Communication and Language Art Research Papers/Topics

Lifting The Veil: White Zimbabwean Writing and The Treatment of Double Consciousness in Doris Lessing’s The Grass Is Singing (1950), John Eppel’s Absent: The English Teacher (2009) and Andrea

ABSTRACT Double consciousness in not peculiar to African Americans who have suffered from the injustices of slavery. It can be traced among those who are excluded from center to the periphery in domination and control, irrespective of race or location. Though the white race has considered whiteness as a stable identity, or signifier of rationality, sanity, power, it can be noted it is an unstable identity that is always under construction. White people also find themselves occupying the botto...

Representation of the Community Share Ownership Trust programme in print media analysing power relations between public and private newspapers: A study of The Herald and the Zimbabwe Independ

ABSTRACT The study start out to determine the role of language in the strategic representation of the Community Share Ownership Trust programme particularly the case of the Zimbabwe Independent and The Herald issues from 23 January to 18 October 2014. The research intended to analyse language used in the selected print media articles with specific focus on highlighting how it was manipulated by reporters of both newspapers to advance their ideological inclinations. The findings of the study r...

The vulnerability of both genders in HIV and AIDS narratives: a study of Lutanga Shaba‟s Secrets of a Woman’s Soul (2006), The Haunted Trail by Philip Chidavaenzi (2012) and Valerie Tagwira‟s

ABSTRACT This research examines the vulnerability of both genders in HIV and AIDS narratives focusing on Lutanga Shaba‟s Secrets of a Woman’s Soul (2006), The Haunted Trail by Philip Chidavaenzi (2012) and Valerie Tagwira‟s The Uncertainty of Hope (2006). The novels speak expansively on the issues instigated by societal expectations and the stigmatization in the context of HIV and AIDS. The thesis also focuses factors that influence the vulnerability of both men and women during a time ...

Children’s Texts Prescribed In Zimbabwean High Schools As Historical Narratives. A Close Study Of Hanson’s Takadini, Gascoigne’s Tunzi The Faithful Shadow And Chater’s Crossing The Boundary F

ABSTRACT This research is an examination of the use of Children’s texts prescribed for Zimbabwean Junior high schools as historical narratives. This is an angle which has not been adequately explored as most of the texts in the Zimbabwean junior High curriculum are often valued for their didactic contribution while ignoring their historical value altogether. The research will also attempt to establish what kind of history is being narrated in the texts and whose history it is by examining w...

“Client expectations of speech and language therapy services at the korle bu teaching hospital”

ABSTRACT Background: Speech and language therapy is a profession which is slowly beginning to develop in a number of sub-Saharan African countries. In Ghana, there are currently limited speech and language therapy services. There are only three (3) speech and language therapists serving the rehabilitation needs of people with communication disabilities in Ghana. The development of speech and language therapy training in Ghana means that services will grow and families of children with commun...

Marginalising the Majority: Nigerian Newspapers’ Coverage of the Rural Sections in a Profit- Driven Economy

Abstract The study examined the performance of Nigerian print media, in the context of neoliberalism, regarding their coverage of the less-urban sections as compared to the attention given to the urban centres. The social responsibility, developmental media, and social exclusion theories provided the theoretical framework for the study. The Guardian, The Nigerian Tribune and The Vanguard—out of the national quality newspapers in Nigeria—were randomly selected for content analysis, while s...

The Structure and Content of Locally- Produced Children’s Television Programmes in Nigeria

Abstract This study examined the structure and content of locally-produced children’s television programmes with a view to finding out the quality and appropriateness of the media content that children are exposed to in Nigeria. It also investigated the factors affecting the quality of locallyproduced television programmes targeted at the child audience. Data were obtained through content analysis and in-depth interviews. Three locallyproduced children’s programmes (‘Children’s Funtim...

Low Patronage of Development Radio Programmes in Rural Nigeria: How to Get Beyond the Rhetoric of Participation

ABSTRACT Although the concept of participatory development communication is decades old, many years of autocratic military rule has robbed African scholars and media practitioners of the context needed to explore the full participatory potentials of the media. With eight years of democracy and heavy development burdens, Nigeria is ripe for assessment with regard to the role of its media in engendering participatory development. From a small-scale study, this paper discovers that while radio s...

The Nigerian Publics: Integrating Non-Modern and Modern Systems of Communication for Community Development

Abstract The need to convey development messages in Nigeria makes it necessary to integrate indigenous and exogenous media, or non-modern and modern systems of communication. This strategy will make development messages easily accessible and comprehensible by different Nigerian publics, a mechanism for eliminating discrimination and alienation of particular communities from development messages. The paper argues that the converging indigenous, traditional and new media platforms would promote...

A Translation Into English Of Spanish Document Titled" Guia Pais Ghana

ABSTRACT This project is a translation of a document titled Guía país Ghana (Guidebook to Ghana) from Spanish into English. Authored by the Commercial and Economic Office of Spain in Lagos, this source text is a broad-spectrum document presenting some vital statistics on Ghana in the area of industry and international relations among other topics. The choice of the document for our translation project is motivated by our desire to make known to our English audience the challenges that Ghan...

A Study Of Collocation In French And English Translation: A Translation Of “Education Et Insertion Sur Le Marche Du Travail A ABidjan: Une Analyse Du Genre”

ABSTRACT Every translation comes with its peculiar challenges as such no translation is without problems. Regardless of how gifted, skilled and experienced a translator may be he /she might still be faced with translation challenges. The purpose of this study is to examine some of the problems translators face in the course of their work. Specifically, the work examines the phenomenon of collocations and their place in translation. A text translated from French into English serves as corpus...

Performance Of Nigerian Newspapers In Selected Political Crisis Situations

ABSTRACT The press in a democratic setting sets the agenda for the society through news reports, incisive features, editorials and commentaries. Previous studies on press performance, especially during political crisis situations, concentrated more on the extent of reports of such crises and rarely investigate the factors that influence the reportage. This study, therefore, evaluated the performance of the Nigerian newspapers in their coverage of selected political crisis situations in terms ...

An Evaluation Of Communication Strategies Used In Polio Immunization Campaigns In Kaduna And Sokoto States, Nigeria

ABSTRACT One of the fundamental factors that determine the success or failure of a behavioural change campaign is the nature of communication strategies adopted by the change agent. Nigeria has been declared a polio free nation, but scholarly attention has not been given to the role played by communication strategies in the success of polio immunisation and eradication projects in Northern Nigeria. This study, therefore, investigated the communication strategies used in polio immunisation cam...


The press in a democratic setting sets the agenda for the society through news reports, incisive features, editorials and commentaries. Previous studies on press performance, especially during political crisis situations, concentrated more on the extent of reports of such crises and rarely investigate the factors that influence the reportage. This study, therefore, evaluated the performance of the Nigerian newspapers in their coverage of selected political crisis situations in terms of m...

31 - 44 Of 44 Results