Political Science Research Papers/Topics

Globalization And Nigeria’s Sovereignty

Introduction “Globalization represents the reality that we live in a time when the walls of sovereignty are no protection against the movements of capital, labour, information and ideas nor can they provide effective protection against harm and damage” (Higgins, 1999). This declaration by judge Rosalyn Higgins, the former president of the International Court of justice, presents the contraventional wisdom about the future of global governance. Many view globalization as a reality that wi...

Local Governance And Social Protection Policy Implementation In Ghana: A Case Of The Leap In Ga East Municipality

ABSTRACT Social protection has become an antidote to economic and social development in modern governments worldwide. Since 1957, successive governments in Ghana have formulated policies to give relief to the poor and vulnerable in the society. Furthermore, some of these social policies have been rather unsustainable due to the myriad of challenges in policy implementation. However, the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme appears to be standing the test of time under diffe...

Explaining Change In Voter Behaviour: A Study Of The Lawra Constituency In The 2008 Parliamentary Elections In Ghana

ABSTRACT No doubt, the Lawra constituency is one of the strong holds of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana. This is amply demonstrated by the fact that the party has won four consecutive parliamentary elections since the inception of the fourth republic. However, in the 2008 parliamentary elections, the party lost the seat to the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) for the first time. This loss shocked not only the NDC party but other keen political observers. This study se...

A Study Of Change And Continuity In French Foreign Policy (1990-2006) In Africa

ABSTRACT As a colonial power French developed the policy of assimilation the most ambitious administrative system through out the colonial experience of Africa

A Research Work On The Role Of Small Scale Industries In Economic Diversification.

ABSTRACT Small Scale Industries all over the world have been the engine room for viable economic growth and development. In the light of the above, this research work identifies the role of small scale industries (SSI) in the growth of the nation's economy. Various related literatures were reviewed from which it was noticed that Small scale Industries are central to the growth of the nation’s economy. This is evident in the policies created by government to accelerate the development of sm...

A Discourse on Accumulation and the Contradictions of Capitalist Development in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examines and conceptualizes accumulation in the context of Nigeria‟s neocolonial state. It investigates the nature of accumulation in Nigeria and, the role of the state and social classes in the accumulation process; the implication of the hegemony of foreign capital and transnational accumulation for the development of underdevelopment in Nigeria; the impact of the state-capital model of primitive accumulation on the crisis and contradictions of capitalist underdevelopm...

Electoral Violence And Democracy In Africa: The Case Of Ghana (1992-2012).

ABSTRACT Elections have widely been acknowledged as the most democratic means of establishing governments. Whilst the conduct of elections has the potential of ending conflicts, it could also plunge a country into chaos. Although the latter has been witnessed in many African countries, Ghana has only but witnessed few skirmishes which have not degenerated into armed conflicts. The study therefore sought to establish why the story of Ghana has been different and how the absence of such has e...

Political Parties And Manifesto Formulation: The Case Of The New Patriotic Party (NPP) And The National Democratic Congress (NDC) From 2008-2016

ABSTRACT Manifestos have remained a salient element in the electoral process and governance of many democratic states including Ghana. Manifestos presents parties’ positions on issues and how they intend to address the problems of voters in the lead-up to elections. It also provides the voters with the options to make their decisions. As a result of the undaunted role manifestos play in the electoral and governance process of Ghana, unearthing the processes through which political parties...

The Politics of Service Delivery in Local Governance Units in Ghana: A Comparative Study of Waste Management And Building Permit in The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA)

ABSTRACT       The delivery of waste management and building permit has engaged the attention of governments, development partners and citizens because of its deleterious consequences on public health, the environment and socio-economic development. Several frameworks and regulations including the Local Governance Act, 936 (2016), Environmental Sanitation Policy (1999), National Building Regulations, LI 1630 (1996), and the Town and Country Planning Ordinance of 1945 (Cap 84) have been i...

Popular Political Participation Under Ghana’s Fourth Republic

ABSTRACT Research conducted on political participation over two decades of democratic governance in Ghana, have been overly skewed towards the conduct of elections. Also, explanations on popular participation have been largely descriptive, with exclusive focus on structural or macro level explanatory factors. First, it begs the question of what the actual levels and the trends in political participation among Ghanaians are. Again, as research conducted focused on institutions and sociopoliti...

The State And Management of Economic Recession in Nigeria

ABSTRACT   The study examined the state and management of economic recession in Nigeria. The objectives set for the study are: to ascertain whether the failure of the state to adequately manage oil resources contributed to recession experience in Nigeria from 2014 2017, to ascertain whether the implementation of economic recovery plan (EGRP) reduced the hardship caused by recession experience in Nigeria between 2014 2017. The rentier state theory was adopted to justify the hypothesis which ...

Internal Party Democracy And Political Stability in Nigeria( A Case Study of PDP Imo State Between 2007 And 2016)

ABSTRACT The study examined internal party democracy and political stability in Nigeria, a case study of PDP Imo state between 2007 and 2016. Documentary method of data collection was adopted. Qualitative description method based on content analysis was used as a method of data analysis. This work is predicted on the theoretical framework of elite power theory propounded by Vilfredo Pareto. The study found out that the activities of godfatherism in Imo state PDP has led to violence and elect...

State Institutions And Political Party Vigilantism: The Cases Of The National Health Insurance Authority (Nhia) And The Youth Employment Agency (Yea), In The Northern Region From 2009 - 2017

ABSTRACT Political Party Vigilantism (PPV) has become not only a feature but also a menace in the politics of Ghana’s Fourth Republic. In Ghana, starting with the presidency of Jerry John Rawlings, PPV has expressed itself in inter-party rivalry between the two leading political parties – the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP). The use of propaganda to discredit rival parties and in extreme cases the forceful take-overs of state institutions (SIs) by poli...

Corruption And Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria

Abstract This study was embarked on to evaluate corruption and sustainable development in Nigeria. In the process of this study three specific objectives were formulated and three research questions were poses to guide the research. The major limitation was the inability of the researcher to retrieve some relevant materials for the study from internet sources and the management of time to produce the needed result. The literature review was organized in themes which directly look into the ...

Good Governace And Poverty Alleviation; A Case Study of Selected Local Government in Benue State

ABSTRACT For the purpose of clarity and operational reasons, this study was undertaken to investigate good governance and poverty alleviation programme in Benue State with a focus to six selected local government. Three specific objectives were formulated and three research questions were set to guide the study. The major limitation of the study was that the research was formally intended to study the whole local governments in Benue State because of the cost of covering the whole local gove...

316 - 330 Of 564 Results