Agric Business And Financial Management Research Papers/Topics

Determinants of Credit Access among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Kinangop Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Dairy farming plays a major role in the Kenyan agricultural sector as it is dominated by smallholder farmers who contribute approximately 80 per cent of the total milk production. In Kinangop Sub County, there are many credit service providers however, not all smallholder dairy farmers have benefited from such services, instead smallholder dairy farmers have continued to experience challenges such as limited access to financial services. This study therefore analyzed the...


Abstract: There is a credit market failure in Ethiopia, as evidenced by constraints on banks giving agricultural credit, unbalanced economic sector finance, and worse agricultural credit performance. It is possible to look into the seriousness of these problems using a variety of techniques. The analysis of macroeconomic and bank-specific variables that influence agricultural credit and the performance of agricultural finance, as well as how agricultural finance influenced Ethiopia's export ...


ABSTRACT   The study assesses the impact of motivation on employees’ performance at SWISS Sierra Leone Development Foundation. The objectives of the study were: to assess the relationship between motivation and employee performance, which are being used by the organization in motivating their employees; to identify the motivation packages, which the organization used in motivating their employees; and to assess how employees' motivation affect employees’ performance.   A case study de...


ABSTRACTThe major aim of this research was to determine the impact of customer satisfactionon the sales performance of a business organization taking Sameer Agriculture andLivestock Limited (SALL) as the a case basing on the objectives which included; Toestablish the various customer satisfaction methods, establish the measures of salesperformance and the relationship between customer satisfaction and sales at SALL.According to Kotler and Keller (2009), customer satisfaction is when a consume...

Design and Implementation of a Supply Chain Management Software for Poultry Farming

Abstract Supply chains have become a key player to any business activity that revolves around serving of goods to customers. The poultry sector is no stranger to the applications of supply chains and its impact in delivering value when done right. Technology has been a major driving force in the advancement of supply chains in relation to the building of supply chain management software for private companies looking to enhance their supply chains. The objective of this project is to develop a...

Efficiency Of Macropropagation In Relation To Other Banana Seedling Production Methods In Different Agroecologies In Central And Eastern Kenya

Bananas and plantains (Musa spp.) are amongst the most important tropical fruit crops and are staple foods in most parts of the humid tropics and important sources of income to small scale holders in rural areas. In Kenya, banana is grown as an important food and cash crop. However, its cultivation has largely remained small scale. A common limiting factor to large scale production and expansion of existing plantations is the difficulty in obtaining high quality planting materials. Natural re...

Analysis Of Technical Efficiency Of Smallholder Sorghum Producers In Machakos And Makindu Districts In Kenya

Majority of the rural households in Kenya depend mainly on agriculture as a source of food and livelihoods. Agricultural productivity has been declining due to many factors including climate change. Declining agricultural productivity has in turn resulted in increased food insecurity in the country. Consequently, there is a renewed interest in promoting drought-tolerant crops such as sorghum, which are known to perform well in the arid and semi-arid lands of the developing world. Owing to its...

Impact Of Improved Poultry Production Technologies Among Smallholder Indigenous Chicken Farmers In Kakamega And Makueni– Kenya

ABSTRACT Indigenous chicken (IC) farming contributes to the livelihoods of many smallholder farmers in Kenya. It constitutes 80% of the poultry population in Kenya. Kakamega and Makueni are Counties where most of smallholder farmers rear IC. However, IC production has been constrained by several bottlenecks including; unimproved genotype, diseases and increased mortalities resulting in low productivity. A strategy by scientists and stakeholders, production technologies such as; improved indi...

Analysis Of Consumer Preference For Product Attributes:A Case Of Indigenous Chicken In Makueni And Nairobi Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Indigenous chickens (Gallus domesticus) are important source of livelihoods and food to majority of rural and urban households in Kenya. Consumers prefer indigenous chicken due to its nutritional and health benefits. Despite these benefits, productivity levels of Indigenous chicken are low resulting to shortages in supply. In the recent past, research has focused on increasing productivity levels of indigenous chicken resulting to improved indigenous chickens. However, acceptabilit...

Assessment Of Vertical Price Transmission In Rice Markets In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) agricultural commodity markets have been liberalised since the 1980s through Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs). The aim was to foster market integration and efficiency. Liberalisation of markets allows free flow of goods and services from areas with excesses to those with a deficit. But most Sub-Saharan countries, Kenya included, has associated liberalisation with failure and unsustainable food markets though agriculture is the mainstay of the economy. P...

Structure, Conduct And Performance Of Soybean Marketing In Embu, Tharaka Nithi And Meru Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Soybean has the potential of contributing significantly to Kenya’s national objective of enhancing food security. The demand of soybean has increased from roughly 150,000MT in 2008 to 220,000MT in 2011, while supply is roughly between 50,000MT to 120,000MT. Many efforts have been put in place by the government to increase on the production and productivity of soybean. However, soybean farmers are faced with the difficulty in accessing the market, while on the other hand traders are...

Assessment Of Profit Efficiency Among Sweet Yellow Passion Fruit Farmers In Mbeere South, Embu County

ABSTRACT The horticulture industry in Kenya has been very successful in the last one and a half decades. This subsector has grown to become a major employer and foreign exchange earner. In 2014, fruits contributed Kshs. 51.5 billions accounting for 22% of the domestic value of horticultural produce. The sweet yellow passion fruit variety is gaining adoption in Mbeere South Sub-county due to its apparent adaptation to the hot arid conditions and a ready market. Efforts had been made to promote...

Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Technical Efficiency Of Small Holders Maize Production In Rwanda

ABSTRACT Maize is still largely a subsistence food crop under promotion as a food security crop and source of income for smallholders. In a bid to attain self-sufficiency, Rwanda made remarkable efforts to develop the subsector. These were mainly directed towards the expansion of the area under maize, organisation of farmers’ cooperatives and easy access to inputs. In improving maize productivity and marketing of maize several both public and private interventions were added in Musanze and...

Economic Analysis Of Smallholder Organic Vegetable Production System In Kiambu And Kajiado Counties Of Kenya

Abstract In Kenya, there are more than 200,000 farmers who have been trained on organic farming technologies and systems. Currently certified land under organic management in Kenya stands at 104,211 ha while the organic sub sector employs 12,647 farmers who are directly involved in production of different organic products. Although there are many documented reasons that make farmers to adopt organic farming system, economic benefits present one of the major motivations. These benefits however...

The Impact Of The Girinka One Cow Per Poor Family Program On Household Income In Gatsibo District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Low agriculture productivity and arable land distribution is a major challenge in Rwanda. The obvious consequences is that a substantial number of rural families who subsist on agriculture have less than 1ha, and where there is no use of fertilizers and most of that land is not arable which will cause land degradation, poverty and low household income. In the vision 2020, Rwanda intends to move from a low level income country to a middle level economy by 2020. The Girinka program is ...

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