Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Roles Of Education, Contraception And Desired Fertility On Liberia’s Fertility

ABSTRACT After about a decade of civil war, Liberia still has a fertility similar to other countries who have not had such similar experiences. The civil war was expected to lead to a decrease in fertility given the expected increased usage of contraceptives and decrease in the desire for children. So, the question about the role of education, contraception and desired fertility was asked. To answer this question, four main questions were asked. First, whose education is more significant in ...

Inequality And The Translation Of Economic Growth Into Human Development: Evidence From Africa

ABSTRACT Considering the level of inequality (GINI) and its importance in economic performance and the attainments of human development (HD), this paper examines the role of inequality in the translation of economic growth (GDPG) to HD. The study was conducted using 39 African countries from the period of 1980 to 2015. A change in non-income HD measure (△HD) comprising life expectancy at birth and education with a five-year difference was computed. An average for every five-year period cor...

Can East Africa Adopt One Currency? A Generalized - Purchasing Power Parity Analysis.

ABSTRACT The East African Community (EAC) is actively pursuing the formation of a monetary union by 2023. The EAC is located in the eastern part of Africa and is made up of six neighbouring countries namely; Burundi, South Sudan, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The countries have so far made considerable progress towards monetary integration with the establishment of a customs union in 2005 and a common market in 2010. The EAC Monetary Union (EAMU) protocol lays the groundwork for the mo...

External Migrant Remittances And Household Expenditure Patterns In Ghana

ABSTRACT Research into expenditure patterns of households using external remittances for consumption or investment purpose has gained prominent attention in academic and policy circles recently. This study joins the debate to analyze the relationship between external migrant remittances and household expenditure patterns in Ghana. The study looks at key consumption and investment variables namely food, utilities, education, health, agriculture and housing to assess the expenditure behavior o...

Efficiency Of Household Electricity Consumption In Ghana

ABSTRACT The wave of technological advancement has made electricity an indispensable input in an economy. It reigns at the center of households’ basic activities and productivity of industrial and service firms. Its supply in Ghana, like many other African countries has however, not been consistent over the years. This lays demand on policymakersfrom households and firms to increase the quantity supplied. In response to this, several thermal plants have been installed to augment the limite...

Decent Work And The Working Poor: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT The number of global working poor far exceeds the number of unemployed people. Thus, employment creation is not sufficient for poverty alleviation. For this reason, the concept of ‘decent work’, which seeks to measure the quality and quantity of work was proposed by the ILO in 1999 as a necessary and sufficient condition for poverty eradication. Achieving universal decent work is now one of the first eight SDG’s to be achieved by all countries in 2030. Previous studies on dece...

Impact Of Foreign Aid On Economic Growth In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study analyzed the impact of foreign aid on economic growth in Tanzania. The study questioned the contribution of foreign aid on the development and recurrent expenditure as one of the source of funds, apart from net external finance and Government revenue; which most prior empirical works did not mention. The study filled this gap in literature by analyzing official development assistance, development expenditure financed by foreign aid and recurrent expenditure financed by for...

Economic Analysis Of Small-Scale Poultry Production In Dodoma Region: A Case Of Chawakubodo Cooperative Society

ABSTRACT Agriculture is one of the major economic activities in Tanzania. The sector links crops cultivation, forest, fishing and livestock production. Livestock contributes seven percent of the total Gross Domestic Product and poultry production contributes 1.8% only. Poultry farming present an interested case and continue to play an important role in the context of food demand resulted by high population and mounting land constraint. On the other hand, Poultry sector is still underutilized...

The Determinants Of Health Insurance In Nigeria

ABSTRACT In Nigeria, health insurance is not a commonly purchased financial instrument. Recently debates have revolved around extending health insurance coverage to a wider range of the population, via compulsory insurance scheme. However, the debate rarely considers the competing demands placed on the family budget. In this work, we examined the factors that will increase the benefits of those that have health insurance cover in the formal sector and the factors that will influence th...

The Effects of Multiple Taxation on Small- Scale Enterprises in Ebonyi State

Abstract The study, "The Effects of Multiple Taxation on Small-Scale Enterprises in Ebonyi State" focused on finding the changes in the operations of Small-Scale Enterprises prompted by imposition of multiple taxation. It also looked at the impact of multiple taxation on investment decision of SSEs operators. Descriptive statistics was used go study the data collected for this work through a well-structured questionnaire. The Godman's and Kruskal's Gamma, a non-parametric measures of associat...

An Empirical Analysis Of The Sacrifice Ratio In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study empirically analyzed the sacrifice ratio in Nigeria for the period 1970-2013, using the Instrumental Variables Generalized Method of Moments (IV-GMM) technique. The results revealed that inflation inertia has a significant negative impact on the actual rate of inflation in Nigeria. It was also revealed that the percentage of a year’s real GDP that must be forgone to reduce inflation by 1 percentage point in Nigeria is 5.1. In 1982, 53.55 percent of the GDP was sacrif...

Public Education Expenditure And Economic Growth In Nigeria: 1970 - 2010.

ABSTRACT Theoretical and empirical evidences support the prime role of public education expenditure in rapid and persistent economic growth. However, available statistics in Nigeria does not seem to support this view. An average of 5.72 per cent of public expenditure was spent on education between 1970 and 2010. During the same period, economic growth was not only inconsistent, but averaged 0.6 per cent. Public education expenditure, no doubt promotes educational attainment which could be reg...

Analysis Of International Trade Performance In Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries: Impact Of Institutional Framework

ABSTRACT Sub-Saharan  Africa  (SSA)  with  over  12.3%  of  the  world’s  population contributed as  little  as 1.41% of  world’s total  output in 2008. In terms of international trade, SSA region has performed below expectations. Its total, service and manufactured exports shares in world market on the average were at  low  values  of  0.04%,  0.02%  and  0.01%  between  1995  and  2008, respectively. The values were far lower than the world average as well as wh...

The Impact Of Health Investments On Child Mortality In West Africa (1992-2012)

ABSTRACT This study examines how various health investments culminate in child health outcomes in Africa, case study the ECOWAS region. The main objectives of the study includes evaluating the impact of health inputs to health on child mortality in developing and advanced nations, and to determine if socioeconomic status has significant impact on child mortality. The study used panel data gathered from the World Bank World Development Indicators database. Data analysis relied on the use of t...

Foreign Aid And Economic Development In Sub Saharan Africa: The Role Of Institutions (1996-2010)

Abstract This Study Examined The Relationship Between Foreign Aid And Economic Development In Sub Saharan Africa. The Study Seeks To Examine The Role Of Institutions In Aid Effectiveness And Economic Development In Sub Saharan Africa. The Study Adopted A Theoretical Framework Similar To The Endogenous Or New Growth Model, As Well As; The System Generalized Method Of Moments (Gmm) Technique Of Estimation Was Adopted In Order To Overcome The Challenge Of Endogeneity Perceived In The Institutio...

541 - 555 Of 1539 Results