Military intervention has attracted a lot of scholarly attention in the recent past, with many scholars interested in interrogating the motives and justifications for the practice. Many of these studies have mainly focused on military intervention externally rather than the involvement of the military in internal security operations. By examining the rationale and dynamics of Kenya Defence Forces’ (KDF) interventions, this study sought to put forward a prism for internal military interventi...
The impact of colonialism on African women and the transformation of their roles in the social, economic and political spheres has been the focus of many Africanist scholars. However, most of the works focus on African women generally. The current study specifically, focuses on Luo women in Kenya. It is an inquiry into the gendered political transformation the Luo have undergone from 1895 – 2002. It specifically analyses the role of women in pre-colonial Luo society. It also examines how th...
Self-adornment plays a significant role in ensuring the continuity of the political and cultural life of pastoralists. This study outlines changes in Samburu body adornment from the pre-colonial period to the present. In the study it is argued that Samburu body adornment in the pre-colonial period was influenced by interaction with neighbouring communities like the Rendille. Colonial policies and mingling of cultures in the post-independent period also shaped Samburu body adornment either pos...
Abstract/Overview In most developing countries, land is the most essential resource for agricultural production. As such, secure access, ownership and use of land leads to improved food security hence poverty reduction especially in the rural areas. Much as it is imperative to note that a lot of ground has been covered through affirmative action, the graph still remains skewed to the disadvantage of women, especially in rural areas. Despite women being the main food producers for their famil...
Abstract/Overview Gender labour relations in agriculture have undergone a lot of changes over time impacting differently on both men and women. From the existing literature, gender labour inequalities have persisted over time in Awendo. The optimal agricultural productivity of both men and women has not been realized due to the skewed gender labour relations. Despite the significant strategies the government of Kenya, International Non-governmental Organizations and the International Governm...
Abstract Worldwide bullfighting culture is believed to have been born out of spiritual beliefs. The cultural sport is known for entertainment, cultural, economic and political development. The current study unraveled the phenomenon of bullfighting culture and its influence on the development of the Abakakamega of Western Kenya since 1850. It had three objectives: To trace the origins and development of bullfighting culture, to assess various aspects contributing to the growth of bullfighting...
Abstract The Turkana, a pastoralist community inhibiting the arid and marginalized regions of Northern Kenya, have faced numerous challenges including poverty, food insecurity and limited access to basic services. Over the years, mass media has emerged as a powerful tool for disseminating information, promoting awareness and fostering social change. The study delved into the role of mass media in uplifting the Turkana community and facilitating their socio-economic progress. The problem stat...
Abstract/Overview This study examined the operations of Lake Victoria Ferry Services since the independence of the East African countries in 1961 when the management was under the East Africa Railways and Harbors (EARH) and later the Kenya Railways Corporation (KRC).At the beginning of the 20thcentury the British colonial government established Lake Victoria transport as an extension of railway line in the lake region in Kenya and into Uganda. Despite some challenges, lake transport demon...
Abstract Ethnic conflicts have been witnessed world over; where, different communities fight each other over territorial boundaries, limited natural resources and political supremacy. This worrying trend disturbs livelihoods, access to social amenities and affects local and international economies. As a limited resource, with cultural and economic value, land has generated inter-ethnic conflicts across the world. In Kenya,communities like the Maasai and Kipsigis have recently fought over lan...
Abstract Migration is a spatial phenomenon involving movement of people between distinct places, locations imbued with meaning and power. It explicitly refers to people changing their places of residence, where they live on a habitual basis, embracing not only their actual physical structures, but also in some sense the wider community in which they live. The study focused on the Abagusii migration patterns from their ancestral land specifically to the South Rift (SR), Kericho County. It ack...
Abstract Ethnic conflicts have been witnessed world over; different communities fight each other over territorial boundaries, limited natural resources and political supremacy. This worrying trend disturbs livelihoods, access to social amenities and affects local and international economies. As a limited resource, with cultural and economic value, land has generated inter-ethnic conflicts across the world. In Kenya communities like the Maasai and Kipsigis have recently fought over land and c...
Abstract/Overview Ramogi hill is held with a lot of reverence among the Luo, the bottom-line being that it was the stopping point of their fore- father, Ramogi, upon his entry into Kenya through Uganda from Southern Sudan. As a result, several myths exist among the Luo which revolve around the various cultural sites found in the hill. This was a study of the significance of the myths associated with the hill and their implication for the socialization process in the Luo community. The obj...
Abstract/Overview Research on women’s activities and interests was spurred by the feminist movement in the 1960s and has sustained its recognition as a genuine field of investigation. Since early 1970s national and international attention has focused on women. In Africa, research on women grew intermittently in the wake of the global feminist movement and despite numerous setbacks it has grown incredibly. It was particularly boosted after the UN Declaration of Women’s Decade in 1975. ...
Abstract/Overview While studies indicate that agriculture is the main source of income for rural households and the main occupation for women, it has been hypothesized that development process in rural areas has marginalized women in the agricultural sector, reducing their productivity and control over resources. This paper examines women’s labour conditions in subsistence agriculture in Samia for which limited studies have been conducted. The study investigates the nature and trends of...
I feel highly honoured and humbled to stand here as the class valedictorian for the graduating class of 2021 of Hugh Goldie Theological Institution, Arochukwu - Citadel of Godly Learning and Relevance. O yes, we have conquered; this day is a great one. I will not fail to say "many, many congratulations" to us - the graduating class, the class of 2021. Well, we made it. We made it through periods of Greek and Hebrew classes, through periods of hermeneutics and exegesis classes, through weeks...