Social Work and Administration Research Papers/Topics

Assessment of The Quality of HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing Service Delivery in Private Health Units in Tara Sub County, Maracha District, West Nile

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVALCHAPTER ONEBACKGROUND TO THE STUDY1.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study i1.2 Statement of the Problem 31.3 The purpose ofthe study 41.4. Objectives of the study 41.4.1 General objective 41.6. Scope of the study 41.6.] Content scope 41.6.3 Time scope 51.7. Significance of the study 51.9 Definition of the key terms 62.0 Introduction 72.1 Factors affecting HIV/AIDS testing and counseling 72.5 Barriers to HCT 133.0 Introduction 163.1 Research Design 163.2 ...

Effects of Child Labor On the Academic Performance of Pupils in Primary Schools in Kampala District: Case Study of Pit Hill Primary School, Kawempe Division:

TABLE OF CONTENTS.DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................

Family Structures On Children’s Psychological Development. A Case Study of Kisenyi Parish Central Division Kampala

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTSLIST OF TABLES ixABSTRACTCIIAPTERONE 1I .0 Introduction 11.3 Purpose of the study 31 .4 Study objectives 31.5 Research Questions 31 .6 Scope of the study 4I .6. 1 Geographical Scope 4I .6.2 Time Scope 4I .7 Significances of the study 4I .8 Operation of key terms 5CHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.0 Iniroduction 62. I Conceptual framework 62.2 Causes of single parenting 72.3 The problems facing family structure and children’s’ p...

The Impact of HIV/AIDS On Service Delivery in Iganga District: (A Case Study of Buyanga Sub-County)

TABLEOF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVAL IDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ANCRYNOS VTABLE OF CONTENT viLIST OFTABLES ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE 11.0, Introduction 11. 1. Background of the study 11 .2. Statement of the problem 41.3. Objectives of the Study 51 .4. Research Questions 51.4. Scope of the study 51.4.1. Subject Scope 51.4.2. Geographical Scope 51.4.3. Time Scope 61.5. Aim of the of the Study ~ 61.6. Limitations of the Study 61.7. Significance of the Study 61.9 Definition of Concepts 8CHA...

Local Government Roles and Service Delivery in Uganda A Case of Makindye Division - Kampala

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACRONYMS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 31.4 Objective of the study 31.4.1 The general objective of the study 31.4.2 Specific objectives 31.5 Research questions 41.6 scope of the study 41.7 Content scope 41.8 Time scope 41.9 Significance of the study 4LITERATURE REVIEW 62.0 scope of the literature review 62.1 Local government processes 72.4 Cor...

The Influence of Effective Management On Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Mpigi Town Council

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ....................................................................................................... IApproval. ....................................................................................................................................... iiDedication ..................................................................................................... iiiAcknowledgen1ent. ....................................................................................

An Assessment of the Roles of Non-Governmental Organization in Resettlement of Southern Sudan Returning Refugees (A Case Study: UNDP)

The research was conducted in Juba the capital of southern Sudan, the area in which many returnees were based, after they were brought from exile due to civil war strife in Sudan. The war in Sudan had been fought for 21 years between the citizens of Sudan itself because of vast marginalization of communities in the country.However, in 2005, the peace was signed between the SPLM/A and the Khartoum regime (NCP) which paved the way for peace and security in the country.As a result, many displace...

The Contributions of Functional Adult Literacy to The Socio-Economic Welfare of Women. A Case of Women Beneficiaries in Laroo Division Gulu Municipality, Gulu District.

The study is about the extent to which women in Laroo division have benefited from the Functional Adult Literacy (F AL) programmes in terms of socio-economic, decision-making and health improvements. It is based on the case of women beneficiaries in Laroo division Oulu municipality, Oulu district. The study assesses the contribution of Functional Adult Literacy programmes to socio-economic welfare of women in Laroo division, to find the degree to which Functional Adult Literacy have been succ...

The Study of People’s Perceptions Towards Defilement - In Mukono District

Background of the Study Defilement is one of the most prevalent crimes in Uganda as evidenced by the increasing cases reported to the law enforcement and work agencies. Government has put in place legal control measures but the crime is still being committed. Unfortunately most offenders often escape punishment. Law of defile and rape dates back from the coming of the British colonialists towards the end of the 19th century. Prior to the establishment of British rule in Uganda, the different ...

The Effects of Corruption On Social Service Delivery in Bududa District Local Government

The study investigated the effects corruption on service delivery in social institutions e.g health and education. In Bududa Local Government It was based on the following research objectives: l). To establish the relationship between corruption and social service delivery; 2).To establish the relationship between interference in recruitment process and service delivery; 3). To establish the relationship between interference in procurement process and service delivery. The study was conducted...

An Analysis of the Challenges Faced by Non-Governmental Organizations in Effective Service Delivery to Street Children in Uganda: A Case Study of UNICEF Lira District - Uganda

The data collected revealed some of the challenges faced by NGO's in effective service delivery to street children in Uganda: A case study of UNICEF, Lira district. It was found that UNICEF encounters poor coordination with Lira District local government. This was attributed majorly to poverty which makes the government not to offer enough financial support to the organization and also provide their services directly to the rehabilitated street children. Due to this problem, UNICEF is sometim...

Poverty and Domestic Violence in Buteba Sub-County, Busia District, Eastern Uganda

Abstract The study was about poverty and domestic violence in Buteba sub county Busia District in Eastern Uganda. The Purpose of the Study is to examine the impact of poverty on domestic violence in Buteba Sub County in Eastern Uganda. The research objectives; to find out the causes of poverty among people in Buteba sub County in Eastern Uganda, to find out the impact of poverty on domestic violence and to suggest ways of reducing poverty in the area of Buteba sub County. The study reviewed l...

Role of Population Growth On Increased Unemployment Aiyiong the Youth in Uganda: A Case Study of Kansanga Parish, Makin Dye Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACT This study comes as a result of the increase in youth une111ployment in Kansanga parish and Kampala District and Uganda as a country. The purpose of the stud1 las to investigate the causes of youth unemploy111ent in Kansanga parish. The study had specific objectives of establishing the causes of youth unemploy111ent. assessing the i111pact of Uganda's education system on the unemployment problem and to propose solutions to address the problem in Kansanga parish. A descriptive cross-s...

Alcoholism and Risky Sexual Behaviors Among Youths at Kasensero Landing Site -Rakai District

ABSTRACT Assessment of the contribution of alcohol consumption and risky sexual behaviors on Kasensero landing site Rakai district. The research was done in April 2017 for two weeks and it was carried out in the Kasensero landing site that is found in Kyebe County in the Rakai district. This research was basically done to determine the relevant solutions and recommendations that can be put in place to reduce alcohol consumption and its negative effects on the village. This research, still, wa...

The Benefits of Child Development Projects to Child Welfare in Uganda. A Case Study of Gaba Child Development Project, Makindye East Divison, Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study was to find out how Child Development Projects have benefited the children (I.E Education, physical health, spiritual, social and economic). The objectives as how education provided has changed the children socially and spiritually, role of project in enhancing the health status of children were some of factors that were used to determine the benefits of child development projects. The study was carried out at Gaba Child Development Center, a Project located approximately ...

121 - 135 Of 353 Results