Natural Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Prevalence And Risk Factors Associated With Fasciolosis In The Southern Region Of Masvingo Province

ABSTRACT Fasciolosis is a zoonotic disease of economic importance caused fasciola speciesand intermediate host Lymnaeid natalensis. The research aims to bring awareness to the farmers on the economic effects of fasciolosis in the beef production as well as its economic effects to the public health .A study to investigate the prevalence of fasciolosis and its associated risk factors was carried out at Koala park abattoir in Chiredzi district Zimbabwe. A total of 20553 cattle were delivered at ...

Species Composition, Relative Abundance And Habitat Relationships Of Small Mammals At The University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT A study of the species composition, relative abundance and habitat relationships of small mammals was carried out in Dodoma region. A total of 77 sites on the University of Dodoma campus were surveyed for small mammals between December 2013 and March 2014. Small mammals were captured using 4 x 4 x 12 inches Sherman live traps. Seven species were captured. Poisson regression was used to identify habitat variables associated with the capture frequency of small mammals. Logistic regres...

Institutional Dimensions In Management Of Small- Scale Mining In Tanzania: A Case Of Winza Ruby Mining At Mpwapwa District

ABSTRACT This study focused on investigating institutional dimensions in management of small-scale mining: A case of Winza Ruby Mining at Mpwapwa district by looking on the managerial aspects and awareness of small-scale miners on mining policies and laws, examine the factors influencing informal and illegal SSM, investigate the environmental impacts of SSM and law enforcement mechanism towards execution of monitoring and evaluation of environmental plan, and examine the challenges and prosp...

Cost- Benefit Analysis Of Wind Turbines Installation And Use In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT  Generation of power using hydropower-plants suffers from water resources fluctuation in power generating reservoir, considerably during extended dry periods. This, impacts negatively on power supply stability as a result of constant power disruptions due to ever-increasing demand for electricity. The use of wind turbines as alternative source for power generation is in worldwide demand. A sit is a green grows and economically attractive option, it harvests reliable, clean and effic...

Quantification Of Solid Pollutants Along The Highway Through Mikumi National Park

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Mikumi National Park (MINAPA) to quantify the amount of solid pollutants along the highway through MINAPA. The study adopted longitudinal research design where ten sampling points labeled A to J were established from the western part (Mikumi town) of the highway to the eastern part (Doma village). Waste products were collected, sorted and measured in a daily basis at these sampling points for three weeks. The findings of this study reveals that plastic ...

The impacts of charcoal production on forests management in dodoma municipality.

ABSTRACT  This study analyzed the impact of charcoal production on forest management in Dodoma Municipality, Ng’o hong’ honha ward was a case study. The study used a case study type of research in order to collect detailed information about the problem. Questionnaire, observation and interview guides were used as tools of collecting data. Stratified sampling and the simple random techniques were employed. A sample of 95 households were used to represent the whole population, due to time ...

Assessment Of The Contribution Of Outreach Programme In Enhancing The Livelihood Of Adjacent Communities: A Case Of Serengeti National Park

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to investigate the contribution of an outreach programme to the livelihood of communities adjacent SENAPA. Three specific objectives guided the study, that is, to explore perceptions of communities towards Outreach Programme (OP), to assess how the OP has improved livelihood; and to ascertain the challenges facing local communities living adjacent SENAPA. Four villages were involved in this study. These were Bisarara, Tamkeri, Gwikongo, and Bonchugu. The data...

Contribution Of Joint Forest Management On Livelihoods: A Case Of Kilombero District

ABSTRACT This research was conducted in Kilombero district in Morogoro region. The main objective of this study was to assess the contribution of joint forest management on livelihoods. The methods used in this study involved questionnaire; focus group discussion and observation to acquire relevant information. The statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used to analyze data which were then summarized into frequencies and percentages and presented in tables for more open understand...

The Extent Of Mangroves Deforestation And Environmental Impacts In Menai Bay, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT Mangrove forests are most important coastal resource, requiring careful management when utilized as a resource. However, the existences of mangroves in Menai bay facing a major blow due to anthropogenic activities take place in the region. This dissertation therefore aims at examining the magnitude, and environmental impacts of mangrove deforestation in Menai Bay as a strategy for mangrove forest resource conservation in Menai Bay, Zanzibar. The study used different methods to captu...

Soil Conservation Practices By Smallholder Farmers In Agro-Pastoral Systems: A Case Of Serengeti District

ABSTRACT  The study sought to explore soil conservation practices by smallholder farmers in agro-pastoral systems in Serengeti District in Tanzania. The study used a descriptive and cross-sectional design. Data collection employed both primary and secondary data. The main methods were household questionnaire surveys, key informant interviews, and direct observation. The analysis of data involved the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) versions 16.0 and Microsoft excel. The study i...

Utility Of Climate Change And Variability Information For Rice Farming In Babati District-Manyara Region

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the utility of climate change and variability information for rice farming in Babati district of Manyara region.The subjects in this study were 122, comprising of 97 rice farmers, 07 key informants and 18 members of FGDs. Primary data were collected through questionnaire and checklist. Multiple responses analysis, chi-square test, linear and logistic regression were used to analyze the collected data. The result showed that 95.1% of the respondent...

A Comparison Of Conception Rates In Naturally Serviced And Artificially Inseminated Tuli And Afrikaner Females As A Reproductive Performance Indicator.

Abstract A study was conducted to compare conception rate between groups of 71 Tuli and 86 Afrikaner heifers and cows bred using artificial insemination technology and natural service method at Matopos Research Institute. Data on female ID number (ear tag), last calving date, parity, the breed of animal, breeding method (inseminated vs. natural mating) and pregnancy status were recorded. Binary logistic regression and cross tabulations were used for statistical analysis. Breeding method, bree...

Assessment Of Community-Owned Water Supply Organizations Strategy For Sustainability Of Rural Water Supply In Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Dodoma region covering seven districts. The study area is among the central regions which are dry without alternative source of clean water from the surface. Rural communities in study area are less capable of achieving economies of scale to raise income needed for drilling independent boreholes. The situation creates the urgency of finding the effective management system for ensuring sustainability of rural water projects. The aim of the study was to ass...

Assessment Of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies For Crops Production In Semi Arid Areas: Case Of Hombolo Region

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies (CCAS) in crops production in semi-arid areas. The study focused on assessing the effectiveness of climate change adaptation on maize and grapes production in Hombolo. Specifically, the study assessed how climate change variability affected crops; assessing different strategies used to address the impacts of CC on crops production and investigating challenges to implement CCAS in the production of crops. Oral intervi...

Managing Urban Solid Wastes In Urban Areas: A Case Of Kahama Town Council, Shinyanga Region

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to investigate the way of Managing Urban Solid Wastes in Kahama Town Council, where three Wards were involved including Kahama Mjini, Majengo and Nyasubi. The study was based on the following objectives: to assess the SWM stakeholder participation in the study area; to assess factors that affected the success of stakeholders on solid SWM in the study area; and in the Public and Private Partnership in SWM Framework. The study has involved both qualitative and...

196 - 210 Of 248 Results