Social Work and Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Social Economic Impact of Adult Education and Continuing Education Programme to the Community: A Case Study in Bahari Division, in Kilifi District, Coast Province, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study of The Socio-economic Impact of Adult Education was conducted with the aim of identifying and evaluating various objectives acquired by the department of ACE under the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture and Social Services. These objectives, such as eradication of illiteracy in the country, promotion of cultural heritage, encouraging learning as a life long process and alleviating poverty, were some of the factors that were used to determine the consequences ...

Public Procurement Regulations Authority and Performance of Institutions.

ABSTRACT This research studied public procurement regulations authority and performance of institutions, a case study of institute of social work and social administration, the objectives of the study include; To establish the procurement systems that were in place before the public procurement reforms in Uganda; to assess the Government Public Procurement Reforms that was put in place in 1997 in Uganda; to identify the impact of Public Procurement Reforms on services delivery in Uganda and t...

On Job Training and Employee Performance A Case Study of Kotido Municipality, Kotido District, Karamoja Sub-Region-Uganda

ABSTRACT  The research titled as on job training and employee performance a case study of Kotido Municipality in Kotido district Karamoja sub ~region. The researcher used the following objectives research on his search for relevant inf:ormation. To examine the employees on job training in Kotido Municipality in Kotido district, to find out the employee performance in Kotido Municipality in Kotido district, to establish the relationship between employee on job training and performance in Koti...

Youth Unemployment and Crime in Bosaso City, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of youth unemployment on crime in Bosaso city, Somalia. It was guided by three objectives that is to say; analyzing the causes of youth unemployment. examining the nature of crime committed by youths and examining how youth’s unemployment leads to crime in Bosaso Somalia. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design that allows analysis of both quantitative and qualitative. The study was carried out on the youths living in Bosaso where a sample of...

Gender Mainstreaming and Womens Economic Development in Uganda A Case Study Of Kidera Sub-County, Buyende District

ABSTRACT The research topic was gender mainstreaming and women’s economic development in Kidera sub-county. The research study was conducted in Kidera sub-couty, Buyende district and was guided by three objectives namely; (i) to find out the challenges facing gender promotion in Kidera sub-county, (ii) to establish solutions to the challenges facing gender promotion in Kidera sub-county, and (iii) to establish the relationship between gender mainstreaming and women’s economic develop...

Population Increase and Land Fragmentation in Kawempe Division, Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT There has been a steady population increase in Kampala City over the last centur>: that is considered to be one of the causes of land fragmentation in Kawempe division. High birth rates. immigration and urbanization are one ofthe causes of population increase in Kampala. Land has been sub divided into very small portions of land owned by diff~rent individuals. This has slo~~ed down the general development of the area since there is limited land for development. [his research exa...

Women’s Participation in Community and Social Economic Development in Selected Organizations; A Case of Somaliland- District, Somaliland

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONDEDICATIONAPPROVAL iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLESLISTOFACRONYMS xCHAPTER ONEnn...nsn,tnu,n..uø.. fluu,n.u flu, uuu,,uusuuu ,uuuu u.n., uuuu,uuuuun, 4. uuuuuuu,.n, 1BACKGROUNDTOTHESTUDy.,,,,~,11 .0 Introduction 11 .1 Background of the Study 11 .2 Statement of the Problem 61.3 Purpose of the Study 71 .4 Research Objectives 71 .4. I General Objectives 71 .4.2 Specific Objectives 71 .5 Research Questions 71.6 Scope 7I .6. I Geographical Scope 71.6...

An Assessment On the Contributions of the Informal Sector On Community Development: A Case Study Buwenge Town Council Mnja -District

ABSTRACT The study carried out in Buwenge town council was to conduct an assessment on the contributions of the informal sector in development of Buwenge town council. The study was guided with three objectives that included examining the role of informal sector in development, establishing the challenges facing the informal sector and establishing the strategies that can be adopted to improve the performance of the informal sector. The study was descriptive in nature. It involved the use bot...

A Study On Motivational Measures and Improving Workers Performance in Butenga Sub-County, Bukomansiimbi District Local Government

ABSTRACT The notions of motivation and work performance have become a popular driving force behind most successful organizations. Butenga Sub county in Bukomansiirnbi District Local Government has made numerous efforts towards the motivation of its workers but the challenge facing the implementation of these measures continue to persist. This study shall be undertaken in Butenga Sub-county Bukomansiimbi District Local Government and its focus is geared towards establishing reasons why workers...

Impact of Child Labor on Academic Performance of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools in Mpigi Town Council, Mpigi District, Central Region-Uganda

ABSTRACT This study assessed the impact of Child labor on academic performance of pupils in selected primary schools in Mpigi town council in Mpigi district. Four specific objectives, four research questions were formulated with four null hypotheses associated. Survey research design was adopted. The population for the study was 37,700 drawn from the three educational zone of Niger States. A sample of 600 respondents from classes 4, 5, and 6 were randomly selected for the study. The instrumen...

An Inquiry into the Relationship Between Family Poverty and Poor Academic Performance of Children in Upe Schools a Case Study: Ho Ima District Central Ward.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out central ward UPI: school lo mquire into the relationship between f'amily poverty and children's poor academic pcrf'ormancc. The problems were lack oi' participation of' parents in children's work, single parents llunily related !'actors, absenteeism, poor nutrition, inadequate text books, and lack ol·community participation. The objective ol' this study was lo determine the extent to which social economic !actors affect the performance 01· pupils in UPI( ...

Role Of Social Work On Community Rehabilitation: A Case Study Of Bukhofu Sub-county, Manafwa District, Eastern Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research was set to establish social work and its effects on development of Bukhofu community; it was guided by objectives that included the challenges encountered, establishing intervention strategies and assessing the role of social work in development of Bukhofu subcounty. The researcher used a cross sectional research design both quantitative and qualitative approaches in data collection. The data was collected using questionnaires from the respondents of Bukhofu sub-county ...

Effect of Food Insecurity On Households Welfare. A Case Study of Panyangara Sub-County, Kotido District, Karamoja North Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examines the effects of food insecurity on households Welfare in Karamoj a, Panyangara sub-county, Kotido district. The study was guided by the following objectives; to assess whether food insecurity leads to malnutrition, to examine whether food insecurity leads to persistent poverty, to find out whether food insecurity leads to cattle rustling, to know whether food insecurity leads to inflation. The researcher used primary and secondary sources of information. With primar...

Assessing of the Impact of Child Marriage On Girl Child Education. A Case Study of St. Stephen Child Development Centre, Kumi Municipality, Kumi District Uganda

ABSTRACT This section explains the research findings on Assessing of the impact of child marriage on girl child education. Objectives of the study To measure the impact of child marriage on drop out, literacy and education attainment To briefly adopt some of the policies that could be adopted in order to reduce child marriage To establish the effects of girl child marriage on girl child education In despite of all attention drawn to child marriage across the world, there is a lack of improvem...

Social Media and Moral Degeneration. A Case Study of Lwamata Sub-County -Kiboga District.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.2 Statement of the problem 41.3 The purpose of the study 41.4 Specific objectives of the study 41.6 Scope of the study 41.6.1 Subject 41,6.2 Geographical scope 56.1. 3 Time Scope 51.7 Significance of the study 5CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REIEW 72.0 Introduction 72.1 Social media 72.2 Television 82.3 Radio 82.1 contributions of social media on moral degeneration 102.2 Effec...

16 - 30 Of 353 Results