The study evaluated the factors influencing the use intensity of improved soil management practices in Imo State, Nigeria. Data were obtained from 209 farmers with the aid of structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as the mean, frequency and percentages. The findings revealed that age, education, farming experience, household size, occupation and farm size etc are important factors influencing the use intensity of improved agricultural practices i...
The study was designed to examine the impact of sustainable soil management techniques on land productivity ofarable crop farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Despite various efforts to produce basic foods for the increasingpopulation in Nigeria, the track record of performance over the years has proved abortive. This stems from the use ofvariant unsustainable soil management techniques which are concomitant to soil erosion, nutrient depletion anddecline in food production. Multi-stage random sampl...
Effective land management techniques are sine qua-non for increased outputs and income of the farmers. Hence, thisstudy evaluated the impact of sustainable soil management techniques on net income of arable crop farmers in ImoState, Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 209 arable crop farmers. Objectives of thisstudy were elicited from the sampled respondents through a well structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed usingdescriptive statistical tools, average tr...
Efficient use of sustainable soil management techniques has proven to be a panacea for poverty reduction amongfarmers. Hence this study examined the Impact of sustainable soil management techniques on poverty levels of arablecrop farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 209 arable crop farmers.Information on the objectives of this study was elicited from the sampled respondents through a well structuredquestionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive...
Overtime, land values have continued to diminish due to unsustainable land management practices engaged by thefarmers. This study evaluated the econometric analysis of agricultural land values in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi-stagerandom sampling technique was used to select 75 farmers for the study. Information on the objectives of this studywas elicited from the sampled respondents through a well structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Data wereanalyzed using descriptive statistical to...
This study examined the effect of government expenditure on economic growth and development inNigeria for the period of 1990–2012. Time series data for twenty-two years were sourced from secondary data such as the CBN statistical bulletin and other relevant publications using the desk survey method. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) multiple regression technique was used to estimate theeffect of government expenditure on economic growth and development in Nigeria. Gross DomesticProduct, proxy for...
This study evaluated factor analysis of net returns from cassava value addition in Imo State, Nigeria.Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 106 cassava processors for this study. Information on the objectives of this study was elicited from the sampled respondents through a wellstructured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and ordinary least squaresmultiple regression model. The mean age of the cassava processors were 54 years, 4 persons perhousehold, 7...
The study evaluates consumers’ behaviour on retail price of rice in Imo State ofNigeria. Data were drawn from the three agricultural zones in Imo State, namelyOwerri, Orlu and Okigwe. A functional market in each zone was randomly selected.A multi stage sampling technique was used for the study. Primary data wereobtained by means of interview schedule (questionnaire) administered to consumersof rice at retail shops. Data were analyzed using descriptive techniques and ordinaryleast square (OL...
This study evaluated the effect of malaria prevalence on farmproductivity of farming households in Imo State, Nigeria. Multistage random sampling technique was used to select 108 respondentswho sourced malaria treatment from health care service providerswith the aid of a well structured questionnaire. Data were analyzedusing descriptive statistics, malaria prevalence and incidence ratemodel, productivity index model, as well as ordinary least squaremultiple regression model. Farmers had a mea...
This study evaluated the farm productivity and returns fromdifferent classes of land size holdings in Imo State, Nigeria. Multistage random sampling technique was used to select 75 farmers forthe study. Information was elicited from the sampled respondentsthrough a structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Datawere analyzed using descriptive statistics, partial productivity indexof land, and net returns model. The socio-economic features of thefarmers reveal a mean age of 58 years, 12 ...
The study investigated the evaluation of cassava processing enterprise in Imo state, Nigeria.
This study examined the role of women in sustainable conservation agriculture as a viable alternative to traditional farmingpractices in Imo State. It analyzed specifically the; socio-economic characteristics of women involved in conservationagricultural practices, various forms of sustainable conservation practices/methods used by the women farmers, effect ofconservation practices on agricultural food crop production and the constraints confronting women farmers in the area.Multi-stage rando...
This paper examined the productivity differential of selected land use systems in Imo State, Nigeria. Structured questionnairewas used to collect data from 114 farmers using purposive sampling techniques. Data were analyzed using descriptivestatistics and partial and total factor productivity models. Results showed that over (45.6%) of the sampled farmers practicedcontinuous cropping relative to shifting cultivation and crop rotation system due to the limited supply of land prevalent inthe ar...
This study was conducted to assess the the skill acquisition programs of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) ingenerating employments by its beneficiaries in Abia state. The sample comprise of 108 beneficiaries, It also showed thatthe beneficiaries of the Agricultural Employment Programme (AEP) created the highest number of jobs by claiming40.79% of jobs created. Furthermore, beneficiaries of the vocational skills development generated 14.92% of the jobscreated among the 4 major skil...
This study investigated the effects of farm inputs on productivity of farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi-stage randomsampling technique was used to select 123 respondents for this study. Information on the objectives of this study wereelicited from the sampled respondents through a well structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptivestatistics such as the mean, frequency distribution, percentage and multiple regression model. Majority of the respondentswere males (52.0%), wit...
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