Gender Studies Research Papers/Topics

Making it to the PhD: Gender and student performance in sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract: Women’s underrepresentation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) impedes progress in solving Africa’s complex development problems. As in other regions, women’s participation in STEM drops progressively moving up the education and career ladder, with women currently constituting 30% of Africa’s STEM researchers. This study elucidates gender-based differences in PhD performance using new survey data from 227 alumni of STEM PhD programs in 17 African co...

Feminism & colonialism

Colonialism is just another paradigm shift that changed the course of gender relations in many colonialised states within Africa. It introduced new and foreign leaderships styles that where gender baised, new family relations came in, (head of family) and the overall Victorian patriarchy which undermined the power and position women held in African societies before the emergency of this colonialism. 

Women’s Access to Post-Secondary Education and Structural Inequalities

UN Sustainable Development Goal No.5 urges the attainment of gender equality and women empowerment by 2030. This has intensified the fight for gender parity and female empowerment in Africa with some successes. Despite this, changes in Ghana's educational system have not dispelled the widespread belief that men are better equipped for careers. This is especially in the technical and vocational fields. This misconception has hampered disadvantaged young women's motivation, making them less lik...

Gender Bias in Syria

Gender bias is a complex and multi-dimensional issue that affects individuals differently based on their gender, socio-economic status, and other factors. In Syria, gender bias can take many forms, including cultural, social, economic, and political factors that limit women's access to education, employment, and leadership opportunities. One of the most significant barriers to women's leadership in Syria is the traditional gender roles and societal expectations that place greater emphasis on ...

Gender Inequality in Nigerian Governance: A Case Study of the 2015 General Elections

ABSTRACT The African women cane described as the most endanger species of our world. The culture condition has subjected them to a life of submission, subservient and discrimination against her natural inclination for freedom and self determination. Women are discriminated and their rights violated in many ways. The study attempted to examine the factors responsible for gender inequality in Nigerian governance. Method: the study employed quantitative research approach using survey design. Q...

The Effects of Domestic Violence to The Status of Women in Kisenyi Ii Parish - Kampala, Central Division.

Table of ContentsDeclaration .................................................................... .Dedication...................................................................... iiAcknowledgement............................................................ iiiAbstract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ivChapter One1.1 Introduction ......................................................

The Turbaning of Amina Yusuf Garba, MNI as Tambarar Binji: A Gender Narrative of the Episode

It is the story of the first female to be turbaned in recent history of the Sokoto caliphate and northern Nigeria at large. The episode promises great deal to women folks considered to have been held to utmost seclusion since and even before the jihad of 1804 in Hausa land. Amina Yusuf Garba MON, mini therefore, made history on Saturday,26 February,2022 by epic turbaning as Tambarar Binji, Sokoto State Nigeria. The development no doubt would generate robust discussion amongst feminists, schol...

The Causes Of Girl-Cidld Dropout In Primary Schools In Kangai Sub-County, Dokolo District: A Case Study Of Apewotneki Primary School From 2007-2009

ABSTRACT This study was conducted on the topic. The causes of girl-child drop out in primary schools in Kangai sub-county, Dokolo district with a case study of Apewotneki primary school. The purpose of the study was to establish the cause of girl-child drop out in Apewotneki primary school. The researcher used both the qualitative and quantitative research designs in its inquiry. The participants included girls, boys, teachers and parents. Data collected was presented on descriptive form and...

Men And Women’s Participation In Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms In Kapsokwony Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms have become a popular means of settling disputes outside court systems both locally and internationally. In Kenya, they are anchored in state laws and policies. This study assessed men and women‟s participation in the process of resolving community conflicts through ADR mechanisms in Kapsokwony, Bungoma County. The study objectives were; examine various types of conflicts and the existing ADR mechanisms employed by men and women to r...

Effects of access and utilization of women enterprise fund on gender relations at household level in mvita constituency, mombasa county.

ABSTRACT This study examined the effects of access and utilization of Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) on gender relations at household level in Mvita Constituency in Mombasa County. The fund is given to women who are in existing groups of ten members. The aim of the study was to find out whether access and utilization to WEF by women affects gender relations at household level. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the factors that affect the access of WEF by women, and its effe...

Determinants Of Infidelity Among Married Couples In Mwingi Central Constituency, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Infidelity impacts negatively on relationship functioning and stability of the marriages making the study of this phenomenon crucial and timely endeavor in the Mwingi Central Constituency (MCC). Although, many African communities have regulations against infidelity especially in marriage, many married couples are involved in extra marital affairs ((Drigotas, Safstrom, & Gentilia, 1999). Infidelity in MCC has led to marital strife leading to separations, wife battering, prostitution,...

Participation Of Men And Women In Fisheries Value Chain In Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the status of men and women in the entrepreneurial fisheries activities in Kenya. The study focused specifically in Nairobi City County, and was guided by the following objectives, namely; to map out specific areas within fisheries value chain that men and women participate in; to identify socio-economic factors that influence participation of men and women, to assess the socio-cultural factors that determine participation of men and women in those spe...

Assessment Of Access To And Utilisation Of Treadle And Hip Pump Technology By Farmers In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the access to and utilization of the treadle and hip pump technology by farmers in Machakos County, Kenya so that gender responsive strategies can be suggested to improve the uptake of the technology among the farmers. This was due to low adoption of the two pumps in Machakos county after previous KSI/WSU study that marketed and distributed the technology among farmers in the county. The specific objectives of the study were: to establish which...

Challenges and Their Effect on the Boy Child Education in Kieni East District, Nyeri County

ABSTRACT In Kenya, boy child secondary education is experiencing emerging challenges which need to be established in order to arrest these worrying trends. This study sought to investigate challenges and their effects on the boy-child education in Kieni East District, Nyeri County. The research drew insight from Feminist Theory and research inspired by Postmodemism point of view which began in 1980s.There was need to carry out the study in order to understand the challenges and their effects...

Determinants Of Choice Of Gender And Development Studies At The Master’s Level In Selected Universities In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the determinants of choice of the master’s programme in gender and development studies in Nairobi County. Specifically, it focused on the factors influencing the subject choice of gender and development studies and gender related courses in selected universities in Nairobi County. The study was prompted by the lack of consideration of gender social relations when students are making subject choices. This occurs when there is underrepresentation of ei...

46 - 60 Of 97 Results