Business Management Research Papers/Topics


Abstract This study evaluated the workplace recreation and employee wellbeing: A study of the Nigerian University commission. The specific objectives are to: to determine the effect of physical fitness programmes on employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission, to establish the effect of mental health programmes on employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission and to identify the effect of workplace entertainment on employee wellbeing at Nigerian University Commission. The stud...

Financial Strategy Implementation and Profitability of Small and Medium Entreprises in VOI

ABSTRACT Finance is a major challenge for the prosperity of SME’S. Implementing revenue, cost and investments financial strategies are major drivers for improved profitability performance in SME’S. Achieving SME profitability by utilizing SME resources in certain situations and circumstances requiring strategic action over time is paramount. Implementation theory provides a way of integrating information from different agents involved in financial strategy implementation. Designing of s...

The Effects Of Communication On Employee Performance Case Study: Iyabe Health Centre

The researcher chose this topic of study because many organizations especially government institutions do not take communication as a serious issue. They do not consider it much as they ignore and do not see it as one of the reasons that enhance poor performance in the organization. The topic of the study was to understand the concept of communication and its effects on employee performance in Iyabe health centre. The specific objectives of the. study were to examine the effects of feedback o...

The Effects Of Decentralization On Tender Award System In Local Governments: A Case Study Of Kampala City Council- Central Division

The study was aimed at examining the effects of Decentralization on the Tender award systems in Local Govemments, Kampala City Council-Central Division. The objectives of the study were to establish the extent to which the general public (beneficiaries) benefit from services tendered to private bidders, to examine whether or not the suppliers/ providers have executed the services for which they are tendered and to fmd out whether the award of tenders to the private bidders is free and fair. D...

Credit Management And Performance Of Selected Corporate Firms: A Case Study Of Mtn Uganda Limited

This study of credit management and performance among the selected corporate firms MTN Uganda limited was carried out to examine credit management towards the performance of corporate firms, with the objectives like (1) assessing the effectiveness of credit management policies of corporate firms,(2) to analyze the motives of holding credit on performance by corporate firms and finally (3) to find the important relationship between credit management performance of corporate firms. Cross sectio...

The Impact Of Information And Communication Technology On The Performance Of An Organizationa Case Study Of Equity Bank, Nyamira Branch, Kenya

Financial management in organizations has evolved from being a subject area in conomics to a strategic function as seen in most organizations today. The evolutionary rocess of financial management or performance as a discipline has been dictated by evelopment in the business environment through technological revolutions which is a reality ~i Uganda. The financial manager has seen his role changing from that of being a simple fundraiser nd custodian of funds (treasurer) to being strategic exec...

Assets And Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of Davis And Sidrtliff Tanzania Limited

ABSTRACT Management of non cun-ent assets in organizations is of great important in running the organization efficiently on its daily operations. If those non cun-ent assets are not managed properly then there is a likely chance that organization will perform poorer. The performance of organizations depends to a large extent on how their resources are allocated and their ability to adapt to a changing condition and therefore there is a great need of the efficient internal control of the orga...

The Attitudes Of The Local Communities Towards Conservation Through Ecotourism In Uganda

Ecotourism is new in Uganda and aims at benefiting local communities worldwide. In Budongo forest, it was introduced a few years back and one would expect it by now to be understood by the local communities and be appreciated if it is yielding benefits to them. The study was conducted between June and July in Budongo forest, Masindi district. The results showed that it was mainly indirect benefits that were being realized by the local communities. Although capacity building is one of the maj...

Design And Implementation Of A Human Resource Management And Recruitment System Using Open Source Tools. Study Of Rift Valley Railways

Abstract The fast growth in communication and information systems around the world generally and in East Africa in particular, has made it easier for major institutions to better organize their databases. In the case study of the Rift Valley Railways, the objective was to develop a costeffective computerized human resource management system. The researchers developed a system which was user-friendly and could be readily adopted by other organizations. A database was developed to store the use...

Challenges Of International Human Resource Management To Performance In Organizations A Case Study Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT Th~ study was carried out at Kampala International University (K. l. U) along Ggabba Road- Kansanga, Uganda. The study focused on challenges of International Human Resource to Performance of employees in an organization. The study objectives were as follows; 1. To find out how language can affect performance oflnternational Human Resource. 11. T u ftiid uut huv religion ~an affect performan.:e of lntemational human resource. 111. To find out how compensation plan can affect performa...

Modeling And Implementing Business Processes And Information System For A Video Library Using Visual Basic And Oracle

TABLE OF CONTENTS Terms and abbreviations i Table of figures II List of tables III Dedication Acknowledge V CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 Objectives of the study 3 1.3.1 Main Objective 3 1.3.2 Specific Objectives 4 1.4 Research Questions 4 1.5 Scope of the study 4 1.6 Significance of the study 4 1.7 Justification of the study 5 1.8 Conceptual Framework 5 1.9 Conclusion 5 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Recent Development 6 2...

The Effect Of Communication On Organizational Performance Case Study Of Bishop’s Senior School, Mukono

ABSTRACT This study was designed to find out how the communication affects the organizational performance as selected case study of Bishop’s Senior School, Mukono was used. The questionnaires were provided to the respondents from the selected from Bishop’s Senior School, Mukono and the information obtained was quantitatively analyzed through the demographic descriptions. According to the findings of this study, the forms of communication used by Bishop’s Senior School are downward, in d...

A Distribution E-Time Attendance Management System For Employmnent . Case Study: National Social Security Fund (Nssf)

Abstract When one talks of a distributed e-time attendance registering, they actually mean automatically capturing and registering the intervals (time) at which attendants perform their daily attendance roles. Attendance management can be done in companies, organizations, and schools etc where employees’ daily attendance needs to be managed. In this report, we focus on a distributed c-time attendance system for employee management which captures login and logout time of employees and use th...

The Effects Of Budgetary Controls In An Organization's Performance A Case Study Of Action Aid Uganda In Kumi Branch

ABSTRACT This is a research report on the effect of budgetary controls in a ''not for profit" organization called AAU. It is a study on budgetary control as a financial tool in guiding the making of optimal financial decisions to attain high level performance. It was carried out to investigate on budgetary practices [budgetary control] in AAU, to evaluate the performance of the organization and whether there was a relationship between these controls and the organization performance of AA...

The Inventory Management And Customer Satisfaction; A Case Of Mukw Ano Group Of Companies

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the inventory ri1anagement and customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies by taking objectives to determine the impact inventory levels on customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies, to examine the challenges in managing inventory and consumption, to establish the relationship between inventory management on customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies. Inventory management plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfactio...

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