Business Management Research Papers/Topics

Competitive Forces Influencing Business Performance of Bicycle Taxis in Kisumu City, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Whether domestically or globally, transport is the movement of people, goods and services from one place to another. It enables trade between people and organizations. Globally, transport is the key necessity for specialization. Domestically, not only is Kenya connected by various categories of transport infrastructure but even by different modes, each competing with the other to get the better of the market. In Kisumu City, for example, there is fierce business competit...

A Classification of tourism offerings based on intrinsic attributes

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this study is to explore intrinsic attributes that can be used in the classification of tourism offerings for an academic understanding of their immutable natures. Mixed approach of visitor attractions classification was used as a theoretical underpinning, group discussions for data collection and content analysis for data examination. Findings of this study indicate that every offering category has a set of immutable attributes separating it from the rest...

The History of Facebook and its Impact on Humanity

The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the evolution over time of Facebook and its diverse influence on several facets of human existence, encompassing social interaction, dissemination of information, commerce, politics, cultural dynamics, confidentiality, psychological well-being, and technological advancements. Mark Zuckerberg established Facebook in 2004 as a social networking tool primarily targeting university students. Over time, it has expanded into a worldwide sensation, attracti...

A Study on Students' Perspective Towards Solid Waste Management in Mumbai City

Solid waste management (SWM) is an important indicator for overall health of citizens and environment of the locality. In modern civil society, SWM has been a serious issue in economic development, environmental degradation and human health. One of the main reasons of solid waste generation beyond imagination is rapid urbanisation, industrialization, exponential increase in use of plastics, improved standard of living etc. SWM has no longer been an issue ,limited to urban cities and clusters ...

Factors Influencing Mattala Airport Usage as A Domestic Transportation Mode (Presentation)

Introduction Research Objectives, Significance & Limitations Methodology Results & Discussion Conclusion & Recommendations References


ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Economic development of Nigeria. Nigeria organization invests a lot to improve performance and retain competent employees. However, despite these efforts, the organizations are characterized by low performance, high employee turnover, and a switchover of staff from one bank to another. The study utilized a survey research design, primary data was used as the source of data with a questionnaire as the instrument ...

Product Life Cycle Management

Abstract Product life cycle management is the succession of strategies used by management and as a product goes through its product life cycle. The conditions in which a product is sold changes over time and must be managed as it moves through its succession of stages. It is claimed that every product has a life period, it is launched, it grows, and at some point, may die. A fair comment is that - at least in the short term - not all products or services die. Jeans may die, but clothes proba...

Characterizing and Predicting Early Reviewers for Effective Product Marketing on Ecommerce Websites

Abstract Online  reviews  have  become  an  important  source  of  instruction  for  users before manufacture an informed procure decision. Early reviews of a product tend to have a high  effect  on  the  ensuing  product  sales.  In  this  paper,  we  take  the  initiative  to  study  the behavior  characteristics  of  early  reviewers  through  their  posted  reviews  on  two  real-world large e-commerce  platforms,  i.e.,  Amazon  and Yelp.  In s...

A Study on “Challenges of Six Sigma Implementation in Human Resource Management” Special Reference to Information Technology Sector

When we think of applying the Six Sigma in to HRM, an inevitable question is that, to what an extent all the processes of HRM are measurable. Many companies attempted to implement this methodology and got backward in middle of the process or beginning due to the challenges in implementing Six Sigma in HRM. Measurability of a process depends on the perception of an individual HR person; this is mainly due to the non-measurable nature of HR processes. Most of the organizations not conside...

Role of Management Education in Entrepreneurship Development in India

Abstract The growth of entrepreneurship is the need of hour today. With the kind of saturation of job market and the development of artificial intelligence, there will be further severe imbalance in the demand and supply of jobs. This could create a big economic crisis and lead to many other macro-economic fluctuations. Hence the challenge is to prepare for the near future by equipping the current human resource. Management, which is considered as one of skill based professional course, is th...

Sustainable Integrated Model for Classroom Engagement

India’s higher education system, following the United States and China, is the third-largest in the world. Indian government already recognized the importance and spends 6% of GDP on education. Engaged students are expected to perform better. Classroom engagement refers to teacher - student involvement throughout the learning process. It is a multidimensional construct that can be measured with all the dimensions dynamically interrelated like Behavioral engagement, Emotional engagement...

Creating Businesses by Students, Challenges and Prospects: A Case Study of Students on the University of Cape Coast Campus

The purpose of this study was to explore and examine the challenges (impacts) and prospects of students in the University of Cape Coast. The study was built on the diffusion of innovation theory, McClelland theory, Abraham Maslow‟s Hierarchy, and Keller‟s ARCS Model to identify the variables influencing student entrepreneurship. The study was based on the following objectives : To examine the academic challenges or impact of student entrepreneurship; to examine the social challenges or im...

Risk Perception And Adoption Of Joint Versus Individual Liability The Case Of Selected Tribes In Tanzania

Abstract Perceive risk is an important factor that influences the adoption intention. Perceived risk associated with the use of microfinance institutions' lending model may adversely affect borrowers. Researchers had applied the concept of perceived risk with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to measure the use of information technology but overlooked the use of TAM on microfinance institutions lending models. This study integrates TAM with the adoption of joint vs. individual liability....

Pay Satisfaction And Employee Commitment In Expatriates Owned Businesses In Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this work is to examine the influence of pay satisfaction on the three dimensions of employee commitment (affective, normative and continuance) among employees of expatriates owned businesses in Ghana. The sample for this study was limited to the local employees of these expatriates owned businesses. A sample of 222 responses were retrieved from seven expatriate owned companies in North Kaneshie Industrial Area, Accra and used for the analysis. Simple linear regression...

Leadership Styles As A Precursor To Employees Task Performance; Measuring The Phenomenon In Ghana Cocoa Board

ABSTRACT The research sought to determine the relationship between the transactional and transformational leadership styles on employees’ task performance using evidence from Ghana Cocoa Baord (COCOBOD). The methodology of this study primarily utilized the quantitative approach. Data was gathered from 127 respondents selected from the organisation using purposive and convenience sampling techniques. The instruments used self-administered close-ended questionnaires. Ethical considerations we...

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