,claration ... . .1
Jproval. ..... . ........ 11
,di cation ..... . . .. 111
cknowledgement ..... . . ... IV
1ble of Contents . ..v
bstract ..... . . .... lX
0 Back ground of the study ...... ... I
I Statement of the problem ... .. J'
2 Purpose of the study ..... . . ... 3
.3 Research questions ....... . .. 4
.4 Objectives of the study .... . .... .4
.5 Scope of the study .... . .. .4
.6 Significance of the study .......... . .. 5
.I Evolution ofP.M.A in Uganda ........... . ....... 6
.2 Agricultural practices ..... .
.3 The role of national agricultural advisory se1vices (NAADS) in Uganda ..... .
.4 The impact of plan for modernization of agriculture (PMA) on Agricultural practices ...... 9
.1 Introduction ..... .
.2 Research design
.3 Sampling procedure ........... .
.4 The sample study area and population ...
.5 Instnunents of data collection ........ .
.5.1 Questionnaires ....
.6 Data collection procedure ...
. 7 Data presentation and analysis ....
'resentation, Analysis and Discussion of data
.1 Introduction ...
.2 Agricultural practices in Kigulu South .................... .
.3 Finding out the role ofNAADS in K.igulu South ..
.4 Impact ofNAADS on agricultural practices in Kigulu County ......... .
.4.1 Education offanners ................. .
.4.2 Improvement of soil fe11ility
. ............ 11
............. 11
. . 11
. ...... 13
. ... ... 13
. .............. . 13
. ............ 14
. .... 15
. .... 15
. .... 16
. .. 18
.4.3 Control of pests ad diseases ....... .
-.4.4 Promotion of commercial enterprises.
.4.5 Promotion ofpoult1y (local birds) keeping ..... .
•.4.6 Increase of farmers' income ...
-.4. 7 Increase of crop production ................. .
-.4.8 Creation offanners' development group ........ .
. .4.9 Creation of employment opportunity ....... .
-.4.10 Provision ofimproved quality seeds
-.4.11 Linking of farmers to markets ...... .
-.4.12 Introduction of better and modern farming methods ....... .
•.4.13 Increased use of chemicals ...
;ummary, Conclusion and Recommendations.
i.l Introduction ........... .
i.2 Smnmaiy of results ........ .
;.3 Conclusion ............... .
i.4 Recommendations ...
i.5 Review ........ .
i. 0 References ...
cppendix (i): Introducto1y letter..
. .. 19
. .. 19
. .. 20
. ... 20
. ....... 22
............ __7_ .',
. .. 24
. ..... 25
. ............ 25
. ... 27
. ... 28
. . . 30
,ppendix (ii): Questionnaires to farmers ..... . ................. 31
,ppendix (iii) Questionnaire to LC .111 to LC .111 .... .................... .",) .J
,ppendix (iv) Questionnaire to NAADS subcounty Coordinators and service providers ......... 34
'able I: Category and number of respondents ...... . . ...... 12
'able 2: Agricultural practices ... . ...... 15
'able 3: Role ofNAADS ...... . . .......... 16
'able 4: Impact ofNAADS ..... . ..18
'able 5: Income and Out put (showing one farmer sampled) ........ 20
he study was conducted in Kigulu South Constituency, lganga district. It aimed at analyzing the nfluence of plan for modernization of Agriculture on Agricultural practices. The main objective of he study was, to find out the influence ofPMA (NAADS) on the agricultural practices in Kigulu. total sample population of 60 respondents was used, including 46 farmers. 13 extension workers md I local Council chairman.13 were purposively selected, while 46 farmers were selected using :tratified random sampling and later propo1tionate sampling was applied to get proportionate :ample. Jenerally the methods used to enrich the study with data included: questionnaires, face to face .nterviews, group discussions and obse1vations. Its analysis involved editing the generalizations on frequency tables to afford computation of percentages related to particular themes. The findings of the study indicate the following agricultural practices: poultry, livestock keeping, crop farming, mixed farming and irrigation. The role of NAADS was found out to include: development of commercial enterprises, formulation of farmer institutional groups, training of farmers, supply of quality seeds to farmers, soil and crop management among others. The study has also revealed that NAADS has had great impact on agricultural practices. These are: improvement of soil fertility, control of pests and diseases, promotion of commercial enterprises, promotion of poultry keeping, increase of farmers income and crop production, creation of mners' development groups and so many others. The researcher then made the following icommendations: increasing the number of farmers' development groups, giving clear budget for mding farmers, changing land tenure system, developing more demonstration farms, increasing upervision and monitoring of farmers, adding variety of crops and number of sub county oordinators.
Research, S. (2022). Influence Of Plan For Modernization Of Agriculture On Agricultural Practices In Kigulu County. !Ganga District. Afribary. Retrieved from
Research, SSA "Influence Of Plan For Modernization Of Agriculture On Agricultural Practices In Kigulu County. !Ganga District" Afribary. Afribary, 30 Aug. 2022, Accessed 05 Feb. 2025.
Research, SSA . "Influence Of Plan For Modernization Of Agriculture On Agricultural Practices In Kigulu County. !Ganga District". Afribary, Afribary, 30 Aug. 2022. Web. 05 Feb. 2025. < >.
Research, SSA . "Influence Of Plan For Modernization Of Agriculture On Agricultural Practices In Kigulu County. !Ganga District" Afribary (2022). Accessed February 05, 2025.