Natural Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Factors Affecting Performance Of Dairy Cattle Kept In Smallholder Farms In Peri-Urban Areas Of Temeke Municipality

ABSTRACT There was a lack of detailed information of factors affecting the performance of dairy cattle kept in smallholder farms in Temeke municipal. Two approaches were employed to identify factors that affect the productivity and reproductive performance of dairy cattle kept in the study area. The first approach used structured questionnaire which were administered to 84 dairy farmers using a cross sectional survey technique to collect data from 12 villages. The second approach was a longit...

Assessment Of Socio - Economic And Ecological Values Of Halfmile Strip Buffer Zone To The Adjacent Communities Of Kilimanjaro National Park

ABSTRACT In many developing countries people have viewed buffer zones as a way to accommodate the needs of national parks and other categories of wildlife protected areas and in sustaining livelihoods of the local communities living adjacent to these protected areas. This study was done from September 2015 to April 2016 in eight villages adjacent to Kilimanjaro National Park in order to assess the impacts of annexing Kilimanjaro Half Mile Forest Strip (HMFS) to KINAPA. Household survey questi...

Assessing the likelihood that burrowing gerbils in the central Namib are ecological engineers

Abstract Like many other fossorial rodents, gerbils are known to modulate their environments by changing the soil characteristics and conditions via their activities such as ground bioturbation, foraging, defecating and urinating. They play an important ecological engineering role because they can affect water hydraulic conductivity and water holding capacity, mineralization rates, thus plant-available-nutrients and moisture stored in the soil profile. If the bioturbation activities of gerbil...

Takunda Ben

ABSTRACT There have been challenges in groundwater prospecting especially in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe. Prospecting has not been accurate with frequent occurrences of dry holes for both geophysical and traditional groundwater prospecting techniques. The study involved an assessment of the suitability of using plant indicators for ground water prospecting in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe. To achieve this, indicator species were first identified and their abundances and biometric ch...

Impact Of Adoption Of Improved Local Chicken Production Methods In Tanzania: Case Study Of Umadep And Ilrp Sua Projects

BSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of adoption of improved local chicken production methods case studies of UMADEP and ILRP SUA projects. The study was conducted at Kinole ward in Morogoro and Maneromango ward in Kisarawe District, Coast Region, of Tanzania. The objectives of this study were to assess the extent of adoption of improved LC keeping methods, to assess the effect of intervention to the household income and to identify constraints to adoption of improved LC pr...

Economic Analysis Of Solid Waste Management Options In Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Economic analysis of solid waste (SW) management options in Morogoro municipality was conducted to assess efficiency of solid waste management options in Morogoro Municipality. The study set out three specific objectives: to analyze the types and sources of MSW produced in Morogoro municipality, to assess possible SW management options in Morogoro municipality and to conduct Cost benefit analysis of solid waste management options in Morogoro Municipality. Using structured questionnai...

Impact Of Joint Forest Management On Forest Resource Base And Livelihoods Of Communities In Amani Nature Reserve, Muheza District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Joint Forest Management (JFM) is an institutional arrangement considered to be a proper way forward for alleviating forest degradation. However, since the inception of JFM in Amani Nature Reserve (ANR), its impacts to the forest resource base and livelihoods of surrounding communities is not clearly known. Therefore the study assesses the impacts of JFM on both forest resource base and livelihoods of the local communities around ANR. Forest inventory was carried out by laying out 30 ...

Management Cost In Government And Private Forest Plantations In Tanzania: Case Study Of Sao Hill And Mapanda Plantations, Mufindi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study on management cost in government and private forest plantations in Tanzania was carried out at Sao Hill Forest Plantation and Mapanda Forest Plantation. Specifically, the study identified management costs of Sao Hill and Mapanda forest plantations, examined factors influencing management costs of Sao Hill and Mapanda forest plantations and also assessed cost management strategies used by Sao Hill and Mapanda forest plantation all for the past five years. Socio-economic data w...

Impacts Of Mtwara Gas Project Conflict On Socio-Economic Activities

ABSTRACT  The study intended to investigate the impact of the gas project conflict on local community socio-economic activities in Mtwara Municipality as its main objective. The specific objectives which guided data collection were: to explore the impacts of the gas project conflict on the local community‘s socio-economic activities; to assess the reasons for the local community‘s participation in the gas conflict; and to explore the role of the government in gas project conflict. The st...

Economics Of Charcoal Production And Its Implication To The Management Of Miombo Woodlands In Kilosa District

ABSTRACT Tanzania is one among developing countries with increasing population growth. The increase of population is reported to contribute to the deforestation as most of the people depend on charcoal as primary source of energy in which the country produces and consume around 3% of global consumption. Most, of previous studies on charcoal provided empirical data on charcoal production, but consistency on productivity, costs incurred, benefits accrued and implication of the technology to woo...

Economic Efficiency Of Selected Income Generating Activities In Burunge Wildlife Management Area In Manyara, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Wildlife Management Areas have been proposed as the institutional mechanism for devolving management to the community level and creating local incentives for conservation. This study assesses the economic efficiency of selected income generated activities (IGAs) in Burunge Wildlife Management Area. Specifically, it was intended to describe the involvement of communities in selected IGAs, analyze costs and benefits associated with selected IGAs (Handcraft and Dress making), and assess...

Effect of population density and row orientation on weed density in sorghum-cowpea intercropping systems in semi-arid Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Sorghum plant densities in semi-arid areas are generally lower than in wetter environments leaving lots of bare ground which promotes weeds. Intercropping using the optimum plant density of the minor crop and the most effective row orientation for weed control in these areas is one important step in integrated weed control management (IWM). Information on the cowpea population density and row orientation effects on weed density, growth and yields of sorghum-cowpea cropping systems is...

Analysis Of Potential Socio-Economic Incentives For Management Of Kondoa Rehabilitated Areas, Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Communities need motivation in order to effectively participate in environmental conservation. However, potential socio-economic incentives for improving environmental conservation and livelihoods of communities surrounding Kondoa Rehabilitated Areas (KRA) are poorly known. The aim of this study was to analyze potential socio-economic incentives for effectively and sustainably improving environmental conservation and livelihoods of the communities surrounding KRA. The cross-sectional...

Economic Welfare Analysis On Tourism Revenue Distribution In Serengeti District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed and analyzed how tourism revenue generated was distributed at various community levels and its impact on household welfare. Data on sources of revenues, income generated and expenditure were collected from key informants and supplemented with secondary data. Hunting, concession, bed-night and photographic tourism were identified as the major sources of tourism revenue. Distribution of tourism revenue to community level was assessed and the items on which the recei...

Effects Of Different Bio-Fumigants On The Control Of Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidoygne Javanica).

ABSTRACT Root-knot nematodes are one of the major economically important pests causing yield losses of up to 80% in many regions of the world including Zimbabwe. Control of nematodes has been mainly based on use of synthetic nematicides and these have negative impacts on the environment, as a result there is growing interest in alternative methods of management that are economically viable and non-polluting such as Bio-fumigation. An In vitro experiment was carried out in the 2018/19 growing ...

136 - 150 Of 248 Results