Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Domestic Violence And Family Values: An Analysis Of Male And Female Intimate Partner Victims Kiboga District Kapeke Sub County

Domestic violence continues to be a significant social problem in our society. Consequently, various sections of society have intervened to stop the domestic violence. Several programs have been developed to protect the victims and new laws against domestic violence are being enforced. Police departments, family and criminal courts, and victim witness programs, are examples of various systems working to decrease domestic violence and protect the victim. Domestic violence research is another i...

Challenges Of Solid Waste Management A Case Study Of Wabigalo Parish, Makindye Division Kampala District

The study carried out an assessment to establish challenges of solid waste management in Makind_ye Division, Wabigalo Parish and to specifically assess community knowledge on Solid Waste Management, determine the obtaining attitudes and find out or establish community practices in regard to solid waste management. A cross-sectional study was undertaken in the Wabigalo parish where a sample size if a hundred respondents participated in the undertaking. Data was collected using mainly the quant...

Women Emanicipation And Community Development In Buliisa Sub-County Buliisa District.

ABSTRACT The World Bank defines community development (CD) as programmes which “operates on the principles of local empowerment, participatory governance, demand-responsiveness, administrative autonomy, greater downward accountability, and enhanced local capacity. ‘In practice, donors often provide direct funds to village development associations, for them to distribute among projects suggested and managed by community members. Poor and marginalised people such as women have often been v...

Community Involvement On Conservation Of Natural Resources In Uganda. A Case Study Of Mabira Forest Buikwe District.

ABSTRACT The study on community involvement and conservation of natural resources was conducted in Mabira forest specifically to establish the role played by the community in conservation of natural resources, factors which impend community involvement in conservation, challenges to conservation and solutions for proper conservation. The study involved secondary sources of data where the research related her study to different author’s work and authentication and afterwards she made con...

The Influence Of Land Conflicts On Socio Economic Development In Uganda. A Case Study Of Arua Hill Division Arua District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION. APPROVAL . H DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS V C1IAPTU~R ONE 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 .0 Introduction • I Background to the study I .2 Problem statement 4 I .3 Objectives of the study 5 I .4 Research questions 5 1 .5 Scope oCthe study 5 1.6 Significance of the study 6 CIIAPTF~R TWO 8 LITERATURE REViEW 8 2.0 Introduction 8 2. I Origins of land conflicts in Arua district 8 2.2 Nature of Land Conflicts 9 2.3 Causes of land conflicts in U...

A Study To Assess Knowledge And Attitude Of Adolescents Regarding Hiv/Aids Prevention A Study Of Lokopo Sub-County Napak-District

ABSTRACT as part of the efforts to understand the level of knowledge and attitude regarding HIV/AIDS prevention amongst Karamoja adolescents, a study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude of the Karamoja adolescents regarding HIV/AIDS prevention. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 34 respondents along with two focus group discussions and 5 key informants. Out of the 34 respondents, 1 7 were females and the other half were males.25 of the respondent indicated that t...

Violation Of Women’s Reproductive Rights A Case Study Of Bukwo District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS V CHAPTER ONE I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 5 1.3 Objectives of the study 1.3.1 General objective 5 1.3.2 Specific objectives 6 1.4 Scope of the study 6 1.5 Justification for the Study 6 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Conceptual framework 8 1.8 Definition of Key terms 9 CHAPTER TWO 11 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 11 2.0 Introduction 2.1 The relevant h...

Problems Of Food Insecurity Among The People Of Iganga District In Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research was designed focusing on the study of food insecurity on the people of Iganga district and a case study of Iganga district. In the collection of data both qualitative and quantitative method were used encouraged the researcher to present her information in statistics of a tabulation form or percentages. Several data collection techniques were used for stance questionnaire focused group discussions, in depth interviews, document analysis, observation, simple random were...

Role Of Non Governmental Organizations In Promoting Development A Case Of Companssion International, Kalungu District.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Kyamulibwa Sub County, Kalungu district. It was intended to examine the main objectives of the study were to the to examine the roles of nongovernmental organizations towards national development, to establish the challenges non-governmental organizations encountered in the pursuit of their activities and also to examine the solutions to the challenges encountered in the pursuit of their activities in Kyamulibwa Sub-county Kalungu district in central...

Community Conflict On Academic Performance In Secondary Schools In Djiboutl A Case Study Of Balho District.

ABSTRACT This study was done to investigate community class conflict on academic performance. The research used largely qualitative depending on actual observations of behavior and the qualitative analysis of data. Communal class is a personal matter that was not openly discussed by the subject. The researcher adopted the strategic sampling. This was where the population was divided into groups and random samples was taken from within each group bearing the populations as a whole. The researc...

The Impact Of Agricultural Modernization On Economic Development In Rural Communities Of Uganda A Case Study Of Apac District, Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The research carried out on “The impact of Agricultural modernization on economic development” aimed at establishing the relationship between agricultural modernization and economic development in Uganda. The focus of the research also analyzed the modernization techniques in agriculture and how this would enhance and improve the lives of poor households. The investigation also based on the metrics relevant to economic development and the effective mechanisms required in establi...

The Role Of Decentrausation In Community Empowerment For Poverty Alleviation: The Experience Of Endinzi Sub County, Isingiro District

ABSTRACT This report documents the findings of a study on the role of decentralization in community empowerment for poverty alleviation. Endinzi Sub County in Isingiro district was taken as a case study. The study’s main objective was to examine the role of government decentralization in empowering communities for sustainable development. The study adopted questionnaires and interviews as key research instruments. These were administered on the key respondents who included local people and ...

The Role Of Naads Programme In Reducing Household Poverty In Dwaniro Sub County, Kiboga District In Central Uganda

Abstract This chapter presented the introduction to the study, background to the study, problem statement, purpose/general objective of the study, specific objectives, research questions, scope of study, significance of the study and the key terms. 1.1 Background The National Agricultural and Advisory Services (NAADS) Programme was created in 2001 by an Act of Parliament to specifically address constraints of lack of access to agricultural information, knowledge and improved technology among ...

Community involvement on conservation of natural resources in Uganda. A case study of Mabira forest buikwe district.

ABSTRACT  The study on community involvement and conservation of natural resources was conducted in Mabira forest specifically to establish the role played by the community in conservation of natural resources, factors which impend community involvement in conservation, challenges to conservation and solutions for proper conservation. The study involved secondary sources of data where the research related her study to different author’s work and authentication and afterwards she made concl...

Contribution Of Twiga Cement Factory To The Improvement Of Living Standard Of The Sorrounding Community, A Case Study Of Two Sellected Harmlets Of Wazo Ward In Kinondoni Municipality.

This study was conducted at Wazo and Tegeta hamlets of Wazo ward in Kinondoni municipality, to assess the contribution of Twiga cement factory in improving living standard of the surrounding community. A random sample of 80 respondents from the household level was interviewed by using questionnaires, and focus group discussion. And analysis was done using computer program called statistical package for social science (SPSS). Presentation of analyzed data was done by using tables, plates and w...

286 - 300 Of 1134 Results