Economics Research Papers/Topics

Assessing The Effects Of Capital Structure On Performance Of Non-Financial Firms Listed On The Zse (2010 – 2016)

ABSTRACT All firms have to make a decision on how to finance their operations. A firm can use retained profit or borrow from financial institutions, or offer securities and shares. Each source of funds has its own advantages and disadvantages. The proportion of debt to equity applied by firms determines the capital structure of a firm. This study therefore investigated the relationship between capital structure and the performance of non-financial companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchan...

Determinants Of Nhif Services Provision Among Accredited Drugs Dispensing Outlets In Kilombero District

ABSTRACT Health insurance scheme is important in improving health finance in Tanzania. However, health insurance faces numerous difficulties including inadequate health services availability. This study attempted to assess the determinants of health insurance services provision among Accredited Drugs Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in Kilombero district. The objective of the study is to assess the social-economic factors affecting the response of private sector Accredited Drugs dispending Outlets...

Capital Structures In Nigerian Firms - Patterns Determinants, Adjustment, Optimality And Costs

Abstract This study is an attempt to extend the frontiers of knowledge about company finances, with particular empirical reference to Nigeria. It examines the extent to which Nigerian firms use owners’ funds (equity) and borrowed funds (debt). It covers a period of 10 years, from 1974 to 1983. The study  samples 87 non-financial companies quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange; the sample excuses the financial sector because its financing patterns sharply differ from those of the other secto...

An Examination Of The Determinants Of Real Exchange Rate In Namibia

ABSTRACT This study examines the determinants of the real exchange rate in Namibia using annual time series for the period 1980 to 2014. The fundamental determinants of the real exchange rate in Namibia are openness, terms of trade, ratio of government expenditure to GDP and the ratio of investment to GDP. Time series properties were tested for stationarity using the Dickey Fuller-GLS test. The variables were found to be nonstationary but became stationary at their first differences. The stu...

Revenue Productivity Of The Tax System In Namibia

ABSTRACT Namibia depends mainly on tax revenue to finance the budget. This study evaluate the revenue productivity of Namibia’s overall tax system on the basis of estimates of tax buoyancy and tax elasticity, using the quarterly time series data for the period 2001 to 2014. Secondary data from ministry of finance was used in this study. Time series properties were tested using Dickey fuller (ADF) to test the existence of unit roots among the variables. The variables were found to be non-sta...

An Econometric Study Of Fixed Capital And Investment Behaviour In Nigeria Manufacturing Industries

ABSTRACT The primary aim of this study is to analyse empirically the determinants of investments behaviour in Nigerian manufacturing industries based on

Examining The Causal Relationship Between Private Sector Credit Extended And Economic Growth In Namibia

Abstract This study examined the causal relationship between Private Sector Credit Extension (PSCE) and Economic growth in Namibia. The study used the quarterly data covering the period from 2000:Q1-2017:Q4. The variables employed were Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, Private Sector Credit Extended, Broad Money Supply (M2) and lending rates. The study employed co-integration tests on different sets of variables used to examine long run relationship. Granger causality tests established the...

Financial Development And Economic Growth In Namibia

ABSTRACT The objectives of this paper are to: examine whether there is a long-run relationship between financial development and economic growth in Namibia and hence determine the direction of causality as well as the implications of such results for a financial sector policy- oriented growth in the economy. In order to test for the existence of long run relationship between the variables, the study employs a cointegration and error correction modeling (ECM) technique. The study uses quarterl...

An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Private Consumption Expenditure And Lending Rate In Namibia

ABSTRACT The study examines the relationship between private consumption expenditure and lending rate in Namibia, with the aim of highlighting the effect of lending rate as an important factor that determine the private consumption expenditure growth. The study is based on annual data covering the period from 1980 to 2011. The Unrestricted Vector Auto – regression Model (VECM) procedure was adopted. Two proxies for real wealth and real disposable income are used in the study. The results sh...

An Empirical Testing Of The Ricardian Equivalence In Namibia

Abstract The study aims to empirically test the Ricardian Equivalence hypothesis in Namibia, using quarterly time-series data from 1991 quarter one to 2017 quarter four. The annual data was converted from annual to quarterly by using Eviews 10 software. Consumption function was used to test for Ricardian Equivalence Hypothesis by testing how government debt and tax affect consumption. Additional control variables such as inflation, government expenditure, population growth and income were inc...

The Determinants Of Commercial Banks' Interest Rate Spread In Namibia: An Econometric Exploration

ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to explore the main determinants of interest rate spread in Namibia's commercial banking industry using a panel data analysis of bank level data and time series analysis of macroeconomic data. The literature surveyed in this study suggests that the interest rate spread is influenced by several bank-specific, bankindustry, and macroeconomic variables. The data for the bank-specific model covered a sample period from the first quarter of 2004 to the last ...

Investigating The Effects Of Government Expenditure And Money Supply On Unemployment In Namibia

Abstract Over the years, Namibia continue to experienced rapid growth of unemployment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of government expenditure and money supply on unemployment in Namibia. The annual data employed in the study covered the period from 1980 to 2018. The study applied the ARDL or bound cointegration approach which is said to be more appropriate for the estimation of small sample studies and variable combination of the order of integration (I (0) and I (1...

An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Balance Of Payments And Economic Growth In Namibia

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between balance of payments and economic growth for Namibia using quarterly time series data over the period 1999q1to 2018q2. The variables used include real gross domestic product, balance of payments, real exports, real effective exchange rate, net foreign capital inflow and terms of trade. This study employed time series techniques such as unit root and cointegration. The Bounds co-integration analysis and Autoregressive Distributive Lag (AR...

An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Gross Domestic Saving And Interest Rate In Namibia

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between gross domestic savings and the interest rate in Namibia. It should be pointed out that the interest rate was subsumed by the repo rate. This objective is divided into two sections, namely to investigate the short and long run relationship and to test for causality between the gross domestic savings and the repo rate. The study used annual time series for the period 1981 to 2017 to test for the relationship be...

721 - 735 Of 1539 Results