Economics Research Papers/Topics

Total Debt Servicing And Macroeconomic Performance In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya seeks to meet the Millennium Development Goals, under the guidance of The Kenya Vision 2030. The leading challenge to this course remains the soaring debt servicing obligations, capturing a significant portion of the national budget. Kenya has been borrowing externally at higher rates and continually expanding the debt ceiling. The government will therefore in future spend a significant portion of its revenue repaying the debts at the cost of important local investment. The gov...

Testing The Fiscal, Current And Financial Account Deficits Nexus (Triplet Deficits Hypothesis) For Kenya 1980-2014

ABSTRACT Macro-economic theory suggests that there exists a causal relationship that runs from the Budget Deficit to Current account deficit, a concept referred to as the Twin Deficits Hypothesis. Further analysis has pointed towards an extension of this relationship running up to the Financial Account through the Savings-Investment Imbalance, a concept known as the Triplet Deficits Hypothesis. Presence of the triplet deficits implies that all the accounts are in deficit making internal balan...

An Analysis Of The Factors Influencing Demand For Masters In Education Degree: A Case Study Of The University Of Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education is regarded as both type of consumption and investment .People want schools sometimes, as they want TV sets- a status symbol. They want their children to learn to read because they will enjoy life more a result. These are just some of the consumptions benefits of education. Future levels of production are not developed simply on labour and physical capital- but on technical knowledge and the skills of the labour force and these are provided by education (Maureen Woodhall, 1...

The Impact Of Igas In Financing Public Secondary Schools A Case Study Of Murang’a South District In Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya government recognizes education as a critical tool in transforming the society. It spends a lot of funds on education in relation to the national budget. However, despite the continued increase in government investment in secondary education, education resources are never adequate to match the ever increasing enrolment rates. In connection to this, several public secondary schools have mobilized their scarce resources to establish IGAs in order to supplement the government ...

The optimal size of government expenditure and economic growth in kenya 1963 – 2012”

ABSTRACT The effect of government size on economic growth has given rise to conflicting views among economists. Some view a large government size as harmful to economic growth due to inefficiencies inherent in government. The other group of economists argues that a larger size of government is likely to enhance economic growth. Kenya’s public expenditure has been experiencing rapid growth since 1963, while GDP growth over the same period has not followed the same path. The main objective of...

Dividend Payout And Financial Performance Of Manufacturing Firms Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT To determine the correct mix of dividend and retained earnings and how it affects profitability has been a subject in Literature of financial management. This research came in to contribute to the on-going debate by examining the relationship between dividend pay-out and financial performance of manufacturing firms listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The key motivation was to establish if the findings of this study are consistent with prior empirical studies as found in both S...

Fuel In Kenya: An Analysis Of Household Choices In Major Kenyan Cities

ABSTRACT In the developing nations of Sub-Saharan Africa, providing households with modern energy services is a critical step towards development. A large majority of households in the region rely on traditional biomass fuels for cooking, which represent a significant proportion of energy used in the domestic setting. The disadvantages of these fuels are many: they are inefficient energy carriers and their heat is difficult to control; they produce dangerous emissions; and their current rate ...

Effect Of Energy Price Liberalization On Economic Growth In Kenya (1980 – 2014)

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of energy price liberalization on economic growth in Kenya. Energy sector is an important component of economy, and just like other goods and services, energy price affects its demand, supply and use. The use of energy is embedded in the production function that leads to economic growth. In Kenya, the energy sector contributes about 9.49 percent of GDP with the petroleum sector, electricity sector and fuel wood sector contrib...

Agricultural Trade And Economic Growth In East African Community, 2000 - 2012

ABSTRACT Agricultural activities contribute about 33% of the East African Community‟s Gross Domestic Product (World Bank, 2009), 80 per cent of the populace depend on agriculture directly and indirectly for food, employment and income, while about 40 million people in EAC suffer from hunger. Intra-EAC trade is very low, that is, at 9 per cent of the total regional trade, but it is on upward trend. Agricultural trade accounts for over 40 per cent of the intra-EAC trade. This study investigat...

Benefit Incidence Analysis Of Constituencies Development Fund Spending On Education Bursaries In Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Constituencies Development Fund is one of the decentralized efforts started by Government of Kenya to tackle poverty and regional imbalances in Kenya since 2003. It has allocated over 40 per cent of the resources annually to education sector including bursaries. However, doubts have been cast over time as to whether the Fund’s expenditure is effectively targeted towards meeting the needs of the poor as anticipated especially in the education bursaries that take substantial reso...

Dynamic Linkage Between Foreign Equity Flows And Stock Market Returns At The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT This study investigated the dynamic linkage between foreign equity flows and equity returns at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) since foreign equity flows are expected to induce a surge in domestic stock prices and consequently a fall in price when foreign equity investors exit the domestic stock market. An increase in the stock prices attracts foreign investors in to the domestic stock market. The main objective of this study was to understand how stock prices in Kenya influenc...

Participation In Microfinance And Its Effects On Household Welfare And Performance Of Micro And Small Enterprises In Kenya

ABSTRACT The development of microfinance in Kenya is seen as a catalyst for promoting household welfare and performance of micro and small enterprises (MSEs). Through various policy frameworks, the sub-sector has recorded considerable increases in; microfinance gross lending, usage of informal microfinance and the number of licensed microfinance banks. Despite these developments, households continue to face low levels of welfare while MSEs continue to suffer from high levels of financial excl...

Banking Sector Instability In Nigeria: Impact On The Economy (1980 – 2011).

ABSTRACT Most of the studies relating banking activities and macroeconomic behavior of many nations focused on the effect of macroeconomic instability on banking sectors. This study rather examines the impact of banking instability on the Nigerian economy. Annual data were used ranging from 1980 to 2011 drawn from various data publication issues domestically and those outside the country. Variables taken into consideration in the course of analysis are those proxies to the banking instabilit...

Effect Of Agricultural Performance On Human Development And Households’ Welfare In Kenya

ABSTRACT The performance of agricultural sector in Kenya over the last twenty-five years has not only been declining but low as well. This has been attributed to various factors including; continued erratic weather conditions, high production cost including high prices of fertilizers and high quality seeds, inadequate access to farm inputs and relevant technology, poor implementation of agricultural reforms, policies and programmes, declining prices for primary commodities in the internationa...

The Effect Of Foreign Aid On Agriculture, Education And Health Sectors In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study has observed the impact of foreign aid to the agriculture, education and health sectors, on the growth of the respective sectors in Ghana, over a period from 1980 to 2013 using the Vector Autoregression (VAR) approach. The necessary time series tests such as stationary test, cointegration test, error correction, and Granger causality tests in vector error correction model were carried out. The empirical results from the regression reveals that, foreign aid has a significa...

526 - 540 Of 1539 Results