Food and Nutrition Research Papers/Topics

Utilization of Nutrition Information on Food Labels by Diabetic Mellitus and Hypertensive Patients Attending Clinic at Kakamega County Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya

Abstract The aim of food labels is to inform consumers on the food content. The information conveyed on food labels has evolved over time thus the objectives of food labelling have become numerous. Despite the recognized association of food labels utilization and disease management, the current global mortality rate from diabetes mellitus and hypertension remains high. In order for the prevalence rate of diabetes mellitus and hypertension to reduce, population-wide interventions including th...

Maternal Dietary Diversity and Growth of Children Under 24 Months of Age in Rural Dodoma, Tanzania

Abstract Objective: To identify predictors of maternal dietary diversity in rural Dodoma, Tanzania and assess its association with child growth outcomes. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 361 mothers with children under 24 months of age was conducted in 5 villages in rural Dodoma, Tanzania. Maternal diets were assessed using food frequency questionnaires, and dietary diversity was categorized using Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) guidelines. Child anthropometric measures were ...