Economics Research Papers/Topics

Impact Of Economic Growth On Environmental Quality In Zimbabwe 1985-2015

ABSTRACT This research was mainly aimed at investigating the environmental impact of economic growth in Zimbabwe for the period 1985-2015. Various authors have expressed their views with regards to the determinants of environmental degradation with economic growth as the major player. CO2 was used as a proxy for environmental quality. Using the Ordinary Least Squares model, the researcher obtained that in the early stages of development, growth accelerates the rate of environmental quality lo...

The Determinants Of Foreign Reserves In Nigeria

Abstract Foreign exchange reserves’ adequacy is a key component of good macroeconomic management. Foreign reserves can be used to smoothen exchange rate volatility in illiquid foreign exchange markets. This study adopts a modified version of buffer stock model to analyze the determinants of Nigeria’s foreign reserves. Using annual time series data from 1970 to 2009, the study regresses international reserve variable on macroeconomic variables: real income, interest rate differential (a me...

Institutional Quality And Stock Market Development In Nigeria - An Application Of The Ardl Approach

ABSTRACT This study was motivated by the growing concern on the impact of Institutional Quality on economic outcomes. The study focused specifically on the Nigerian Stock Market due to its critical role in the economy as a vehicle for efficient resource allocation. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing procedure is employed using data from 1985 to 2012. The study used the ARDL model to ascertain the long-run impact of institutional quality on stock market development in Nig...

Economic Effects Of Crude Oil Exploitation On Cassava Production In Delta State

ABSTRACT This study examined the economic effects of crude oil exploitation on cassava production in Delta State. Specifically, the effect of crude oil exploitation on land productivity, farm income and cassava yield was explored. The costs and returns, and hence profitability of cassava production as influenced by oil pollution, the farming systems and socio-economic characteristics of cassava farmers were critically examined. Copies of well structured questionnaires were used to collect pri...

Determinants Of Important Demand For Cameroon 1968-88

ABSTRACT arnrruon has ' bse n facing a 'current account d e f i c i t n i tlcc: 1 '1f?7 and w i l l cor~t;j.nucb t o do 80 in -Lklc ne:lrest future. This will imply a n e t , resource d r a i n at a time w ! ~ t : n lent:-term c a p i t a l inves trrre nt l o o k s b l e a k give r l the sk~i f ti n emphasis o f we s t e r n financial commitmerit. 'L'~I= c o u n t r y must therefore make urgent moves at a r r e s t i n g t h i s d e f i c i t . Increasinfy . e x p o r t s f o r Cameroon will ...

An Empirical Study Of The Foreign Exchange Rate Premium In Nigeria (1970-2007).

Abstract This work evaluates the trends in the parallel market exchange rate premium, its determination and impact on the foreign exchange market in Nigeria. It examines the impact of existing demand and supply gaps in the overall foreign exchange market on the determination of the parallel market premium. It further examines the impact of the parallel market exchange rate premium on the determination of the official exchange rate and the parallel market rates. The study uses the stock-flow m...

Effectiveness Of Monetary Policy In Stimulating Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Effectiveness of monetary policy in stimulating economic growth This study investigates the effectiveness of monetary policy in stimulating economy growth in Nigeria using AK production Function and Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model. The empirical evidence depicts that economic growth in Nigeria is influenced by money supply, electric power consumption, gross fixed capital formation and trade openness. This shows that monetary policy is effective in maintaining economic growth on the...

Effect Of Internal Audit Practices On Financial Performance In Kenya: A Case Of Vihiga County Government

ABSTRACT Financial performance of County governments in Kenya has been rated to be below average, as is evidenced in the 2017/2018 Auditor General’s report, on County governments’ performance. Available information attests to the fact that Audit practices are an inherent function of the operations of all government activities. Audit provides unbiased, objective assessments of responsible and effective public resources management in an effort to achieve intended results, through accountabi...

Effect Of E-Procurement On Service Delivery Among County Governments In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, e-procurement has gained popularity especially with the advent of technology. In United States of America for instance, rapid development of e-procurement was reported in early 2000 just before the recession. By the end of the year 2000, it was reported that all state functions were maintaining web presence in at least some stage of their procurement processes with some participating in online bidding. In Kenya, organizations are adopting e-procurement. County governments a...

Effect Of Unit Costs On Students’ Performance In Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education Examinations In Public Secondary Schools In Vihiga Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education contributes to economic growth, enhanced productivity, national and social development, and social equity hence governments and households heavily invest in all forms of education. Despite the heavy expenditure on education by the governments and households, little attention has been given to the unit cost of education of each student and its effect on academic performance. Schools in Vihiga Sub-County charge extra levies besides Ministry of Education(MOE) recommended fee g...

The Effect Of Public And Private Health Care Expenditures On Infant Mortality Rate In Kenya

ABSTRACT Public and the private sectors finance Kenyan healthcare system. The public and private sectors contribute34% and 40% of the total health expenditure respectively and the donor contribution is 26%. The total health spending is 6.8% instead of the 15% of the total government expenditure, as per the Abuja agreement to which Kenya is a signatory. The infant mortality rates (IMR) in Kenya is still high, 39 per 1000 live births. While policy and strategy formulation forums pushes for incr...

Factors Affecting The Performance Of Distribution Logistics Among Manufucturing Firms In Kenya: A Case Study Of Kibos Sugar Company Limited

ABSTRACT Empirical studies shows that distribution logistics impact tremendously on performance of an entire organization as it links the organization to the customers. Kibos sugar company report in 2016 revealed that there was a performance drop from 56% in 2014 to 47% in 2015 and this was attributed to distribution logistics. Therefore this study established factors affecting performance of distribution logistics among production firms in Kenya: a case of Kibos Sugar Company limited and all...

Causal Relationship between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Southern Africa: A Static and Dynamic Panel Data Approach (2006-2015)

ABSTRACT The study seeks to investigate the causal linkage between financial development and economic growth of 14 Southern African countries over the period 2006-2015. The study utilises static and dynamic panel regression models with private sector credit ratio and broad money ratio as financial development indicators. Mixed findings are found in this study depending on the method used. There is, however, convincing evidence of causality running from financial development to economic growth...

Relationship Between Strategy Implementation And Organizational Performance, A Study Of National Bank Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Strategy Implementation is the process of institutionalization and operationalization of strategies put in place by an organization to achieve its set objectives. Organizational performance is therefore the output or result realized by an organization as a result of implementation of strategies an organization has in place and can be measured against its set objectives or goals. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between strategy implementation and performa...


ABSTRACT Distributor SMEs provide employment, jobs and support economies. They represent the interest of exporters in their specified territories for agreed range of products. However, a 2016 survey indicated that in 2015 and 2016, distributor SMEs had anticipated growth of 58% and 70% respectively. Yet, 11% was the reported growth totally in line with the plans in 2015. Further, a 2013 report by the ministry of industry and commerce in Kericho County indicated that the distributor SMEs in th...

691 - 705 Of 1539 Results