Communications and Media Research Papers/Topics

Dispassionate Reporting? The Construction of The Zimbabwe Men’s Cricket Team in The Herald And Dailynews

 ABSTRACT The study seeks to assess how the Zimbabwe men‟s cricket team is constructed by the two mainstream newspapers, The Herald and DailyNews. Making of or construction of reality is within the daily interactions of human in society. Society helps in shaping people‟s view of the world. Construction means making-up or “creating reality”. The Herald and DailyNews articles between January 2016 and November 2016 constructed the Zimbabwe men‟s cricket team as failures and how it ma...

Effectiveness of Organizational Communication channels used by Hwange Colliery Company to communicate with its Publics to enhance corporate reputation. (2010-2012)

Abstract : The purpose of this study is to assess the Effectiveness of Organizational Communication channels used by Hwange Colliery Company to communicate with its Publics to enhance corporate reputation. This is because effective communication has been the pillar to the success of many big corporate organizations and this prompted the researcher to study a local organization, Hwange Colliery Company. In this study literature was reviewed from scholars that had prior knowledge on the topic o...

An Analysis Of The Role Of Community Based Radio Stations In The Dissemination Of Health Care Information To Women In Kakamega County

ABSTRACT Rural women in Kenya account for 34.2% of the total population and play a significant role as family caretakers, and the driving force behind health information seeking in the family. However, obstacles such as poverty and illiteracy, have deprived the rural women access to information. This study sought to analyse the role of four community-based radio stations (West FM, Radio Mambo, Mulembe FM and Sulwe FM) in disseminating health care information to the rural women in Kakamega Cou...

Processes and practices of online ‘alternative’ television programs in zimbabwe: the case of ruvheneko live and #thisflag thursday.

Abstract The study explores the production and distribution processes and practices of online „alternative‟ television programs in Zimbabwe using the case of two internet based television programs namely Ruvheneko Live and #ThisFlag Thursday owned by Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa and Fadzayi Mahere respectively. The study also sought to unearth how online television programs in Zimbabwe such as the ones mentioned above make money and the effect of that on their programing. The study employed fo...

Technologising The Village Agora How Tele Centres Set Up in Rural Area Insert The Global In The Local

Abstract This article is based on a study conducted against the backdrop of ongoing national ICT policy formulation in Zimbabwe one point of consensus in the national debate captured in the E readiness report was the all too evident urban/rural digital divide across all sectors of the economy ranging from education.

Corporate social responsibility as an invention of public relation: A case of Econet and National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ)

Abstract This article examines the relationship and relevance of CSR and PR at Econet and NRZ in Zimbabwe. It focuses on how CSR can be perceived by people, especially in Zimbabwe as an invention of PR. CSR which is modern PR is guided by reciprocity between the corporations and their publics in an effort to create mutual understanding and goodwill between corporations and their publics. The study is based on two corporations namely, Econet and NRZ, whose business is immensely influenced by P...

Portrayal Of “Other” Christian Denominations On Christian Networks. Focus On Yadah Tv And Christ Tv

ABSTRACT The study seeks to establish the representation of the ‘other’ in the process of creation of meaning by Pentecostal churches UFIC and PHD Ministries in Zimbabwe using Television. It explores the production processes of these Christian Television channels in the content that was broadcast on Yadah TV and Christ TV from the period from January 2015 to December 2016. The study used a qualitative research paradigm. Data was collected using in-depth interviews, observation and archiva...

The Rebranding Of ZANU PF In The New Political Dispensation Between The Period Of December 2017 And March 2018: A Case Study Of ZBC News Online.

Abstract The research seeks to explore how ZBC news online is rebranding the new political dispensation. Thus the study looks at how ZBC framed of political news in the new dispensation especially the rebranding of the Zimbabwe African Nationalism Patriotic Front (ZANU PF). The scope of the study is December 2017 to March 2018. The study is qualitative in nature as it applies the use of archival collection and interviews, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and thematic analysis were applied an...

The representation of Zimbabwean liberation war chronicles in The Sunday Mail and The Patriot

ABSTRACT This research set out to explore the role played by The Sunday Mail and The Patriot in the framing of the Liberation war chronicles from 2015 to 2016 respectively. The main argument of this research is that the two newspapers partially represent all political parties in their reportage of the Liberation war chronicles due to political obligation to the ruling party ZANU-PF. The study assessed the effects of ownership, control and funding mechanism of The Sunday Mail and The Patriot o...

A Social-Semiotic Engagement With Opposition Social Movements In Online Newspapers In Zimbabwe. Case Of #This Flag In The Herald Online

ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the social-semiotic engagement of oppositional social movements with online newspapers with specific focus on The Herald Online and #This Flag in the period between Aril 2016 and June 2017. While a lot of work has been done around online media globally and in Africa and Zimbabwe in particular a gap still exists in how mainstream media, particularly The Herald newsier has used digital media in its engagement with opposition political forces, particularly...

The Survival Strategies Used By Bustop Tv And Magamba Tv In Zimbabwe’s Uncertain Media Landscape

Abstract The study investigates survival strategies of Bustop TV and Magamba TV in Zimbabwe’s uncertain media landscape. The study is situated in a conceptual framework that looks into revenue models such as the dual-product marketplace and advertising revenue model. It makes use of the qualitative paradigm with a focus on case study. In-depth interviews were used as methods of data collection. The online media organisations like the traditional media organisations depend on revenue models ...

Framing The Zdf’s November/December 2017 Operation Restore Legacy: The Case Of The Herald And Daily News

Abstract The study interrogates the framing of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF)’s November/December 2017 Operation Restore Legacy in The Herald and Daily News. It seeks to explore the frames the two newspapers used and why they used them. The study is informed by framing theory but gathers data through archival research. The study established that two newspapers under study realised contrasting frames on the nature of the operation restore legacy, with Daily News saying it was a coup and T...

Oral Media As An Alternative Communication Strategy In Campaigns Against Female Circumcision Among Abagusii Community Of Kisii County

ABSTRACT The prevalence rate of female circumcision among the Abagusii community is over 96% whereby the rural areas of Kisii County are largely affected. These statistics are recorded after the use of mainstream media in campaigns against female circumcision in the region spearheaded by both government and non-governmental organizations. Contrary, Oral media, which represent the culture and tradition of people in a community, is perceived as the most effective form of media in the rural area...

Representation Of Grace Mugabe’s Political Career: A Construst Of Her Gender? A Case Of The Herald And Newsday.

Abstract The study explores the role of The Herald and NewsDay in the representation of Grace Mugabe’s political career as a gender construct. Globally although there have been conventions, constitutional amendments and numerous advocacy movements channelled towards equal representation of both genders in social, political and economic spheres, the gap between the genders continues to exist. Although strides have made in facilitating equality on issues to do with domestic abuse, education a...

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