
Research Papers/Topics Technology

Evaluation Of The Antinociceptive, Antipyretic And Anti-Inflamatory Properties Of Methanolic Bark Extracts Of Terminalia Brownie In Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT Pain, pyrexia and inflammation cause unnecessary discomfort, suffering and also lower productivity of the victims. Conventional drugs for these conditions are expensive, not easily available and have adverse side effects. There is therefore need to develop alternative therapeutic agents, such as medicinal plant derivatives, that are cheaper and have lesser side effects. Terminalia brownii is used in traditional medicine to treat pain, pyrexia, inflammation but there is no scientific ...

Factors Influencing Dairy Goat Milk Production In Kitui Township, Kyangwithya East And Kyangwithya West Wards Of Kitui Central Sub County

ABSTRACT Low goat milk yield is a major constraint in Kitui County. A survey was carried out in Kitui Township, Kyangwithya east and Kyangwithya west wards of Kitui Central Sub County to assess and document the factors influencing dairy goat milk production and its roles towards improvement of rural livelihood. The environmental and managerial factors affecting milk production of different goat breeds was surveyed. Data was collected through questionnaires, observation and recording, and phot...


ABSTRACT Pain, pyrexia and inflammation cause unnecessary discomfort, suffering and also lower productivity of the victims. Conventional drugs for these conditions are expensive, not easily available and have adverse side effects. There is therefore need to develop alternative therapeutic agents, such as medicinal plant derivatives, that are cheaper and have lesser side effects. Terminalia brownii is used in traditional medicine to treat pain, pyrexia, inflammation but there is no scientific ...

A Comparative Analysis of The Efficacy of Cow, Chicken And Pig Wastes on Spinach (spinacia oleracea) as Alternatives to Artificial Fertilizers.

ABSTRACT Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a low growing fleshly leaved annual plant that can be used as a vegetable and or to treat a variety of diseases. This study aimed at comparing the effectiveness of cow, chicken and pig manure on the plant height, leaf number, leaf length as well as root length of spinach. An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Africa University between the months of June and July 2018. The experiment was a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with chicken ma...

An Investigation On The Prevalence And Drug Susceptibility Of Salmonella Enterica And Shigella Dysenteria Pathogens In Beitbridge Town

Abstract  Salmonella enterica and Shigella dysenteria are different groups of Gram-negative bacteria. Salmonella infection affects the small and large intestine (enterocolitis) whereas Shigella infection affects the colon (colitis). Diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever are the main symptoms in both diseases. The study was conducted among Beitbridge residents who visited Beitbridge District Hospital suffering from diarrhea in the months December 2017 and January 2018. The aim of the study was t...

Efficacy Of Chlorfenapyr And Clothianidin Insecticides On Anopheles Malaria Vector Populations Of Nyando, Bumula And Ndhiwa Sub-Counties, Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Malaria is a global health problem resulting in 435,000 deaths annually with 90% of the deaths occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. Over 70% of the Kenyan population is at risk of malaria and western Kenya is an endemic region with prevalence of 38%. The Anopheles gambiae complex and Anopheles funestus are the main vectors of human malaria in Africa with Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto and Anopheles gambiae arabiensis being the main vectors in western Kenya. Anopheles gambiae sensu stric...

Association Between Natural Cytotoxicity Triggering Receptor- 3 Polymorphisms (-172a/G And -412c/G) And Interferon-Gamma Levels In Children Aged 3-36 Months With Severe Plasmodium Falciparum

ABSTRACT In sub-Saharan Africa, Plasmodium falciparum infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality mostly among children under five years. In Kenya, severe malaria anaemia prevalence is at 19%. In malaria holo-endemic region of western Kenya, P. falciparum infections account for major proportion of children with anaemia that leads to severe malaria anaemia (SMA, Hb

Occurance Of Organic Compounds In Water And Sediments In Sebakwe River

ABSTRACT Pollution of the aquatic environment is a major global concern as it is emerging that pollutants such as organic compounds are rising each day. The anthropogenic activities such as agricultural and wastewater effluent contribute to the pollution of aquatic resources. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial occurrence and concentration of organic compounds in water and sediment along Sebakwe River in Kwekwe. Water and sediment samples were collected once in January 2019 at...

A comparison of susceptibility to feeding by the black bean aphid (aphis fabae) between two varieties of beans (phaseolus vulgaris) (gloria and nua 45) commonly grown in zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT Gloria and Nua 45 are two of the most commonly grown sugar bean varieties in Zimbabwe. Beans are a cheap alternative source of protein and have been on high demand due to the ever-rising meat prices. Gloria and Nua 45 are being affected by the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) feeding which is the most problematic insect pest of beans. The aphid feeds on foliage of plants resulting in stunted growth and reduced yields. A comparison of susceptibility to feeding by A. fabae was done to d...

Influence Of Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning And System Success Features On Performance Of Saving And Credit Co-Operatives In Kenya

ABSTRACT   Kenya‟s vision 2030 under the economic pillar on financial services sector, seeks to create a vibrant and globally competitive financial sector that seeks to transform the country Deposit-Taking SACCOs operation through adoption of innovative information system. In Kenya, Deposit-Taking SACCOs are legal financial institutions under SACCO Societies Act 2008. They serve demand for access for credit to underserved populations excluded by commercial banks and face challenges such a...

Safeguarding Africa’s Cultural Heritage Through Digital Preservations

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine protection of Africa’s cultural heritage through digital preservation. Design/methodology/approach: A mixed method consisting of survey and interview techniques were used to gather both quantitative and qualitative data from selected cultural heritage institutions and national agencies in Nigeria. A self administered questionnaire was used to collect data from Curators, Archivists, and Librarians. A total of sixty five staff from ...

Automatic Traffic Offences Monitoring Systemat Traffic Light Controlled Intersection

Abstract 1.1Introduction Traffic0monitoring0is0a0very0difficult0task0for0traffic0control0department,0especially0in0large cities.0This0prototype0project0is0designed0to0monitor0a0traffic0light0controlled0intersection0by0us ing0a0camera,0whenever0a0vehicle0breaks0the0traffic0rules0the0camera0takes0a0snap0shot. Cameras0are0devices0that,0when0linked0to0the0signal0controller,0automatically0photograph vehicles0that0enters0the0intersection0after0the0onset0of0the0red0light.0Typically0offending0drivers...

Information And Communication Technologies: Use And Factors For Success Amongst Academics In Private And Public Universities In Nigeria

Background: The higher education sector is making a conscious effort to integrate information and communication technologies (ICTs) into the academe with a view to improving teaching, learning and access to knowledge. Unfortunately, the use of ICTs in teaching by academics in Nigerian universities is far below expectation. Objectives: The aim of this article was to report on a study that examined the underlying factors determining the use of ICTs in teaching by academics in private and publi...

Exploring The Use Of Instructional Technology: A Survey Of Academics At Two Nigerian Universities

Abstract The article reports empirical research findings on the use of instructional technology among Nigerian academics for effective instructional delivery. Using a quantitative approach, 267 questionnaires were distributed to academics from two purposively selected Nigerian universities in the South West geopolitical zone. A total of 215 questionnaires (80.5%) were returned and found useful for data analysis. The data were analysed with SPSS software to generate both descriptive and infer...

Spatial Distribution Of Suspended Particulate Matter (Spm) In Mtwapa Creek And Funzi Bay - Kenya

Abstract Surface water concentrations of inorganic nutrients and suspended particulate matter (SPM) components were examined and compared between Mtwapa and Shirazi creeks in Kenya. This was aimed at assesing the ecological situation of the two creeks and determine the influence of sewage discharge. The results obtained were further compared with those from Ramisi, an estuarine system. Mtwapa recorded higher nutrient, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton carbon concentrations than Shirazi. The two...

616 - 630 Of 1117 Results