Commerce Research Papers/Topics

Performance Evaluation Criteria of Credit Scoring Models for Commercial Lenders

Abstract/Overview Credit scoring has been regarded as a main tool of different companies or banks during the last few decades and has been widely investigated in different areas, such as finance and accounting. Different scoring techniques are being used in areas of classification and prediction, where statistical techniques have conventionally been used. We used ACC rate, which we believed was an important criterion, especially for new applications of credit scoring, because it highlight...

Influence of Liquidity Level on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A Case Study of Commercial Banks in Kisumu County ,Kenya.

Abstract/Overview Commercial banks are the most dominant financial institutions with their main function being availing funds to its customers. For a bank to be in a position to do so, it must be in a healthy liquidity position. The banks' primary business in lending and investment are risky business. Banks are exposed to uncertainty and instability of the financial market as interest rate fluctuations, exchange rate variation and economic volatility could all lead to insolvency, bankrupt...

Employee Development and Organizational Performance. A Case Study Of Uganda Revenue Authority

ABSTRACT -the study sought to investigate the relationship between employee development and its performance in organizations. Uganda Revenue Authority, Nakawa, as an illustrative ~ example. The study seeks to bring out the importance of employee development in organization performance. The objective of this research was to bring out the forms of employee development 1sed at Uganda Revenue Authority, the effects of these forms of development not only on the performance of employees but on the ...

Micro Finance Institution and Client Welfare in Juba South Sudan

ABSTRACT The research on: "Microfinance institutions and clients' welfare in Juba city." The research involved 100 respondents. The research was guided by the objectives of the study. The research was guided by the objectives of the study. The objectives included; examining the services offered by microfinance institutions Juba city; determining the clients' welfare served by the microfinance institutions; establishing if there is a significant relationship between microfinance institutions a...

Budgetary Control and Performance of Local Governments. A Case Study of Pallisa Town Council, Pallisa District.

TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVAL ............................................................................................ .iDECLARATION ..................................................................................... .iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... ivLIST OF ABBREVATIONS ..............................................................


ABSTRACTThis study investigated effect of financial management on employee performance at Basab Petroleum in Kenya. This study was carried out using a blend of research designs that included both descriptive and analytical research designs since a single design would not yield sufficient data needed for this study. A sample of 80 employees of BASAB petroleum was used with the help of purposive, stratified and simple random sampling designs. The data collection me...


The said research paper is examine the rural development and also employmentgeneration though cooperative sector in the study area. The study area is divided into twoparts, rural and urban. The researcher has also studied the economic development, lifestyleofselected respondents in the study area. Cooperatives, credit cooperatives in particular, are anintegral part of the Indian rural economy. They are having far reaching direct and indirectimpacts on agricultural growth and rural development...


These multiple taxes, coupled with the activities of hoodlums who parade themselves as “Youths” or vigilante to harass business owners for “settlement” have made business activities to suffer greatly in the state. The trend extends to “property acquisition and development”. Take for instance, to buy a plot of land in any part of the state today; you must pay “community due”, then, youths, vigilante, etc. When you start developing the land, hoodlums will still come and demand f...

The Role of Financial Institutions In Poverty Reduction In Kigali City, A case study of Fumbwe Umurenge SACCO

The research study examined the role of financial institutions in poverty reduction in Kigali City with special reference to Fumbwe Umurenge SACCO. Questionnaires, interviews and documentary review methods were used to gather data from respondents. The findings of the study indicated that financial institutions play the role of offering long and short term loans, business counselling, education, money transfers and insurance. The results show that provision of long and short term loans was th...