History Research Papers/Topics

An assessment of the impact of Look East Policy on Zimbabwe infrastructural development between 2003 and 2016.

Abstract The study is an assessment of the effects of the Look East Policy (LEP) on Zimbabwe„s infrastructural development.. Its aim is to collect, describe and analyse the extent to which the infrastructural development of Zimbabweans has been affected by the Look East Policy from 2003 up to 2016. The findings of the research were that the policy had yielded both tangible and intangible benefits as well as negative effects but, not without criticism and impediments. Some of the findings fu...

A historical Analysis of Politics of Self Inscription and Struggle for National Identity among the BaTonga of middle Zambezi Valley, Binga in Zimbabwe in the 21st Century

Abstract This research attempts to unearth the dynamics of the struggles of the BaTonga tribe of Binga in the quest for national identity. The research grapples with competing forces which hinders the minority groups in attainment of their autonomous identity without contradicting national question of identity formation project. What has emerged in post-colonial state is conflation of minority tribes into two major competing which are Shona and generalisation of identity of these groups. The ...

An Assessment Of The Role Of The Ndebele Ideological Framework In Promoting The Philosophy Of Ubuntu.

ABSTRACT The concept of Ubuntu has been long existing in the Ndebele society, Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole. The concept has been existing since the pre-colonial times, yet little has been done to trace the contributions of the ideological frameworks which were used to promote the philosophy of Ubuntu. Hence the research work`s main aim was to assess the role of the Ndebele ideological framework in promoting the philosophy of Ubuntu. Evidence shows that the Ndebele traditional values played ...

Involuntary Displacements In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Chiadzwa Community In Marange Since 2006-2015

ABSTRACT It was in the year 2006, when diamonds were officially revealed in the Marange communal lands of Zimbabwe. In as much as people who remained behind at Chiadzwa were depressed of their farm lands, those villagers who had already been relocated also professed themselves as cursed due to a twine of misfortunes affecting their destiny.1 Ecologically, Chiadzwa lies in the aridity region. Its annual rainfall is not only low, but also unreliable. Over an extensive period of time, inhabitant...

Gnu: A Strategy To Foster Democracy ? A Case Study Of Zimbabwe’s 2008 Government Of National Unity

ABSTRACT The predominant discourse around Governments of National Unity (GNUs) in Africa involves the role they play towards ushering nations from dire political situations to a more democratic dispensation. Contemporary studies on African GNUs highlight that these governments have been utilised to serve as conflict resolution mechanisms and they have realised much success in pacifying violent situations. This study seeks to explore into the 2009-2013 Government of National Unity (GNU) that w...

The Myth of the Democratic Project in Zimbabwe: Power and Politics in the Movement for Democratic Change [1999-2014]

ABSTRACT The history of the MDC has been authored by various scholars. Most available literature focused on the emergence of the MDC’s activism in general and was silent on the democratic nature of the party in particular. The role played by public and critical public intellectuals in authoring history about the MDC has been associated with subjectivity vis-à-vis objectivity. Praise texts have been published from a pro-MDC perspective but the nature of democracy in the party has been under...

The Rise And Fall Of The Mining Industry In Zimbabwe With Particular Reference To Ziscosteel

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the rise and fall of the mining industry in Zimbabwe focusing on ZISCOSTEEL. The study was carried out in Redcliff the home town of ZISCO. This research was mainly based on primary sources which includes books, news papers, archived company files and most importantly oral interviews. It was found out that the iron and steel industry dates back to pre-colonial times were indigenous people mined and processed iron to make tools like axes, hoes and weapons. Large s...

A Study Of African Traditional Gamesas Informal Education: The Case Of Mahumbwe, Mabombo And Nhodo In Mandeya District Of Matsapa: 1945 To 2016.

Abstract The study examines the position of traditional games as a form of informal education in Zimbabwe, with a particular focus to Matsapa in the HondeValley region. African traditional games was an important educative tool which was used during the pre-colonial era to teach children real life experiences and instill life skills in them which would carry them the rest of their life The study makes use of qualitative research design using key informant, unstructured in-depth interviews and ...

Empowerment Or Control? : The History Of The Tonga And Fishing Cooperatives In Binga District 1950s-2015

ABSTRACT The history of the Tonga have it that, the introduction of the fishing villages initially and then later the cooperative system in Binga District from the 1950s-2015 saw the Zambezi Tonga lose their fishing rights. The study traces events paying particular attention to the changes which were introduced to the Tonga fishing practices from the period of the forced relocations to the period 2015. The argument advanced in this research is that the fishing cooperatives system has never be...

Religion And Child Marriages In The Johane Marange Apostolic Sect: The Case Study Of Chihota Communal Areas,1917-2015.

ABSTRACT The study focuses on religion and child marriages from 1917-2015. Case of Johane Marange Apostolic Sect of Chihota communal areas. The study reveals the background to the history of child marriages in Zimbabwe from the pre-colonial period which reveals that child marriages has got an African traditional-cultural origin. There are a lot of consequences of the Johane Marange Sect‟s marriage practices which includes illiteracy, abuse of women and poor health outcomes as a result of th...

Power Sharing And Conflict Manageivent In Africa: Nigeria, Sudan And Rwanda

ABSTRACT Most of the conflicts on the African continent centre on disagreement over the sharing of power among the ethnic groups of the constituent states. While the civil war in Sudan has claimed thousands of lives since it started, the ethnic cleansing in Rwanda has attracted world-wide condemnation. In Nigeria, the fear of northern domination was heightened by tile annulment of the presidential election of June 12, 1993, won by a southern politician. The reaction of the international commu...

The Effects Of Development Projects On “Marginal” Communities: The Case Of Murowa Diamond Mine, 1997 - 2016

ABSTRACT Relocations and resettlements are largely caused by development induced projects such as mines and dams. These projects lead to substantial movement of people from their traditional lands, twisting or changing their history. Many researchers like Colson claimed that these massive resettlements lead to the destitution and impoverishment of the affected people for the next 40 years as they will be trying to improve their lost tradition, social way of life and their inheritance as a who...

A History Ofthe Tonga People’s Relocations From Binga To Settlement In Kana Valley.

Abstract The research examines the History of Tonga relocation from Binga, it pays particular attention to the reasons behind their movement, the various settlements they established and the reasons behind the abandonment of the settlements. The study will focus on Tonga settlement in Kana valley and highlight on the social, cultural and economic activities of the group. The study will also highlight on the arrival of the Karanga into Kana valley and the reasons behind their evictions from Rh...

136 - 150 Of 236 Results