The main purpose of this research was to determine the utilization of student-centered method in developing employability skills among political science education students in Edo- South Senatorial District. Specifically, the study sought to determine the extent to which demonstration method is used in developing employability skills among political science education students; the extent to which field trip method is used in developing employability skills among political science education students; the extent to which role play method is used in developing employability skills among political science education students; the extent to which group discussion method is used in developing employability skills among political science education students and the extent to which guest speaker method is used in developing employability skills among political science education students. Five hypotheses were raised and tested at 0.051evel of significance. A total of 477 Political Science Educators from Benson Idahosa University and university of Benin respectively, participated in this study. The study was hinged on the systems theory. A descriptive survey research design was adopted as the data collection method for this research. A four point scaled questionnaire was used for the data collection. The instrument attained a Cronbach alpha value of. 750. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviations calculations, while three hypotheses were tested using t-test statistic. The result shows that to a high extent, in Benson Idahosa University and university of Benin, demonstration method is used in developing employability skills among political science education students; field trip method is used in developing employability skills among political science education students; role play method is used in developing employability skills among political science education; group discussion is used in developing employability skills among political science education students;. It further showed that guest speaker method is used in developing employability skills among political science education. Based on these findings, the study recommends that Lecturers should endeavor to always update their skills on new methods in instruction and knowledge to improve on their performance. Institutions and organizations should upgrade facilities and equipment for studios, laboratories and workshops where the facilities are considered obsolete. Also, the Government should expedite action on the legislative frame work for the proposed National University Commission for Quality Assurance as this would go a long way to harmonizing and improving quality assurance at the different levels of education sector in Nigeria. 



Background to the Study             

 Over the years, economic and socio-political development is increasingly driven bythe   effective   implementation   of   education.   Education   in   general   and   higher   education(university) in particular are generally regarded as important instrument for nations. From theforegoing,   there   is   a   convincing   evidence   that   the   rate   of   unemployment   andunderemployment is fast rising and has birthed some social ills like; fraud, armed robbery,bribery   and   corruption   to   mention   but   a   few.   These   unpleasant   social   burdens   may   betraceable to the methods of instructional delivery.                         The current methods of teaching at public and private universities has beenconsidered within the ongoing changes in learning paradigm. Whereas, formerly a collegewas considered to be an institution of instruction, nowadays, it is an institution that produceslearning.  The new paradigm acknowledges that knowledge does not simply exist ‘out there’but that it is situated in each person’s mind, shaped by individual experience, constructed andcreated.Confuscius quoted saying “tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involveme and I will understand”. In the constructive understanding of instruction and learning, thefocus   is   moved   from   a   teacher-oriented   to   a student-oriented   learning   approach   and   theautonomy of learners and their social interaction becomes central. The teacher is no longer anauthoritative source or an instructor but acts as a mentor and a facilitator who supports deeplearning. The student’s role changes accordingly to an active constructor of knowledge.            Over the years, employability has been wide approached through several dimensionswhile Hellage and Pollard (1998) defined employability as de facto equated with the gainingand retaining of fulfilling work. Furgate et al (2004) offered to define employability as a new