Studies Into The Performance Of Solar Stills"

ABSTRACT iii This research was aimed at improving on distilled water production in the basin-type solar stills. Four similar stills were built with local materials.Results from this work indicated that for good performance of the basin-type solar still, a depth of 3.0cm should not be exceeded. The still, when covered throughout the night and put into operation the following day, increases the yield. Furthermore, sawdust has been found to be a good substitude for the traditional urethane foam as lagging material for the basin. Finally, purity analysis of the distillate revealed a conductivity range of 3.11 to 3.30us/cm, a pH range of 5.67 to 5.68 for different sources of water at 25°C. Silica content ranged from 0.03 to 0.057mg/i. Oxygen content was 0.4006mg/l. There was no residue present in the distillate