Forestry and Environmental Management Research Papers/Topics

From Shiny Shoes to Muddy Reality: Understanding How Meso-State Actors Negotiate the Implementation Gap in Participatory Forest Management

Abstract Recent research on participatory forest management (PFM) in the global south has highlighted the existence of a widespread “implementation gap” between the ambitious intent enshrined in legislation and the often partial, disappointing rollout of devolved forest governance on the ground. Here, through an ethnographic case study of forest officers (FOs) in Kenya, we draw on a framework of critical institutionalism to examine how key meso-level actors, or “interface bureaucrats,�...

Effects of spacing and Negarim micro catchment on the growth of two provenances of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) in Kitui county, south eastern Kenya

Abstract: There has been an increased human population in arid and semi-arid areas. However, these areas are characterized by harsh climatic conditions hence low agricultural productivity, environmental degradation and over exploitation of natural resources. There's need to understand the best agronomic crop requirements for high value trees and shrubs like Moringa oleifera (Lamark) through climate smart agriculture. Limited studies on Moringa oleifera provenance trials, use of micro-catchme...


Abstract: This thesis was conducted in Furi forest in central of Ethiopia. Biodiversity is organized along altitudinal gradient in different layers as altitude determines climate distribution. Plant diversity is one of the major groups of biological diversity. Plant diversity can be affected by living and nonliving factors. The overall objective of this study was to assess composition, diversity and structure, regeneration status of woody species and total carbon stocks along an elevation gr...

Trends and Development of Tourism Product Diversification in Botswana: Lessons Learned.

Abstract: Diversifying tourism products is a vital contemporary business strategy for maintaining a competitive advantage in the face of rapid technological, economic and social changes. Tourism in Botswana is largely dependent on wildlife and international tourists and consistent calls to diversify over the past four decades have greatly been amplified by the colossal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A semi-systematic literature review analyzed progress and research trends related to touris...

Waste Management and Community Health Amongst the Somali Community in East Leigh Sub Divisio Central Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to relate waste management to community health, to test the null hypothesis, to confirm or deny the congenital malformations theory by Upton (1989); and to generate new information from the existing ones. The study was in Somali Community of East Leigh Sub-division in the central Kenya, Nairobi. The specific objectives of the study were: to find out the nature of wastes; to identify the waste management systems in the sub-division; to determine the effec...

Human Encroachment Effects on Forests; A Case Study of Mount Meru-Arumeru District Arusha

2~BSTRACT It is common knowledge that ordinary Tanzanians are struggling for basic survival. These Tanzanians are povertystricken in all aspects of their existence. For his food man needs to cultivate land, to keep livestock’s for his meat and other source of protein, also man needs shelter as a life necessity. In doing so man destruct environment and encroach forests and fragile ecosystem either knowingly or unknowingly. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the human activiti...

“The Effect Of Pastoralism On The Natural Resource” Case Study Of Kolloa Division Of East Pokot District In Kenya

ABSTRACT The part played by nomadic and pastoral communities that affect the pastoral resources in the ASAL area of Kolloa division, East Pokot district in the formally Baringo district in rift valley province in Kenya. The factors in question are like pastoral areas, some of the mitigation measures used before in the study area, and the possible recommendation to reduce the depletion of these pastoral resources in the ASAL areas. Methods used in collection of data are generally survey resear...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION IVACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ~vLIST OF ABBREVIATION ~viTABLE OF CONTENTS ..._....~.....•............viiLIST OF TABLES ~ixLIST OF FIGURES xABSTRACT XICHAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction~11.1 Background to the study 11.2 Problem Statement ..............................—..~.31.3 Objective of the study ........................................~. 31.4 Research questions 41.5 Hypotheses 41.6 Scope of the study 51.7 Significance of the study 51.8 Justification 5CHAPTE...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ................................................................................................................ iDedication .................................................................................................................. iiAcknowledgement. .................................................................................................... iiiList of Acronyms ...........................................................................................

Checkered Forest Arrangement Method

This method is aimed at the most sustainable and profitable forest management, as well as the reduction of forest fires. The essence of the method consists in dividing the forest into equal quarters and their subsequent shift when the stands reach their ripedity. When carrying out quarterly shifts, cuttings are carried out in quarters with ripe stands, and quarters with growing stands are left for growing. Therefore, in order to implement the transition to this forest arrangement, it is neces...

Deforestation And Environmental Degradation: Acase Study Of Aberdare Forest Central Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT Deforestation in Africa has been a consequence of a combination of factors including agricultural expansion, commercial harvesting, increased firewood collection, inappropriate land and tree tenure regimes and industria lization. Drought, civil wars and bush fires also contribute significantly to deforestation. (F.A.O 1997, 1998). The main variables ~ considered included the factors leading to deforestation (cases), the consequences of this vice on the environment, what has been don...

Mechanized Agriculture And Soil Degradation: A Case Study Of Moiben Division, Uasin Gishu District, Kenya.

Abstract Agricultural mechanization embraces the use of tools, implements, and machines for a wide range of farm operations from land preparation to planting, harvesting, omfarm processing, storage, and marketing of products while soil degradation is defined as the process which lowersthe current and/or the potential capability of soil. This study was therefore to assess the degree of mechanized agriculture and its role in soil degradation in Moiben division in Uasin Gishu district, Rift Va...

Problems Associated With Agricultural Systems In Lugoba Village, Bagamoyo District Tanzania.

ABSTRACT This research study identifies the agricultural systems and their problems in Lugoba village. In the village the land is subjected to a number of activities among which agriculture is the most predominant. During the study a representative sample of 70 people was selected randomly since almost all the people in the village are farmers, selection was not hard. Data was collected using a series of methods which included observation, interviews, recording, questionnaire and use of secon...

The Forms And Effects Of Soil Degradation On Agricultural Land: Case Study Bor Town, Jonglei State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The research on “The Forms and Effects of Soil Degradation on Agricultural Land” was calTied out in Bor town Jonglei State, south Sudan. The major areas of the investigation were discussed to known the causes of soil degradation and adverse impacts on farming land and what solutions to be put in place to minimize the occurrence of soil degradation. Methods like photography, interviews, questionnaires, and observation were used for effective and efficient data collection. At the p...

The Effectiveness Of Water Collection And Storage Methods In Kaptererwo Subcounty, Bukwo District

ABSTRACT Water collection and storage is one of the challenges faced in most developing countries. This research was carried out in Kaptererwo sub county, Bukwo district Eastern Uganda. This areas lies on the slopes of Mount Elgon bordering Kenya. The study aimed at examining the effectiveness of water conservation methods considering three objectives; identifying the techniques used for water harvesting, determining the effectiveness of water collection facilities and finding out the challen...

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