Economics Research Papers/Topics

An assessment of the relationship between budget deficit and economic growth in Namibia.

ABSTRACT The study provides an assessment of the relationship between budget deficit and economic growth in Namibia using time series quarterly secondary data covering the period, 1993 Q4 to 2015, Q4. The study employs the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds test and estimates the coefficients of the variables from the unrestricted error correction model in examining the relationship between budget deficit and economic growth. The KPSS unit root test results show that real GDP, deb...

An Analysis Of Macroeconomic Determinants Of House Price Volatility In Namibia

ABSTRACT  The housing sector plays a significant role in the economy. However, house prices are presumed to be more volatile than other goods and services, because of their high demand. This study aimed to conduct an empirical analysis of the determinants of house price volatility in Namibia. Moreover, the direction of causality between house price volatility and the macroeconomic determinants was examined. The ARCH and GARCH models together with the VAR/VECM approaches were used to analyse ...

Estimating potential output per capita for Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT The thrust of this study was to estimate the potential output per capita of Zimbabwe using Structural Vector Autoregressive method (SVAR). The study used quarterly data for the period 1990 to 2012 on the following variables: Gross Domestic Product per Capita (GDPC), Consumer Price Index and unemployment rate presented as yet, pt and ut respectively. The long‐run SVAR model estimation was done to show the permanent effect of unemployment, consumer price index and gross domestic pro...

Essays On The Economics Of Tobacco And Alcohol Control Policy In Kenya

ABSTRACT This thesis uses data from Kenya to contribute to the literature on tobacco and alcohol control policies in low and middle-income countries. The thesis uses the two most recent household and budget surveys (2005/6 and 2015/16), to examine some of the effects of the tobacco and alcohol control policies that were implemented in Kenya between 2005 and 2015. Chapter 2 considers the impact of consumption and taxation of tobacco and alcohol on household spending patterns. An instrumental v...

Investigating The Relationship Between Agricultural Productivity And Economic Growth In Namibia

ABSTRACT   Over the years, Namibia has made efforts to promote the agriculture sector in its National Development Plans. The current five-year plan still identifies the agriculture sector with the potential to boost economic growth to address challenges of food security, unemployment and poverty reduction. However, despite these efforts, the sector’s contribution to GDP remains minimal. Even though, economic theory supports the view that agriculture is a pre-requisite to stimulate growth ...

Investigating The Causal Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment And Economic Growth In Namibia

ABSTRACT   The study investigated the causal relationship between economic growth and foreign direct investment in Namibia. It used annual secondary time series data covering the period between 1980 and 2016 for the following variables: economic growth, foreign direct investment and manufacturing. The study employed Vector Error Correction (VECM) Model to analyse the data. The time series properties of the data were analysed using Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit ...

The Expression of Lea Proteins Pisum Sativum Seeds

AbstractSeeds of Pisum sativum cv. Greenfeast were used in all of the experiments. In order to prevent imbibitional damage, seeds were slowly pre-hydrated for 1 hour on damp blotting paper prior to imbibi tion. In order to ascertain at what stage during germination the seeds had lost their desiccation-tolerance, seeds were imbjbed for different intervals (12, 36, 48, 60 hrs) prior to redrying to their original moisture content at room temperature (23° C). SLOW DRYING OF WHOLE SEEDS. For each...

An Analysis Of Impact Of Oil Revenue On The Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Oil revenue is indeed an important component of economic growth of the recipient nations. Therefore, most of the oil-rich nations invest the revenue from the oil sector into the non-oil sectors for strategic reasons. However, over the past five decades there has been a blur in the practicality to fulfilling this purpose in the context of Nigerian economy. So far, there is high inconsistency on the utilization of such oil revenue in Nigeria. Over dependence on oil revenue tends to dis...

Mapping of the Sweet Potato Value Chain Linkages between Actors, Processes and Activities in the Value Chain:A Case of “Michembe” and “Matobolwa” Products

Abstract  The objective of the study was to map sweet potato value chain linkages between actors, processes and activities in Tanzania. The study is cross sectional in design.The study was conducted in Shinyanga rural and Mwanza urban districts. The study used individual interviews, focused group discussions; review of relevant practical documents and discussions with key informants. A total of 150 actors in the value chain participated. Data collected was summarized using Statistical Packag...

Mapping of the Sweet Potato Value Chain Linkages between Actors, Processes and Activities in the Value Chain: A Case of “Michembe” and “Matobolwa” Products

Abstract  The objective of the study was to map sweet potato value chain linkages between actors, processes and activities in Tanzania. The study is cross sectional in design.The study was conducted in Shinyanga rural and Mwanza urban districts. The study used individual interviews, focused group discussions; review of relevant practical documents and discussions with key informants. A total of 150 actors in the value chain participated. Data collected was summarized using Statistical Packag...

An Analysis of The Relationship Between Antenatal Care, Skilled Birth Attendance And The Socio-Economic Status of Household in Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Maternal mortality is a global concern and a consensus has been reached that the health of mothers and children is an important indicator of national health and the socio-economic development of countries. Monitoring progress in maternal mortality reduction relies on reproductive health indicators, including the proportion of births attended by a skilled health worker and antenatal care coverage. Besides playing an educative role on the importance of skilled birth attendance, the us...

Owner-Manager Competencies And Performance Of The Firms: Evidence From Small Restaurant Businesses In Urban Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was set out to examine the influence of owner- manager’s competences on the performance of small restaurant businesses in urban Tanzania since there are patchy empirical evidences on the same. To achieve this, criterion and simple random sampling techniques were employed to obtain a sample of three hundred, ninety two (392) small restaurant businesses from the list of all licensed small restaurants in Ilala and Dodoma district. Information was collected from owner-manage...

The Role Of Seed Money Approach In Influencing The Adoption Of Metal Silo Technology Among Smallholder Farmers In Kondoa District

ABSTRACT Most Developing Nations suffer from hunger due to excessive grain’s Post-Harvest Loss (PHL) Hence, ensuring food security in Africa is among the 2030 Sustainable development goals (SDGs). To achieve that, it is necessary for farmers to adopt modern and improved grain storage technologies to minimize PHL. However, due to financial constraints, smallholder farmers use traditional methods due to their limited income. Therefore, financing initiatives are needed to enable them to adopt...

Fiscal Stance And Macroeconomic Performance In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Nigeria’s fiscal deficits have persistently exceeded the conventional benchmark of 5.0% as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) when it averaged 9.8% per annum between 1970 and 2008. Over the same period, the mean annual growth rates of real GDP, investment and money growth stood at 2.3%, 1.8% and 2.6%, respectively. While, there is a growing body of empirical literature on the effect of fiscal deficit on the current account balance, there is very little attempt by research...

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