Traffic demand is growing steadily in the world today, the authorities are with daily challenges, such as the road and time spent travelling, there should certainty added global concern about the protection of the environment different kinds of contaminations including noise and vibration caused by todays level motorization. The aim of this study is to appraise the deployment of ICT in the management and control of traffic in the Port Harcourt metropolis. This study used empirical evidence fo...
ABSTRACT The study assessed Procurement Best Practices on the Performance of Public Sector. The specific objectives of the study were; to assess the level of compliance to best public procurement practices by TBA, to analyze the barriers of best procurement practices in the public sector and to determine the relationship between best public procurement practices and performance of public sector’. The study adopted descriptive research design. The population of the study was 120 employees ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the roles of material resource management and how it leads to efficiency of an organization. Besides that it was also aimed at highlighting the indicators of efficiency. The study was carried out among the staff of various departments of the Pilgrim NGO. The study was carried out using questionnaires and interview guides which were administered to staff of Pilgrim NGO. After the data collection exercise, it was then descriptively analyzed and ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration .............................................................................................................. iiApproval ................................................................................................................ iiiDedication .............................................................................................................. ivAcknowledgement .............................................................................................
ABSTRACT The topic of the study was inventory management and organizational performance a case study of Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration (ZIF A). The study objectives were to determine the various methods of inventory management in an organization, to examine the relevancy of inventory management techniques lmvards organizational performance and to establish the relationship between Inventory Management and organizational Performance. The study ,,vas conducted in Tanzania. Descr...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. ,APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................
ABSTRACT This report is the result of the three month study that was done at Parastatal Pension Funds (PPF) using case study research design. The main objectives of the study was to identify the activities involved in the management of procurement contract and financial performance, in assessing the effectiveness of procurement contract, to point out and discuss the factors affecting the management of procurement contract at PPF, and to justify the need for an effective management of contract...
ABSTRACT This study was be carried out in Nyakagyeme Sub- County which has eight Parishes that is to say, Kabwoma, Kahoko, Kigaaga, Kitimba, Masya, Nyakinengo, Rushasha and Rwerere Parish. Historically, the people of Nyakagyeme sub- County came together with the rest of the people of Rukungiri dIstrict from the present Kabale through Kigezi land to the present Nyakagyeme Sub- County. The Sub- County is generally a plain iand. The climate of Nyakagyeme Sub- County is characterised by two seas...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the roles of material resource management and how it leads to efficiency of an organization. Besides that it was also aimed at highlighting the indicators of efficiency. The study was carried out among the staff of various departments of the Pilgrim NGO. The study was carried out using questionnaires and interview guides which were administered to staff of Pilgrim NGO. After the data collection exercise, it was then descriptively analyzed and ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ...............................................................................................................................................
ABSTRACT The process of procurement usually begins when the procurer starts to search the market for bidders. After identifying the suppliers, a request for bids, proposals, quotes, and information can be ~ade. However, direct contact with bidders can also· be made instead of advertising the above requests. After selecting the suitable bidders, a quality check is essential in order to confirm the suitability of the goods in question. The next step would be negotiation of the terms, conditio...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. IIACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... IllDEDICATION ................................................................................................................................. IVTABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL .............................................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEGEMENT ...........................................................
ABSTRACT Serengeti Breweries Limited is the private organization, which is the producer and dist1ibutor of alcoholic drinks (Premium Serengeti Lager, Uhuru Peak Lager, Tusker Lager, The Kick, Tusker Malt Lager and Guinness Foreign Extra) and non alcoholic drinks (Vita Malt and Malta Guinness) all over the country. The study was conducted at Mwanza Plant situated at Nyakato. The responsibility of Serengeti Breweries is to make sure that their consumers are well satisfied all over the country a...