Economics Research Papers/Topics

Fiscal Asymmetric Decentralization Conundrum: Influence of County Cash Management on Household Effects in Kenya

Abstract This study aims at determining the influence of county cash management on household effects in Kenya. This is a qualitative research that has utilized both primary and secondary data from county governments and the National Treasury respectively. The sample has been developed from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics list of households in Kenya. The result indicates that effective cash management would enhance household welfare, leakages and lack of prioritization among others no...

Capital Intensity and Financial Performance Of Manufacturing Companies Listed At Nairobi Securities Exchange.

Abstract ixed assets form a significant portion of a company’s expenses and instrumental in shaping probable returns for organizations. Capital intensity for manufacturing companies is vital in informing cost management and investment decisions. Companies are given tax allowances on fixed assets in the form of wear and tear, investment and industrial building deduction which provide tax credits with consequential effects of increasing organizational after-tax returns. Manufacturing sector ...

Effect of Procurement Planning on Procurement Function Performance in Kakamega County Government

Abstract The public sector, including the county government, has undergone massive changes over time amid the existence of several regulations and laws. The realization of efficiency and effectiveness has been a tall order. This study, therefore, sought to establish the effect of procurement planning on procurement function performance in Kakamega County Government. This study was guided by one null hypothesis. The review of the literature consisted of a theoretical review and an empirical r...

Effects of Exchange Rate on Performance of Equity Funds in Kenya

Abstract In recent years, Kenya has witnessed significant growth in both the quantity and scale of diversified equity mutual funds. Despite this expansion, their performance has not surpassed that of their benchmark, specifically the market return on a risk-adjusted basis. This assessment is based on various performance measures, including the Sharpe ratio. Poor performance of mutual funds in Kenya discourages individual and corporate investors, in addition to hindering the realization of Vi...

Effect of Mobile Phone-Based Digital Technologies on the Performance of Refugee Women-Led Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Kakuma Refugee Camp

Abstract The contribution of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to economic development as well as the role of digital technology in MSME performance are underscored in many studies globally. MSMEs provide over 70% of employment, contribute to national revenue, and are considered key to increasing productivity. In Africa, MSMEs are also recognized for skill development and upward mobility in diverse geographic areas and economic sectors, provide livelihood and income for diverse se...

Analysing the Impact of Sudden Capital Inflow Shocks on Kenya's Economic Growth: A Quarterly Time Series Analysis (2008 - 2022)

Abstract Economic growth indicates the ability of a country to alleviate the poverty rate, reduce the unemployment rate, attain a surplus in balance of payments, and achieve a sustainable increase in gross domestic product (GDP). To achieve improved and continued growth of the economy in a country, there is a need to consider the stability of macroeconomic factors. Therefore, this study sought to examine the effect of capital inflow shocks on Kenya’s economic growth. The study employed a c...

Determinants of Negotiated Wages in the Kenyan Banking Industry

Abstract Over time, wages in the Kenyan banking sector have increased, but not at a rate that has kept up with inflation. This has had a negative effect in that the employees in the banking sector were unable to maintain the standards they were used to. In the banking industry, the average yearly wage per employee climbed from Kes 10,424 in 1968 to Kes 2,082,067 in 2021. The period from 1972 to 1994 saw the greatest loss in the buying power of earnings for banking personnel. From highs of Ke...

Effect of Provision of Non-Audit Services on Internal Audit Effectiveness in Public Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions in Western Region, Kenya

Abstract The effectiveness of internal auditing, particularly when it is tightly aligned with risk management frameworks, compliance standards, and strengthened internal controls, attracts substantial attention worldwide, particularly from governing authorities. This attention is directly derived from the distinct operational role that government sectors have in fostering economic activity. To achieve internal audit effectiveness, the provision of non-audit services must not be compromised. ...

Effect of External Debt on Performance of the Agricultural Sector in Kenya

Abstract Agriculture forms the backbone of the economy in most developing and developed countries. Its production has increased significantly over the last three to four decades. In 2018, it contributed to about 4% of global gross domestic product (GDP), and in 2020, it accounted for 35 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) and 65 percent of foreign exchange earnings in Kenya. It’s also a primary source of raw materials for both national and international industries. However, its per...

Influence of Capital Risk on Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Kenya

Abstract Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) services and activities in Kenya have helped the country reduce its poverty rate, but the country is still among the poorest in the world. Microfinance institutions in Kenya have also reported capital risk in terms of pricing since they have less flexibility to adjust prices due to their financial structure. The main objective of the study is to establishthe influence of capital risk on the financial performance of microfinance institutions in Kenya....

Supplier Risk Management Practices and Performance of Supply Chain in the Health Sector in Kenya

Abstract Disruptions within the supply chain due to various risks can have significant and far-reaching consequences for businesses. To effectively address these risks, firms must develop robust strategies for risk management. The focal point of this study was the examination of supplier risk management practices and their influence on the performance of supply chains within the healthcare sector in Kenya. Employing a descriptive survey research design, the study targeted a pool of 102 respo...

Effect of Government Capital Expenditure on Tourism Sector Growth in Kenya

Abstract Tourism is a vital sector of Kenya’s economy by contributing to employment, alleviation of poverty, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), foreign exchange earnings, and balance of payments surplus. Tourism is a productive economic activity that needs a stable macroeconomic environment in terms of budgetary resource allocation for sustainable and continued growth. Thus, this study sought to establish the effect of government capital expenditure on tourism sector growth in Kenya. The study ...

Strategic Direction and Firm Performance: Evidence from the SACCO Secto

Abstract Purpose: Strategic direction setting is a critical leadership practice to be adopted by organizations that intend to attain good performance. This study sought to examine the influence of strategic direction on Sacco performance. Design/Methodology: The study utilized descriptive and correlational research design. The study was conducted in SACCOs in Kenya. Primary data was collected using a close ended questionnaire from SACCOs senior managers and CEOs were also interviewed. For da...

Transformational leadership and innovation in deposit taking SACCOs

Abstract With the drive for enhanced financial inclusion of the population through encouraging savings and investments in a bid to spur economic growth and attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the critical role played by Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) in developing countries in this endeavor cannot be gainsaid. It is worth noting that the extent to which such entities will contribute to economic development depends on the leadership paradigm utilized in guiding...

Transformational leadership and innovation in deposit taking SACCOs. The moderating role of competitor orientation

Abstract With the drive for enhanced financial inclusion of the population through encouraging savings and investments in a bid to spur economic growth and attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the critical role played by Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) in developing countries in this endeavor cannot be gainsaid. It is worth noting that the extent to which such entities will contribute to economic development depends on the leadership paradigm utilized in guiding...

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