Economics Research Papers/Topics

Analyzing the Impact of Devolution on Economic Development Potentialities in Kenya

Abstract: Kenya's 2010 constitution declares equity to be an underlying princi ple of governance, which is constituent with its provision for devolution. While institutionalization of equity is acknowledged by the previously marginal ized, this is often not the case with beneficiaries of the old order. In order to efficaciously implement the letter and spirit of Kenya's constitution devolution, it is important for Kenyans to understand that while nature vastly differentiated their country, s...

Economic Diplomacy – A Lever for Inter-State Trade In Africa: A Case Study of COMESA

Abstract: This study seeks to examine the potential of economic diplomacy for the promotion of intra-African trade, with a focus on the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) region. The study focuses on the following research questions: Do the different member states of COMESA apply economic diplomacy? What has been the impact of economic diplomacy COMESA member states? What is the way forward for economic diplomacy among COMESA member states? This study will apply a mixed m...

Accounting for Sectoral Variances in Public Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Kenya (2013-2018)

Abstract: Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are considered an integral avenue for the pursuit of Kenya‟s development agenda. They are seen as a vehicle through which the government encourages and involves the private sector through investments in projects and services, give better value for money and transfer significant risk and management to the private sector. The adoption of the PPP arrangement by Kenya was prompted by the increasing demand for quality and affordable services from cit...

Public-Private Partnerships as a Mechanism of Economic Self Reliance in Kenya

Abstract: The main objective of this study was to examine the role the private sector plays in attaining economic self-reliance in Kenya. Currently Kenya is in a debt crisis due to unsustainable external borrowing. The study was guided by two theories: institutional differences and new theory of management. The study employed a mixed methodology. The study seeks to find how through the PPPs Kenya can attain economic self-reliance as well as create a sustainable approach to detach from extern...

An Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impact of Cash Transfers: A Comparative Study of Kenya and Malawi between 2008 And 2014

Abstract: Cash transfers have increasingly been regarded as best practice for social protection mechanisms in developing countries. In Kenya, the pilot program of cash transfer introduced in the year 2004 focused on Orphans and vulnerable children with the aim of mitigating the effect of Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Immuno Virus (HIV) on children in the nation. In Malawi, the Social Cash Transfer was rolled out in 2006 on a pilot basis in response to chronic hunger an...

South-South Migration: The Impact of Diaspora Remittance on National Development of Kenya

Abstract: There is a growing recognition of the south to south migration in developing countries, shaping the relationship between diaspora remittance and national development. It is for this reason that the study was justified on the basis that many studies on remittance are derived from the Global north than the Global south. The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between diaspora remittances to Kenya’s national development focusing on the Global south. The study was guid...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Sovereign Wealth Fund on Development: Case of Rwanda and Norway

Abstract: In recent years, the Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) have emerged as dynamic class as a crucial source of funding for economic development especially in times of economic crisis. The funds currently managed through various SWF are estimated between 2 and 3 trillion dollars, which is huge in terms of its development value to states that own them. For the developing countries of Africa, the objectives of creating SWF are to provide a resilient source of development in finance. Rwanda is...

The Role of Regional Trade Agreements on Africa’s Multilateral Policy Growth: An Analysis of East African Integration

Abstract: This thesis examines the role of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa’s multilateral growth, the various factors that lead to their proliferation and the role of globalization in Africa’s multilateral policy. The East African Community integration has been used as a case study to represent Africa multilateralism. To bridge further gaps, the study considered the role of African Regional Trade Agreements in defining their place in multilateral platforms, thereby concluding that Af...

Factors That Explain the Low Intra-EAC Trade For the Period between 2010 and 2017: A Case Study of Kenyan Exports

Abstract: The East African Community (EAC) has taken a step forward by implementing a free trade area, customs union and a common market in its region. It is also on the journey of achieving an economic union and eventually a political federation. This implementation of the former requires the removal of all trade barriers in the intra-regional trade. The EAC region has incorporated the removal of trade barriers for efficient regional integration among the member states. However, the region ...

Assessing The Effects of Kenya’s And Tanzania’s Economic Interests in the East African Community (EAC) Between the Periods 1967-1977 And 2000-2016

Abstract: Regional integration has been a constant feature in East African region’s states relations. After independence Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania formed the East African Community (EAC) which later collapsed. Attempts to revive integration were successful, culminating in the revival of the community. This study looked at integration of the East African Community during these two periods. The study also focused on the economic interests pursued by the region’s biggest economies namely K...

Strengthening a Vibrant Domestic Investment Market for Economic Growth in Kenya

Abstract: A thriving private sector is central to achieving the objectives of Kenya’s Vision 2030. In fact, the success of Vision 2030 is largely premised on the role of the private sector in achieving the countries growth objectives and, thereby, creating greater wealth and employment opportunities. In general, the private sector in Kenya is vibrant and in good health. Kenya is a promising place to do business, with growing markets and good opportunities. Importantly, there is a widesprea...

Assessing The Efficacy and Sustainability of External Borrowing for Kenya’s Economic Development: 2003 – 2017

Abstract: This study has established that Kenya has been borrowing money unilaterally, multinational, and from global financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. This has been the case because after gaining independence the country has always envisioned a future where the earning and purchasing power parity of the population is reasonable enough to maintain a high velocity of money and a near full employment status. Part of the vision also includes deve...

Examining the Effects of Politics on Trade in Regional Blocs’ Economic Integration: A Case of the East African Community and the European Union.

Abstract: This study focused on the examining the effects of politics trade in East African Community (EAC) trade and economic integration, with the European Union (EU) examined as setting the pace and can be used as a model in helping other regions to achieve a robust Regional Economic Integration. Regional Economic Integration has enabled countries to focus on issues that are relevant to their state development in many African countries, as well as encourage trade between neighbors. The fo...

Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: Does Corruption and Democracy Matter?

This study investigated the potential role of corruption and democracy in the expenditure-economic growth nexus. Economic literature predicts economic growth-enhancing activities of various core functions of government. However, excess government expenditure, in corrupt and undemocratic countries, may slow down the overall performance of the economy through rent-seeking activities, ineffectiveness and engaging in unproductive projects. The research objective is to analyze the role of democrac...


Abstract: Household savingis a crucial determinant of the supply of funds for investment. However, saving trend in Ethiopia particularly in the study area is very low and little is known empirically about its determinants. This study, therefore, was aimed at investigating the determinants of the saving behavior of households in Dire Dawa city, Eastern Ethiopia. Data were collected from four Kebeles and 122 sample households taken from the selected kebeles by using interview schedule. Discrip...

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