Political Science Research Papers/Topics

Foreign Direct Investment And The Development of Small And Medium Enterprises in Enugu State(2007 -2017)

ABSTRACT The issue of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been an age long issue for quite some decades especially in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Enugu state, Nigeria. However, little or no attention has been given to the importance of foreign direct investment to the development of SMEs in the state. SMEs are the major drivers of employment in Enugu state and Nigeria at large, because statistics has it that 60% of Nigeria’s workforce comes through small and medium scale enterpr...

District Assemblies, Ngos And Local Development In Ghana: The Case Of Agona West Municipality

ABSTRACT This research investigated the performance of Agona West Municipal Assembly (AWMA) as a District Assembly (D.A.) in the delivery on its developmental mandate in the areas of infrastructure, education and health as well as the contributions of Non Government Organizations (NGOs) in the same areas of developments. The study found out that, concerning infrastructural development, AWMA has been constructing markets, toilet facilities, roads, extending pipe borne water and bore holes and ...

Executive Legislative Relations And Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria's Fourth Republic

ABSTRACT The necessity of building a workable synergy and desirable relationship between the forces of government both at the levels of executive and legislative systems towards ensuring democratic consolidation lies at the heart of this research.The Fourth Republic came into existence in 1999, this came after a long period of military interregnum. Democracy was highly embraced by all with expected hope it will deliver good dividends and socio-economic development. But not far into the Fourt...

Gender And Politics in Enugu State; A Case Study of Women in Participation 1999-2016

Abstract This research was embarked on to evaluate gender and politics and women in politics in Nigeria with special interest in Enugu State 1999-2016. The study formulated three objectives and three research questions to navigate the study. The major limitation to this study was that women participation in politics in Enugu State has no much record for use for analysis. In the literature review, the study looks at empirical study of women participation in politics. The study adopted feminist...

The Implementation Of The Single Spine Salary Structure (Ssss) In Ghana

ABSTRACT The Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS) is one of the major components of the Single Spine Pay Policy (SSPP) introduced by the Government of Ghana and got implemented in 2010, to regulate the payment of public service workers especially those under article 190 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana. Notwithstanding the well-crafted nature and the objectives of the policy, its implementation has suffered challenges. Analysis of data collected revealed some of these challenges including hi...

Political Participation And Democratic Consolidation In Nigeria; A Case Study Of Enugu State 2007-2017

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to evaluate political participation and democratic consolidation in Nigeria with a particular reference to Enugu State. Three objectives and three research questions were formulated to guide the research. The study adopted thematic format in its literature review. The theoretical framework used was structural functionalism and research design used in the study was expos facto design and content analysis was used to evaluate the topic under discussion in lin...


In recent time, government expenditure on public and other ad-hoc establishments has been on the increase. This can be attributed to the resolve of govenunent for rapid and accelerated development including the welfare of the citizen hence, the underlying objectives in the establishment of public enterprises and corporations. Thus, the principle of limited government restricts the government only to its traditional statuto1y role of maintaining Law and order plus the provision of basic...

Party Politics And National Integration: A Case Study Of People’s Democratic Party (Pdp) In Nigeria, 1999-2015

Abstract Since the attainment of independence in 1960, it has been known that party polities has not really done much in the area of national integration in Nigeria because of this; political parties in Nigeria tend to promote ethnic and private interest which has milted against National integration. Based on this, this study sought to investigate the party politics and national integration with a view to analyzing the nature and structure of the People ’s Democratic Parties (PDP) between ...

Mobilization of Rural Farmers For Sustainable Agricultural Productivity- A Case Study of Selected Local Government Areas in Anambra State

ABSTRACT This study is an attempt to develop strategies of mobilizing rural farmers especial ly. the rural farmers of selected local government areas of A nambra State. The researcher adopted the concept of sustainable development as a thcorelical framework for the study and reviewed the existing pol icies and progrn:nmes with respect to agricultural development. The s tudy concerned i tself with the signi ficance of mobil ization of rural farmers for sustainable agricuJ1uraJ !)roductivity. ...

Legislative Oversight And Socio Economic Development in Benue State

ABSTRACT Under a democratic dispensation, governance and development are best optimized by collective participation. The legislature, which is a veritable arm of government in a democracy, is a catalyst of socioeconomic development. Its worth is measured not only by the quality of intellectual debate in the parliament but also by the attraction of constituency projects such as roads, electricity, industries, among others which aid development. The central thesis of this research is to determ...

Decentralization For Development In Ghana: The Case Of Ajumako – Enyan – Essiam District (Aeed)

ABSTRACT Decentralization has been the most popular policy adopted by many advanced countries worldwide, as a modality for involving citizens in the grass root participation in the governance in their own states. This has been done effectively by creating the local government systems to pursue such decentralized policies and programs effectively and efficiently. In this sense, these local government systems are created by the various governments across the world to enhance broad participation...

Intractable Conflicts In Northern Ghana And The Search For Lasting Peace: The Case Of Mamprusis And Kusasis In Bawku

ABSTRACT The Northern part of Ghana has witnessed several ethnic conflicts. Most of these conflicts are based on religious differences, land litigations and claims to chieftaincy. The Kusasi and Mamprusi ethnic groups in Bawku have engaged in conflict that has become intractable and permeated the whole life span of the people, thereby impeding growth and development in the area. Data collected from both primary and secondary sources revealed that the claims to chieftaincy title have been the ...

Voting Behaviour In Elections In Ghana’s Fourth Republic: A Study Of The Manhyia South, Ho West And Ayawaso West Wuogon Constituencies

ABSTRACT Voting in Ghana, just like that of many other African countries, has often been described as ethnic-based. For that matter, ethnicity has been regarded by many scholars as the leading factor that shapes the electoral choices of voters on the African continent. In Ghana, the Ashanti and Volta Regions have been cited as areas where ethnic-based voting appears dominant. This is evidenced by the massive support that accrues to the New Patriotic Party and the National Democratic Congress ...

Islam And Politics In The Northern Region: Focus On The Tijaniyya And The Ahlu-Sunna Sects In Tamale

ABSTRACT Like the national level, the dominant political parties in the Northern Region are the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP). The two dominant Islamic sects in the Tamale Metropolis in the Northern Region are the Ahlu-sunnas and the Tijaniyyas. Interestingly, under the Fourth Republic, most Ahlu-sunnas have aligned themselves with NDC whiles most Tijaniyyas have been affiliated with the NPP. This study sets out to investigate both the historical and con...

Human Resource Development And Performance in an Organization- A Case Study of FCT Agriculture Development Project

ABSTRACT This thesis is on ((Human Resource Development and performance in an organization: A case study of FCT ADP Ahuja" My choice of Federal Capital Territory Agricultural Development project Ahuja} is informed by its significance to the development of Ahuja and the Nation at Large. The researcher } s desires to critically and elaborately uncover the problems caused by neglecting the human side of organizations} explore the relationship between · Human resource development and performanc...

331 - 345 Of 564 Results