Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Poverty and Maternal Health Service Utilization in Rural Households. Kasawo Sub-County-Mukono District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration .......................... ......... . . .. .. ......... . ..... .. ..................................................... 1Approval ................................................................................................................................. iiDedication ................................................................................................................................. iiiAcknowledgement ...............................................

Training and Performance of Students in Lira Municipality. The Case of Ojwina Division

TABLE OF CONTENTSAKNOWLEDGEMENTS iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ivCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the study 11.2 Problem Statement 31.3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Specific Objectives 41.5 Research Questions 51.6 Conceptual frame work 51.8 Significance of the Study 61.9. Scope of the Study 71.9.1 Geographical Scope 71.9.2 Content Scope 81.9.3 Time Scope 8CHAPTER TWO 9LITERATURE REVIEW 92.0 Introduction 92.1 Theoretical Review 92.2 Actual Review of literature 92.2.1 Training...

The Impact of Community Driven Development Funds On Livelihoods of People in Kawempe Division, Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABRIVIATIONS/ ACRONYMS vTABLE OF CONTENTS viOPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS xABSTRACT xiCHARTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background 11.2 Vision 21.3 Mission 21.4 Overall goal 31.5 Problem Statement 31.6 Objectives of the study 31.6.1 General objectives 31.6.2 Specific objectives 41.7 Research Questions 41.8Scope of the study 41.8.1 Geographical scope 4vi1.8.2TimeScope .41.8.3 Content Scope 51.9 Significa...

Drug Abuse and Youth Development in Northern Division Iganga Municipality Uganda

The original aim was establish the impacts of drug abuse and the youth development in Northern Division, Iganga Municipality Uganda whose specific objectives were to establish the causes of drug abuse among the youth in Iganga Municipality, Northern Division, to identify the effects of drng abuse, c01mnon signs and symptoms among the youth in Iganga municipality, No1ihem Division, to examine the possible strategies to curb drug abuse among the youth in Northern Division, Iganga Municipality U...

Unemployment and Socio-Economic Impact On Youth of Sheema District

Abstract The purpose of this study was to critically examine the factors of youth unemployment on the socio economic impact in Sheema district. The study was based on three objectives; (i) to identify the factors of unemployment among youth in Sheema district; (ii) to assess the socio economic impact of youth in Sheema district; and (iii) to find out the relationship between youth unemployment and socio economic impact in Sheema district. The study employed cross-sectional research design and...

Contributions of Non-Governmental Organizations in Addressing the Welfare of Formerly Abducted Children in Northern Uganda A Case Study of Gulu Support The Children Organisation Gulu District

ABSTRACT [n Northern Uganda, the conflict that began in 1986 ravaged the region for a period of more than 20 years. During this period, children suffered the most. Thousands of children were systematically 1bducted and forced to participate in the conflict actively as fighters, wives, servants, and others 1ave lost their lives. Some of the formerly abducted children have since returned. The aim of this ; the study is to examine the contribution of NGOs in addressing the welfare of formerly ab...

Problems of Transforming Pastoralist Societies into Modern Agricultural Societies in Amudat District

ABSTRACT This study was to investigate the problems of transforming pastoralist societies into modem agricultural societies in the Amudat district. The research objectives were to find out the ways of transforming a pastoralist society into a modem society in the Amudat district, to establish ways of transforming the pastoralist lifestyle of Amudat residents into a modem agricultural society, and to determine the challenges of transforming a pastoral society into a modem agricultural society ...

Poverty and Crime in Fort Portal Municipality, Kabarole District

ABSTRACT This study was carried out on poverty and crime whose general objective was to establish the extent to which poverty has led to increased crime in Fort portal municipality. Three specific objectives guided the study and these were; to assess the impact of poverty on crime in Fort portal municipality, to identify the causes of high crime rates amongst the people of Fortortal municipality and to establish possible measures on how to reduce crime in Fort portal. The study used a descri...

Land Conflicts and Women's Social Economic Wellbeing in Western Division, Tororo District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was about the effect of land conflict on women's social-economic wellbeing in Tororo. the study objectives were: to examine the causes of land conflicts in Tororo, to establish the [effects of land conflicts on the income levels of women in Tororo District, to analyze the social effects of land conflicts on women in Tororo District. The researcher used an analytical design; it will analyze the elements of the data that was collected in relation to gender perspective to 'Om...

Impact of Disarmament On Economic Development in Karamoja Sub-Region; A Case of Nakapiripirit District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the role of disarmament on the economic development of the Karamoja sub-region in Uganda. The study objectives included assessing the contributions of disarmament to the economic development, determining the factors that have hindered the economic development of Karamoja after disarmament and establishing mechanisms for improving the economic development process of the Karamoja sub-region. The study was conducted in the Nakapiriprit district in...

Influence of Gender-Based Violence on Absolute Poverty Among Women in Madogo Ward, Tana River County, Kenya

Abstract Gender inequality oppresses development among women and girls and is worsened by absolute poverty among women in Kenya. Poverty denies people choices and opportunities to participate in economic, political, and social activities while gender inequality denies women and girls equal opportunities as men and boys. Despite numerous interventions by the government through policies and laws gender inequality is on the rise and a great hindrance to development. Many women-headed households ...

Community Participation and Community Empowerment in Mugoye Sub County: Kalangala District Centraluganda

Abstract The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of community participation as a model for community empowerment in Mugoye Sub-County Kalangala District. The specific objectives were; To examine the contributions of community participation to community empowerment in Mugoye Sub County; To assess the obstacles hindering community participation in Mugoye Sub County and To identify! suggest ways how community participation can be improved on to achieve community empowerment in Mugoye Sub...

Assessing The Contribution of Abek (Alternative Basic Education for Karamoja) on the Uplift of Girl Child Education in Rupa Sub-County, Moroto District, North Eastern Uganda

Abstract  The research study was intended to study the assessment of the contribution of ABEK to the improvement of girl child education in Moroto district. The research hypothesis was developed as follow: There is less improvement of ABEK to the improvement of girl child education in Rupa Sub County in Moroto district” The study was carried out in Rupa Sub County in Moroto district This study area was selected because it is one of the coordinating centers of ABEK in the district. The meth...

Tile Role of Non-Government Organizations Towards Youth Empowerment A Case Study Of Manafwa District -Uganda

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction The study was about the role of NGOs towards the youth employment in Uganda a case study of Manafwa district 1.1 Background of NGOs The term non-governmental organization or NGOs was not in general currency before it was formed to cooperate with each other. When 132 international NGOs formed in 1910, they did so under the label, the union of International Association, UN like much UN jargon, the tern NGO, passed into popular usage particularly from the early I 97...

Adaptation to Urban Floods Among the Poor in The Accra Metropolitan Area

Abstract Urbanisation and climate change are likely to induce more floods in African cities. Nonetheless, studies on public and private adaptation to floods that centre on the urban poor in Africa are scanty. Studies in this area largely reflect the structuralist conception of adaptation. This study departs from this top-down approach as it explores household and public adaptation to urban floods among the poor in Accra from an actor-oriented perspective. Specifically, the study objectives a...

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