The Persistence Of Female Circumcision In Nigeria: A Case Study Of The Okpe People Of Delta State

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The paper attempted to examine the reasons accounting

for the sustenance of the practice of female circumcision

and how to stem it. mc basis of the facts

presented here are derived from a survey involving a

saitiple of four hundred and five respondents of both

sexes conducted in two local government areas (Okpe

and Sapclc) of Delta State. The subjects that constitute'd

the sample were randomly chosen and the data

anslysd through .simple descriptive and inferential

statistics. The results showed that the persistence of

female drcumdskn is due to the application of western

methods in the operation thereby reducing the

agony and stress associated with the practice. It abo

identified the low $we1 of education and urbanisation

as factors indueng the sustainability of the practice

be&= they make for the persistence of traditional

norms and values. Consequent upon these findings,

thq paper concladed by .auggcsting the involvement

and enlistment of wtstem trained health care pmfessionab

'as public health educator in an attempt to

stamp out the act. In addition to the above, the paper

suggested the rapid development of our educational

sytskrn and urbanisation as a way of weakening non

fundional tradidonal vaIues .

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