7 PAGES (1563 WORDS) Chemical Engineering Paper

Quality control is a checking test to monitor and ensure the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is at optimum efficiency. The tests are usually carried out on samples collected from specific points or stations in the WWTP.  The Influent sample, is collected after the fine screens. Aeration basin sludge, iscollected from the point of overflow of the aeration basin, before it is sent to the clarifier. Return Activated Sludge (RAS) sample, is collected from the sludge pumping station. Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) sample, is collected just before the gravity thickeners, the effluent sample, is collected after the UV dis-infectation station. The quality control tests are performed based on daily and routine timetable. Microscopic Observation is a means to identify specifically, the types of micro-organisms active in the system. Bacteriological test involves checking of bacteria like coliform, with specifically prepared solutions.Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) test measures the amount oxygen required by micro-organisms in the sample to decompose organic matter over a period of five days incubated at 20˚C.