Natural Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Diversity And Local Uses Of Woody Vegetation In Mined Arid And Semi Arid Lands Of Kimwarer, Kerio Valley, Kenya

ABSTRACT The woody vegetation in arid and semi-arid area is of immense importance performing a myriad of ecosystem services and providing a wide array of goods. However, the woody vegetation is threatened by both natural and anthropogenic activities at global, national and local levels. In Kerio Valley, the threat is manifested in the form of overexploitation for fuel wood and land-use change due to mining activities. This study aimed to assess the effects of mining activities on the composit...

Characterization Of Egerton University Wastewater Stabilization Ponds And Assessment Of Substrate Size Efficiency In Reduction Of Faecal Pollutants In A Constructed Wetland Mesocosm

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine variations in concentration of Pathogen Indicator Organisms (PIOs) namely total coliforms Escherichia coli and heterotrophic bacteria; Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in Egerton University Wastewater Stabilisation Ponds (WSPs) and the effect of substrate sizes on wastewater treatment. Sampling at the WSPs was done on weekly basis for one month from mid-Nov to mid-Dec 2017 using standard procedures for examination of water and wastewater. A mesoc...

Assessment Of The Influence Of Bujagali Dam On The Spatial-Temporal Fish Assemblages Of The Upper Victoria Nile River, Uganda

ABSTRACT Large hydropower plants are known to be engines of economic development which unfortunately are also associated with a number of unpredictable environmental drawbacks at varying spatial-temporal scales. In this study, the temporal influence of Bujagali hydropower plant on the fish populations of the upper Victoria Nile river in Uganda was assessed. Historical data obtained through regular monitoring surveys from two upstream and one downstream transect between 2006 and 2015 was analy...

Implications Of Wildlife Management Areas In Biodiversity Conservation And Community Livelihoods: A Case Of Mbomipa Wildlife Management Area In Iringa, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the role of MBOMIPA, Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in biodiversity conservation and its contribution to local communities’ livelihoods in surrounding villages. The study was conducted between November 2014 and January 2015 in Iringa District, in four villages of Tungamalenga, Mapogoro (in Idodi Division), Itunundu and Kinyika (in Pawaga Division). Data were collected through questionnaire survey, key informant interviews and focus group discussi...

Assessment Of Volume, Biomass And Carbon Stock Of Cashewnuts Trees In Liwale District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Estimation of individual tree volume and biomass is important for assessing removal of green house gases potential of the cashew trees and therefore provide a useful tool for the emerging carbon credit market mechanisms. The aim of this study was to estimate volume and biomass stocks of Anacardiumoccidentale L. grown in Coast Regions, Tanzania. Woodlots inventory data were collected from Liwale and Kisarawe districsts in Lindi and Coast regions respectively. A total of 45 cashew tre...

Charcoal Value Chain Analysis In Uyui District And Tabora Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyse charcoal value chain in Uyui District and Tabora Municipality. Specific objectives were to identify actors and assess their rolesin the chain; determine profitand marketing margins of various actors along the value chain and determine the factors influencing charcoalprofitability among actors.Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected.The sample of 114 respondents was drawn for interview from eight wards. Content analysis was used to analyse q...

Assessment Of The Contribution Of Non-Timber Forest Products To Household Food Security And Income Around Baga Catchment Forest In Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to assess the contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to household food security and income generation in villages surrounding Baga catchment forest in Lushoto District, Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at assessing the common NTFPs utilized by households in the study area, examining socio-economic factors influencing household members accessibility to NTFPs, evaluating the contribution of NTFPs to household food security and income. The stu...

Effects Of Bio-Slurry And Farm Yard Manure On Soil Amelioration And Chinese Cabbage (Brassica Rapa Var. Chinensis) Yields In Njombe Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to assess the effects of bio- slurry and farm yard manure on soil amelioration and yields of Chinese cabbage in Nyumbanitu and Itulike villages in Njombe Tanzania. Chinese cabbage is a very important crop for human nutrition as a source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. However, soil acidity and nutrient deficiencies limit Chinese cabbage production in many tropical soils. The overall objective was to quantify the effects of bio- slurry and farm yard...

Soil-Inorganic Nitrogen Changes In Rice Fields Under Selected Crop Management Interventions And Hydrological Conditions In Kilombero Floodplain, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted at Ifakara Morogoro Region with a purpose of investigating the effect of selected crop management interventions and hydrological conditions on soil NH4 + and NO3 - content. Study sites were located at Valley Middle and Fringe sites as distinct hydrological zones. An experiment, in a complete Randomized block design, with six treatments: Semi-natural vegetation (TR1), Farmers practice (TR2), bunding alone (TR3), bunding + 60 kgN/ha (TR4), bunding + 120 kgN/ha (T...

Influence Of Different Land Use Types On Bird And Tree Species Diversity Around Lake Victoria Basin In Bukoba Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Following a notable loss of biodiversity around Lake Victoria Basin in Tanzania, caused by fast population growth and unsustainable land uses, a study aiming at understanding the influence of different land use types on bird and tree species richness, abundance and diversity in Bukoba Municipality was initiated. The choice of the two biota was made based on the fact that avian and tree communities are good indicators of overall biodiversity and environmental decline or recovery. In ...

Economic Analysis Of Nile Crocodile Farming In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Kaole Crocodile Farm, Bagamoyo

ABSTRACT Crocodile products have become popular in the world. In effect, they have attracted the attention of people in many countries including Tanzania. However, the farming practice comprises many activities and time involved before derivation of the commercial products. This study aimed at gaining insight on the economics of Nile crocodile farming in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. The objectives were to determine the reproductive rates of Nile crocodiles, products extracted from the crocodile, cost...

Economic Valuation Of Selected Non-Timber Forest Products In Chiwale General Land Forest: A Case Study Of Masasi District, Mtwara Region-Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the economic valuation of selected Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) around Chiwale General Land Forest (CGLF) in Masasi DistrictMtwara. The value of NTFPs is not well known in other forest including CGLF as case study, since few studies have been done mainly on the economic value of firewood, food security, medicinal plants and poles in the Eastern Arc Mountains forest (Udzungwa), North Ruvu Forest Reserve, Zaraninge forest in Bagamoyo. This study...

The Effect Of Bushfires On Abundance And Diversity Of Mammals In Miombo Woodlands Under Different Forest Tenure, Kilombero District Tanzania

ABSTRACT Miombo woodlands are the largest savanna in the world and dominate southern Africa. They support the livelihoods of over 100 million people and are strongly influenced by anthropogenic fires. This study was conducted with the overall objective of determining the effect of bushfires on mammals in miombo woodlands under different forest tenure systems. Household questionnaires, checklist of probe questions for key informants, participant observation, PRA techniques and field inventory...

Contribution Of Agroforestry Homegardens To Household Food Security And Income Generation Among Communities In Mbeya Rural District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The present study was conducted in Mbeya Rural District during December 2011 to April 2012 with the main objective of assessing the contribution of Agroforestry homegardens to household food security and income generation among communities. The study involved four randomly selected wards, one village per selected ward and thirty households from each village, all selected randomly. Data collection was done through field surveys using relevant social survey methods. The findings indic...

Forest Resource Use Conflicts As A Consequence Of Pseudodevolution Of Power: A Case Study Of Pugu And Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserves, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves are among the 83 lowland coastal forests in Tanzania. The decentralization of these reserves can be called pseudo-devolution, because system does not allow for full participation of local government and villagers. This study intended to asses the devolution of power in historical perspective and the factors underlying it; identify types of forest resource use conflicts exist and factors underlying them; and asses existing and potential confli...

91 - 105 Of 248 Results