Gender Studies Research Papers/Topics

An Assessment Of The Impact Of Green Schemes And Gender On Economic Empowerment: A Case Study Of Female Small-Scale Farmers In Ndonga-Linena, Kavango East, Namibia

Abstract     This thesis explored the impact of green schemes and gender on economic empowerment of women. In particular, it informs on gender participation in the green schemes; decisions on access and control of resources; production and income; green scheme impact on the small-scale farmers (ssfs) and on gender disparity in agriculture. A qualitative research methodology was used where questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection on 16 small-scale farmers at Ndonga-linena...

A Gender Analysis Of The Triple Burden Of Production, Reproduction And Community Service In The Rehoboth Constituency

ABSTRACT There has been no research on gender roles and the triple burden of women in the Rehoboth area. Yet women in Rehoboth as many elsewhere are faced with socially ascribed roles in production, reproduction and community. This research seeks to explore and understand the gender division of labour and the gender relations within this community. As a diverse country, Namibia has different cultures, we witness that women and men are taught their gender roles through the use of specific cul...

Surgical Anatomy Of Sigmoid Colon In Sigmoid Volvulus Versus Non-Sigmoid Volvulus Patients Undergoing Laparotomy At Iringa And Dodoma Regional Hospitals, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Background: Sigmoid volvulusis twisting of the sigmoid colon along its mesocolic axis either clockwise or anticlockwise leading to closed loop luminal obstruction and sigmoid vascular obstruction. Surgical anatomy of sigmoid colon has been linked to development of sigmoid volvulus but few studies have been done, nonefrom Tanzania. Objective:The study aimed at determining surgical anatomy of sigmoid colon insigmoid volvulus and non-sigmoid volvulus patients who underwent laparotomy at...

Staff Interaction Amd School Innovativeness In Western Nigeri; Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT The rain purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the interpersonal relationships among teachers in our secondary schools help or hinder the introduction of educational innovative practices in the direction of encouraging vocational and practical subjects in Nigeria' s secondary school curriculum. o the per 557 teachers (these include 30 principals and over 1+0 heads of departments) were involved in the survey. All the subjects have taught for, at least, six months p...

Employee Training and Development Programme at the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana Kumasi

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe the nature of the employee training and development programmes that exist at the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ghana (Kumasi). It also ascertained the modes of conducting employee training programmes and identified the challenges of planning and implementation of the training programme in the company. Descriptive survey method was used for the study. Census was the sampling method used on a population size of 230 employees of the company who ...


Female journalists in Australia are rising in number but diminishing at levels of higher hierarchy in media organisations. This paper will unearth the ‘whys’ and the ‘whats’ of a culture that is breeding this disarray inside newsrooms, addressing significant problems like a systematic pattern of sexism through years, a pay-gap ratio designed to look like it doesn’t exist but is, in fact, reflective of the hierarchy itself, prominent features of the gender politics in play and some a...

Research Paper - Are Gender Roles and Stereotypes in Movies Affecting the Way Modern Society Thinks.edited

This paper entails the use of gender stereotypes and roles in cinematic works and media platforms. Overall, it gives a detailed analysis of the effects of stereotypes in modern cinematic works and the impact it has on society. These expectations soon become the stereotypes used in movies, although it is more exaggerated, the tendency of creating a trend that influences the society both positively and negatively is high.This creates an opportunity to effectively address stereotype issues, gen...


This paper aims at discussing the difficulty of women in the Urhobo area of Delta State. It condemn all traditional practice that are not in line with current stage of development as obselete. It firmly acertian that if all theories put on ground by Marx and Engel are well use , the world would be a better place for women.


Abstract  This study focused on rural women (most especially pregnant mothers) because they aremostly prone to malaria partly because of the low level of awareness and sensitization on thedisease at the grass root level by healthcare providers, government and the media.  Malaria isa global disease and over 40% of the world’s population live where there is risk of malaria.The disease is however widespread in sub Saharan Africa and causes pre-mature death andsuffering, imposes financial har...

Inclusion of Gender in Africas Climate Change Policies and Strategies

This paper reviews climate change related policies and strategies in East and West Africa through a gendered lens. The countries are Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania in East Africa and Ghana and Nigeria in West Africa. Drawing upon a gender inclusion criteria, the study assesses how countries have integrated gender in their climate change policies and strategies. We did a qualitative review of existing climate change policies and strategies using minimum principles for gender responsive climate change...

Closing the gender gap in Agriculture under climate change

Women face barriers that significantly constrain their production and entangle them in a low productivity trap. These barriers encompass societal norms, the gender division of labour (GDOL), resource constraints (access to and use of land), no or low use of inputs (eg drought-adapted seeds), and limited access to climate services and agro-advisories. Under a changing climate, these barriers will further constrain women’s ability to adapt, and the gender gap in agriculture will continue to ...

Enhancing women's political fortunes: Is a 50/50 Campaign possible?

 The 50/50  Campaign as a tool for enhancing women’s political participation has gained currency in recent time.  Its call for equal participation of women and men in politics and public office has reinvigorated various activisms globally.  This paper examines the  Campaign within the context of  Ghanaian women’s political fortunes.  Contesting its feasibility against a background of women’s poor performance at national elections and political appointments, it argues that the suc...

Gender Studies in Ghana

Drawing from personal and programming experience, historical documentations and analytical sources, I have examined the various framings of GS to show that it embraces multiple meanings as ‘discipline,’ research, programmes and discourse. I have also engaged in a historical and reflective analysis of the evolution of GCS at three levels; global, continental and local/national to reveal that GS has a long discursive tradition that has been borne out of activism and scholarship. I have show...

Womens Movement and Political Change in West Africa

 In the present wave of increasing democratization, women’s movements remain critical to the advancement of democratic reforms and political change. In Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the focus of this analysis, women have mobilized around human and economic rights and peace and security over the last two decades with some considerable success although not without challenges. This paper examines emerging trends in the agenda and tools/strategies that the women’s movements have...


This chapter contributes to the process of knowledge recreation by initiating a process of “retrieving” wisdom, tullum from the past, which I argue has possibilities for development. It entails the retrieval of living wisdom that resides with women and not a relic located in a museum. This living wisdom has been nurtured and guarded by African women, has been used to mitigate crisis and to support everyday living. It is wisdom that has survived all forms of domination, whether patriarchal...

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