Forestry and Environmental Management Research Papers/Topics

Urban Development As A Challenge In The Management Of Wetlands. A Case Study Of Busambaga Wetland In Katabi, Wakiso District

Increased residential and commercial development threatens wetland functions, particularly near urban centers. This research explored the values and attitudes of residents concerning wetlands, wetland restoration, and development near Busambaga wetland in Katabi, Wakiso District. Key Informant interviews were conducted to contextualize issues on wetlands management challenges, impacts of rapid urban development on the functionality of wetland ecosystem in relation to the human activities...

Biofuels And Food Crop Production: A Case Study Of Mpeketoni Division, Lamu District Kenya

ABSTRACT The principal aim of the study was to assess the degree of bio fuels and its role in food crop production in Mpeketoni division in Larnu district, Coast Kenya. The study was conducted among large bio fuel scheme farmers, smaliholder farmers and collaborative reserve farmers. Bio fuel was looked upon as a critical issue towards problems associated with food crop production such as high food prices, scarcity of food, land tenure conflicts between the inter cultural tribes and changes i...

Assessment Of Students’ Practices And Awareness Of Environmental Issues In Secondary Schools In Makindye Division Kampala District

ABSTRACT In this study efforts were made to give an overview of environmental concern St Denis Ssebugwawo SS Ggaba and Pearl High school secondary schools in Makindve Division. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The main objective of this research was to assess the level students’ practices and awareness of environmental issues The study used Questionnaires. interviews and observation checklist to obtain data. The researcher used purposive and simple random samplin...

Assessment of Refugees Effect on Um Gargur Plantation Forest, ALFashaga Locality, Gadaref State- Sudan

Abstract The study was carried out in Um Gargur plantation forest, in ELfashaga Locality,Gedaref State.The refugees perform different activities such as farming, grazing, fire wood collection and building materials. These activities led to substantial natural resources deterioration. The objective of the study is to assess the impact of refugees on Um Gargur plantation forest during the period from 2004 to 2017. To achieve this objective, the tenth percent (10 %) method was applied to determ...

Study Of Challenges Facing Sustainable Management Of The Urban Forest Khartoum Sunt Forest- Sudan

Abstract This study was conducted at Khartoum Sunt Forest with an objective of understanding challenges facing urban forest management and best means to address them. Data and information collected covered history of the forest management in addition to ongoing management activities administrative arrangement and prevailing uses including recreation related activities. Tools used included a questionnaire to collect data and information from forest visitors. In additions to checklists to coll...

The Role of Protection Forests In Land Conservation. Case Study Elain Forest (North Kordofan State)

Abstract This Study was conducted at Elain forest which is characterized by good soil in year ( 2017).Theobjectiveof this study was in toenhancethe forestprotectionand soil conservation. Research methods used for collection data through a questionnaireanditalso included official and unofficial meetings. Secondary data were collected from reports,previousstudies, andinternet. The questionnaire included 26 questions and was distributed to forty respondents. The official meeting was with the dir...

What are Forest Reserves and Why Are They Important

Forest reserves are portions of state lands where commercial harvesting of wood products is excluded in order to capture elements of biodiversity that can be missing from sustainably harvested sites. Small (patch) reserves will conserve sensitive, localized resources such as steep slopes, fragile soils, and habitat for certain rare species that benefit from intact forest canopies. Large (matrix) reserves will represent the diversity of relatively un-fragmented forest landscapes remaining in M...

Assessment Of Degradation In Forested Areas Of Tanzania: A Case Study Of Tanga, Morogoro, Pwani And Dar-Es-Salaam Regions

ABSTRACT Study was conducted to assess the level of degradation in the forested areas in Tanzania particularly on eastern zone regions (Tanga, Pwani, Morogoro and Dar es salaam). Three vegetation types were taken into consideration where both volume and biomass removed was determined. The NAFORMA data was used where a total of 1413 plots with stumps were used. The study revealed that montane forest lost 48.47+8.2 m3/ha, lowland forest 22.27+2.25 m3/ha and woodland forest 13.77+1.39 m3/ha. The...

Farmers’ Perception On The Impact Of Climate Change On Farming Activities In Dandume Local Government Area Of Katsina State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study on the impacts of climate change on farming activities was conducted in Dandume Local Government Area of Kastina State. To capture data on the impact of climate change on farming activities based on the perceptions of the farmers, 150 questionnaires were administered and retrieved. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (percentage, bar chart, etc.). About 57.33% of the respondents percept that, there was increase in rainfall while 20% of the respondents belie...

The Effects of Poultry Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer (NPK 27:13:13) Application on Vegetation Development at Two Abandoned Sites of the Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike

TABLE. CF COiTENTS Pages Title page Dedication Certification  Acknowledgement  Table of Contents  List of Symbols and Abbreviations List of Tables and Plates  Abstract CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Study 1,2 Statement of Problem 1.3 Objectives of Study 1.4 JustIfication CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Ecology and Value of Vegetation C 2.2 The Role oF Inorganic Fertiliser and poultry manure on plant yield 2.3 Tillage, Organic Matter and Crop Residues Importance in Fer...

Analysis Of Trends In Forest Charges And Government Expenditure On Forestry In Africa A Thematic Study

ABSTRACT This work is one of the studies commissioned by the EC-FAO Partnership programme on sustainable forest management in African ACP countries to investigate the impacts of fiscal policies on sustainable forest management in Africa. Its main purpose is to evaluate in quantitative terms the forestry fiscal policies in Africa, by examining the factors that might explain the different levels of charge collection and expenditure on forestry in different countries in Africa. Seventeen countri...

Response Of Soyabean (Glycine Max (L.) Merill) To Integrated Weed Management In A Forest-Savanna Transition Ecosystem In Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Weed infestation of soyabean field causes 65% yield reduction in the forestsavanna transition ecosystem of Nigeria. Single weed control method is often less effective. However, Integrated Weed Management (IWM), will ensure more effective and environment friendly control. There is little information on IWM application on soyabean field. This study was therefore aimed at investigating response of soyabean to IWM. Field study was carried out in the 2008 and 2009 planting seasons to asse...

Growth Response Of Three Indigenous Tree Species To Hormone And Salt Stress In Sokoto Nigeria

ABSTRACT Seeds of three forest tree species namely Acacia senegal (L.) Willd, Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile and Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) were used to investigate the effect of different salinity (NaCl) and auxin (IAA) concentrations on germination percentage, stem height growth, collar diameter study and Relative Growth Rate (RGR). A factorial experiment in a completely randomised design was employed. 90 seedlings of the tree species were randomly divided into six treatment groups of 3 se...


In Nigeria, high cost of Domestic Energy (DE) has put untold hardship on households. Coping strategy is therefore imperative to meet household domestic cooking and heating needs. Investigating evolving strategies would better inform DE experts and policy makers. This study was therefore designed to investigate strategies devised by households in Northeastern Nigeria for coping with the escalating prices of DE. The domestic energy types considered in the study include Liquefied Natural Ga...

Residents’ Perceptions And Attitudes Towards Urban Solid Waste Management In The Berekum Municipality

ABSTRACT Solid waste management has become a daunting task for local government authorities who seem to lack the capability to deal with the escalating waste situation. Meanwhile, the design and implementation of municipal solid waste management systems require adequate analysis of existing behaviour patterns of key stakeholders, including their attitudes, perceptions, and values. The study therefore sought to investigate residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards urban solid waste manage...

16 - 30 Of 123 Results