Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

The influence of monitoring and evaluation on academic performance of upe schools: a case of nkondo sub-county buyende district.

ABSTRACT This research report on the influence of monitoring and evaluation on academic performance of UPE schools was carried out in Nkondosubcounty, Buyende districtUganda, its specific objectives included to identify the maj or areas monitored in UPE schools in Nkondosubcounty, examine the significance of monitoring and evaluation in academic performance of schools in Nkondosubcounty, assess the causes of poor performance of pupils in UPE schools in Nkondo sub-county and to come up with p...

Local Government And Poverty Alleviation In Nabutiti Parish, Makindye Division, Of Kampala, Uganda

One of the highest priorities of international development is to reduce~poverty. In recent years, the definition of poverty has evolved together with a better understanding of the nature of poverty itself and its underlying determinants. In 1990, the World Bank’s World Development Report gave a key role to poverty reduction in development by integrating in its definition of poverty not only low income, but also ‘capabilities’, such as health, education and nutrition, and by stressin...

The Impacts Of Hiv/Aids On Children In Northern Uganda, A Case Study Of Gulu Municipality, Gulu District

ABSTRACT HIV/ AIDS has the potential to create severe economic impacts in many African countries. It is different from most other diseases because it strikes people in the most productive age. According to an article that appeared in the New Vison Newspaper on May 25th 2010 written by Chris Ocowun, there is an upsurge inv HIV/AIDS prevalence in Gulu district from 9.4% in 2008, to 16% in 2009, with Gulu Municipality health sub-district leading with 22.1 %. The pandemic HIV virus and the su...

The Impact Of Drug Abuse On The Socio- Economic Development Of Youths In Kanyaryeru Sub-County, Kiruhura District, Uganda

ABSTRACT  This research study titled “the Impact of Drug Abuse on the Socio- Economic Development of Youths in Kanyaryeru Sub-County, Kiruhura District. The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which drug abuse has affected the youths socioeconomically especially in the aspects of marginalisation, poverty, crimes and unemployment. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used through Questionn...

Employee Rewarding And Staff Performance In Uganda A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Limited Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to examine staff performance and employee rewarding using a case study of Uganda Clays Kajjansi limited. The study was guided by three objectives including: To identify the different types of rewarding systems being used by Uganda clays Kajjansi Limited. To establish the effects of employee rewarding on staff performance in Uganda clays Kajjansi limited. To establish the relationship between employee rewarding and staff performance in Uganda clays Ka...

The Causes Of Sexual And Gender Based Voilence Among The Rural Communities: A Case Study Of Padyere County, Nebbi District

ABSTRACT The revelation of this research has clearly shown the dynamics and the obsessive nature of the causes of Sexual Gender Based Violence in most rural communities of Nebbi district. Research also reveals that the dominant factors for the causes of sexual and gender based violence are centered around the aspects of cultural attributes, poverty, substance abuse and human nature among the core issues that perpetuate Sexual Gender Based Violence. The vast illiteracy levels as revealed by f...

An Inquiry Into Economic Grouth And Youth Employment In Kampala District Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ii APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENT vi CHAPTER ONE 1 THE PERCEpTION OF THE PROBLEM I 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 4 1.3 General Objectives 4 1.4 Specific objectives in this study are 5 1.5 Research objectives 1.6 Significance of the study 5 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE Rj~VIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Theoretical perspective 6 2.2 The relationship between economic growth and employment 7 2.3 Possible solutions to the p...

Effects Of Rapid Population Growth On Socio-Economic Development Case Study Of Nebbi Town Council

ABSTRACT The topic effect of rapid population growth on socio- economic development, the case of Nebbi Town Council (NTC) has been chosen basing on a certain objectives. These objectives include the following: To examine the factors responsible for rapid population growth in the world, Africa, Uganda and Nebbi Town council as case being studied: Investigate the measures that can be put in place to control population growth; and To establish the opinion or the attitude of people in the world, ...

Influence Of Alcohol Use On Family Welfare In Ini)Ustria[. Division, Mbale District, Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on the influence of alcohol used on t~mily we! fare was conducted in industrial division, Mbale district, eastern Uganda. With the objective of assessing the salient causes of alcoholism in industrial division, examining the effects alcoholism on ftTmily ~s elftire and explore the mechanisms for controlling alcoholism to enhance family welt~re. A cross-sectional research design was used, a sample of 50 respondents were selected took part in the answering the questions in th...

Domestic Violence In Eastern Uganda Acase Study Of Buluganya Subcounty Sironko District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on “Domestic Violence in Eastern Uganda was carried out in Buluganga sub county Soronko district in Uganda. Basing on the major three objectives that is Causes of Domestic Violence; Effects and Recommendations to cub down the Vice To comprehend the problem of the study, a documentary Literature Review was carried out through use of a descriptive, exploratory design based on qualitative and quantitative measures by help of questionnaires and face to face interviews to obt...

Assessing The Contribution Of Abek (Alternative Basic Education For Karamoja) On The Uplift Of Girl Child Education In Rupa A Sub-County Moroto District North Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The research study was intended to study the assessment of the contribution of ABEK to the improvement of girl child education in Moroto district. The research hypothesis was developed as follow: “There is less improvement of ABEK to the improvement of girl child education in Rupa Sub County in Moroto district.” The study was carried out in Rupa Sub County in Moroto district. This study area was selected because it is one ofthe coordinating centers ofABEK in the district. The me...

Effect of collective community participation on household income. A case study of bugulumbya sub county, kamuli district, uganda

ABSTRACT This study on the effect of collective community participation on household income a case study of Bugulumbya sub ounty ,kamuli, sought to determine whether the introduction of collective community participation in Bugulumbya sub county has influenced any processes of resource mobilization and realization of household income amongst the individual households in Bugulumba sub county in particular. This study was, therefore, designed to investigate to identify specific activities in B...

The Influence Of Community Based Savings Micro Finance On Poverty Eradication In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kabwohe Town Council, Sheema District

ABSTRACT The study on “Community based savings micro finance and household income poverty eradication in Kabwohe town council, Sheema district” was guided by three research objectives which sought to: Examine the impact of Community Based Savings Micro Finance towards poverty eradication among the households of Kabwohe town council Sheema district; establish the challenges being faced by Community Based Savings Micro Finance beneficiaries in their struggle to eradicate household income p...

Problems Of Food Insecurity Among The People Of Iganga District In Uganda

ABSTRACT The research was designed focusing on the study of food insecurity on the people of Iganga district and a case study of Iganga district. In the collection of data both qualitative and quantitative method were used encouraged the researcher to present her information in statistics of a tabulation form or percentages. Several data collection techniques were used for stance questionnaire focused group discussions, in depth interviews, document analysis, observation, simple random were...

Teenage Pregancy In Kisozi Subcounty, Kamuli District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research report was to assess the effects of increasing teenage pregnancy on girls in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli District. The study was guided by four specific objectives which included; to identify the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli District; to assess the causes of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub-county, Kamuli District; to establish the effects of teenage pregnancy in Kisozi sub county, Kamuli district and to come up with possible ...

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