Characterization of Gum From Anogeissus leiocarpus

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Samples of Anogeissus leiocarpus gum were randomly collected as natural exudates from different locations of the Sudan gum belt. The physicochemical properties of composite samples studied were moisture content, ash, nitrogen, protein, specific rotation, relative viscosity, refractive index, density, also UV electromagnetic radiation, metals ions, pH, uronic acid, reducing sugars and infrared spectra. Analysis of variant of results showed insignificant dif ferences (p < 0.05) in all properties studied. The mean value of all parameters stud ied were; moisture content 7.82%, ash content 2.02%, nitrogen content 0.14%, protein content 0.87%, specific optical rotation -35.5°, relative viscosity 0.914kg/(m s), refractive index 1.589, density 1.066g/ml. UV absorption spectra gave a maximum absorption (λmax) at 277nm, the cationic composition was in the order; the calcium (Ca ++ ) 0.45325 ppm > potassium (K ) 0.35200 ppm > magnesi um (Mg ++ ) 0.10465 ppm > sodium (Na ) 0.06000 ppm > iron (Fe ++ ) 0.05625 ppm > lead (Pb ++ ) 0.02580 ppm > zinc (Zn ++ ) 0.01973 ppm and trace amount of manga nese (Mn ++ ) 0.00745 ppm, chromium (Cr ++ ) 0.00045ppm, and there is no cadmi um (Cd ++ ). The pH was found to be 4.52, and glucuronic acid 0.14%.

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