Forestry and Environmental Management Research Papers/Topics

Solid Waste Management In The Asokwa Sub-Metropolis In The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly Area

ABSTRACT The importance of proper solid waste disposal cannot be underestimated since the health implications of poor waste disposal impact negatively on the health of households. It was on the basis of this assertion that an evaluation was conducted into the solid waste management practices within the Asokwa Sub-Metropolis in the Kumasi Metropolitan area. The population for the study was residents of the suburbs in the sub-metropolis. A sample of 160 respondents was selected randomly from Gy...


Clash of interests between custodians of government Forest Reserves (FRs) in Ogun State and farmers operating within them, often results in conflicts causing disruption of socio-economic activities and sometimes loss of lives. Information on the causes and effects of these clashes would better inform policy makers and forestry professionals on workable and sustainable land-use practice. Therefore, factors responsible for such conflicts and their effects were investigated. Seven hundred a...

Economics Of Integrated Fish Cum Rice And Poultry Production

ABSTRACT Integrated aquaculture is the concurrent production of fish and other agricultural activities, with the main objective of optimizing the productivity of water, land and the associated resources (Gomez 201 l).The basic principle of integrating aquaculture with agriculture is to ensure maximum on-farm resource-use and productivity. Thus the system is knowledge-intensive, and a holistic approach that integrates numerous component and technologies within systems management (Jahan et. al....

Agricultural Productivity Under Taungya And Non-Taungya Land-Use Options: A Case Study Of Vandeikya Local Government Area, Benue State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Taungya farming is a special arrangement between the forestry department and farmers, which combines the production of both arable and forest tree crops simultaneously on a piece of land. The practice was adopted in Vandeikya Local Government area of Benue State Nigeria, in mid 1950s up to 2000. This study evaluated the method as an option for food and fiber production compared to the traditional farming and forest management practices. Using Stratified random sampling, two sets of q...

Conflicts, Politics, And Policies Of Multiple And Competitive Uses Of Mangroves And Wetland Resources

Abstract The livelihoods of coastal populations of sub-Saharan Africa depend heavily on access to mangroves and wetland resources. However, with high populations, rapid urban growth and a high dependency, pressures on mangroves and other wetland resources have continued to soar. Thus, there is concern that the long-term values of intact and functioning mangrove ecosystems are not being recognized in current policy decisions, where short-term gains resulting in loss of the ecosystem are being...

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Peoples' Participation In Forest Management In Benue-Plateau Region, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Socio-economic variables of respondents from Benue-Plateau region of North-Central Nigeria were studied to determine their possible influence 011 participation in Forest Management. Multistage random sampling technique was employed for the selection of 460 respondents living in and around communal forest areas for questionnaire interview and 240 participants for focus group discussion. 111 addition, in-depth interviews were held with Directors of Forestry in each State. Data generate...

An Assessment Of The Forest Regeneration Potential Of The Taungya System Of Farming In Oyo State, South-Western Nigeria

ABSTRACT Balancing forest regeneration and meeting food and fibre needs of Nigeria’s ever-increasing population challenges is imperative to her sustainable development. Two methods of artificial forest regeneration practiced in Oyo State, Nigeria to meet these challenges are direct planting and taungya systems. This paper reports the performance of the taungya system of forest regeneration in Osho Forest Reserve, Oyo State, Nigeria with a view to harnessing information for informed and effe...

Wood Energy Production Efficiency In Akinyele Local Government Area Of Oyo State

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to determine the efficiency of wood energy production in Akinyele Local Government of Oyo State. Ten fuelwood and jive charcoal wood species were selected as samples using availability as criterion. Energy parameters including moisture, ash and energy contents, and density of the samples were determined. The earth kiln system of charcoal production was used 10 determine the efficiency of the charcoal production method. Data analysis was carried out using a com...

Variations in the Wood Properties of TeminaIia mantaly (H. Pertier) Grown as Municipal Tree. in a Nigerian University

Abstract A study was carried out to investigate wood properties of Terminalia mantaly (H. Perrier), one of the municipal tree species in University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 

Public Willingness To Commit Time To Urban Forestry Developm Ent In Lagos M Etropolis, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study assessed willingness o f Lagos metropolitans to commit time and the prospective number o f hours to be committed to Urban Forestry Development (UFD) in the metropolis. Data were obtained from a questionnaire survey o f 900 metropolitans living in three income profiled neighbourhoods using the payment card contingent valuation method. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics and Tobit model at p= 0.10. Results show that 48% o f the respondents were willing to commit t...

Prevalence, Utilization and Conservation Strategies for Non-Timber Forest Products in South western Zone of Nigeria

Abstract The study was carried out to investigate the prevalence and utilization of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) plant species in Omo and Shasha Forest Reserves, Southwestern Nigeria. Data were obtained through the use of structured questionnaires administered to households in forest communities. To complement information from the household survey, focus group discussions (FGDs) were also carried out in each of the sampled communities. In-depth interview (IDI) of forestry staff was furt...


ABSTRACT The study sought to survey waste management practices in Sunyani municipality. Some of the specific objectives of the study were to: assess the nature of waste generated in the Municipality, the pattern of waste disposal in the Municipality, assess the waste disposal practices used in the study area and establish the willingness of the polluter pay system. Two broad types of data, the secondary and primary data were used in the study. Interviews and personal observations were also us...


ABSTRACT The study sought to survey waste management practices in Sunyani municipality. Some of the specific objectives of the study were to: assess the nature of waste generated in the Municipality, the pattern of waste disposal in the Municipality, assess the waste disposal practices used in the study area and establish the willingness of the polluter pay system. Two broad types of data, the secondary and primary data were used in the study. Interviews and personal observations were also us...


ABSTRACT The depletion of the notion's forest reserves through improper wood harvesting methods is alarming and threatening. The trend has been giving all stakeholders serious concern and it has become imperative for a research to be undertaken to find an alternative and better logging method that is environmentally sound and acceptable. A work study was therefore carried out to assess and compare damages md productivity in both Conventional Logging System (CLS) and Reduced lmpact Logging (RL...

Determinants of proportions of household land used for forestry practice in Southeast Nigeria

ABSTRACT Forestry activities if properly planned, designed and executed can provide significant economic, social and environmental benefits. But land availability and more importantly size, determines the level of investment in forestry. The growing scarcity and social issues surrounding land acquisition necessitate identifying opportunities to enhance forestry development at the household level. Thus, this study investigated the determinants of the proportion of a household land that can be...

31 - 45 Of 123 Results