once occupied, as part of effective community-based conservat...

Conservation Attitudes And Patterns Of Biodiversity Loss In The Ohangwena And Oshikoto Regions Of Namibia

Abstract Biodiversity loss discussions are usually characterised by broad ranging views. Patterns of wildlife decline and attitudes towards conservation have received minimal attention in the north central communal areas of Namibia. Wildlife decline has been primarily attributed to life styles, climatic change and the disruption to conservation activities during the war for independence (1966 – 1989). This thesis examines attitudes towards wildlife and conservation, and patterns of biodiver...

Spatial distribution of heavy metals in soil with distance from Tazama pipeline through the Mikumi National Park, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A total concentration of six studied heavy metals Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb), Chromium(Cr), Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) and Copper (Cu) were measured in soil across distances from TAZAMA pipeline in transects which have incidences of oil spillage and those which have no history of oil spillage. All studied heavy metals were detected in the study area. As, Pb and Cr were detected in both transects, that is, with oils spills and those with no history of oil spillage to a distance of 0-35 m...

Ecological Factors and the Prevalence of Trypanosome Infections and Its Economic Implications for Livestock Industry in Simanjiro, Tanzania:

ABSTRACT Aims: Trypanosomosis is among one of the tropical neglected diseases which have impacted on human, livestock and wildlife. Different factors have been discussed by various researchers but ecological factors being considered in nutshell. This paper aimed at reviewing details on how the ecological factors influence the prevalence of trypanosome. Study Design: Literature review where various literatures have been reviewed and the information synthesized. This paper has placed focus on: ...

Conservation Education, Alternative Livelihood And Habitat Restoration: The Best Strategies For Conservation Of Magombera Forest Reserve

The Magombera forest is a home of endemic and endangered biological species such as Udzungwa red colobus monkey (Procolobus gordonorum) and the Magombera chameleon (Kinyongia magomberae). However, the forest is facing high threat of disappearing through resources extraction pressure from adjacent local communities. The project aimed at improving conservation of Magombera forest by involving the adjacent communities through provision of conservation education, restoration initiatives and bee k...

The Importance Of Bushmeat In Household Income As A Function Of Distance From Protected Areas In The Western Serengeti Ecosystem, Tanzania

Abstract Bushmeat hunting is widespread in villages adjacent to protected areas in Western Serengeti. However, little information is available about the role of bushmeat income in the household economy as a function of distance from the protected area boundary, preventing the formulation of informed policy for regulating this illegal trade. This study was conducted in three villages in Western Serengeti at distances of 3 (closest), 27 (intermediate) and 58km (furthest) from the boundary of S...

Influence of Seasonal Cattle Movement on Prevalence of Trypanosome Infections in Cattle in the Maasai Steppe, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Animal African Trypanosomosis is a Neglected Tropical Disease with significant impacts to pastoral community livelihoods. Our study sought to determine the influence of seasonal cattle movements on the prevalence of trypanosome infections in cattle in the pastoral areas of the Maasai Steppe. Identification of spatial and temporal dynamics of trypanosome infections in cattle is essential for designing effective control strategies. To identify potential hotspots of trypanosome transm...

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