History Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT Before the introduction of conventional midwifery, Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) or indigenous midwives were the only maternal healthcare providers. With the introduction of conventional midwifery came the introduction of policies to scrutinize the practices of TBAs. These policies depicted efforts to ban TBAs and eradicate the reliance of pregnant women on TBAs. No research has explored policies affecting TBAs and how they affected their status as the original providers of mat...

Dr. Hilla Limann 1934 – 1998: His Life and Times

ABSTRACT The work takes a critical look at the life and times of Dr. Hilla Limann, President of the Third Republic of Ghana. The thesis offers readers an insight into the life, struggle, works, successes and the failures of Hilla Limann. The work endeavours to examine the life of Hilla Limann and his meteoric rise to power in 1979. Through his own persuasion, determination and hard work, Limann pursued the educational ladder outside Ghana and became a well-educated man. The study discovered ...

Trends of Writing Environmental Historty in Ethiopian Historiography

The main objective of this manuscript is deals with the history of writing environmental history in Ethiopia Studies. It has shown that particularly after the 1960s, as a new discipline, scholastic works and publications are produced on environmental history in Ethiopia. Various authors repeatedly made their researches on the history of environmental thought, forest history, drought history, famine history, agricultural history and etc. Among others drought and famine history received a consi...

An Indigenous Survival Mechanism to Periodic Droughts: A Lesson From East Guji Oromo Pastoralist Communities, South Ethiopia

This manuscript tries to explore the continual droughts and its phenomena’s in the Southern Ethiopia East Guji Oromo pastoralist and semi-pastoralist communities that exhibit periodically via examining the possible root causes which fuel for periodical disasters and pestilences occurrence, and communities age old practice of indigenous acquired skills and wisdom's in the face of hardship as a means of coping and surviving mechanisms. Like, Raagaa [prediction the future] practice as drought ...

Enlightenment Assignment

A detailed study of the Age of Enlightenment.

United States Reconstruction - Akshma Thakur

An essay on the historiography of the Reconstruction era in the United States.

History of Architecture

According to Friedman (2017, p. 19), the Salk Institute is a place for studying historical, biological sciences, and contemporary architectural experiences, perspectives, and theories. Its renowned scientists assess the intrinsic foundations of life and seek to understand genetics, plant biology, immunology, among others. The Salk Institute was designed by Luois Khan in his attempts to show the role played by memory in architecture in relation to promoting significant contributions, fostering...


EARLY ARRIVAL DISCRIMINATORY AGGRESSION - A THEORY             ABSTRACT This paper situates the emergence of early arrival aggression against the late arrivals among humans to the Neolithic Age or New Stone Age when man's ancestors, Cro-Magnon, became sedentarybecause of the advancement in agriculture and technology. The dearth of holistic theories on the aggression of the early arrivals unlike that of the late arrivals is identified in this paper as a justification for the ...

The economic structure of Obada market in Ijebu-Igbo, Ogun-State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This project investigates the economic structure of Obada market in Ijebu-Igbo, Ogun-State, Nigeria. The chapter one of this study presents introduction, background of the study, statement of purpose; aim and objectives of the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation of the study and methodology. The chapter two enclosed the origin of Obada Market in Ijebu-Igbo, development of Obada Market in Ijebu-Igbo, nature and Pattern of Obada Market in Ijebu Igbo. Chapter three p...

Nigeria at 60 Progression or Retrogression

It is on request to celebrate the Independence of Nigeria. It uses the Fanon approach to explain development in the country. It says that development of any contenting state is found in its social structure. 

Modern Islamic Medicine and Modern Islamic Health Centers in Kano Metropolis, 1988 To 2012

Seeking for and provision of healthcare service has been an important phenomenon in the history of man. Thus belief: religious and cultural, play important roles in shaping the way and nature people seek for and provide medical care. Since the period of Islamic resurgence in the Kano Metropolis in the 1980s, religion has been playing pivotal role in the way and nature the price of Kano patronised medical services. Thus modern Islamic health centers were founded. These health centers provided ...

A Neglected Historio-Therapuetic Response to Covid19 Pandemic: African Ebers Papyrus Revisited

Colonialism has grave consequence on Africa given the western values it installed and the  dislodging of African values; if not, how could one explain decades of importation of  vaccines for treatment of the bulk of African population without looking inward to homegrown remedies. This is what fires the attempt to explore the relevance of Ebers Papyrus that  appeared to have been undermined in Africa’s response to Covid-19 pandemic. The paper  finds that Ebers Papyrus is one of the oldes...

The Establishment of the Nigerian Sokoto Caliphate: An inquest into the Background History of the 1804 Jihad in Hausa Land, 210 years After

January first 2014, Nigeria became one hundred years after the popular  1914 amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Protectorates by Sir  Fredrick Lord Lugard. The centenary commemoration of the Nigerian State  generated very serious scholarly attention than any other issues in the  annals of Nigerian history. While scholars channels energy in writing on the  1914 episode or epoch, very little attention have been given to the 1804  Jihad of Sheikh Shehu Usman Danfodiyo which brought ...

African Ebers Papyrus Revisited: A Neglected Historio-Therapeutic Response to Covid19 Pandemic

Colonialism has grave consequence on Africa given the western value it installed and dislodged African value. If not how could one explain decades of reckless importation of vaccines for treatment of the bulk of African populations without looking inward to home-grown remedies. This is what fires the interventionist call for revisiting of the Ebers Papyrus that appeared to have been undermined in Africa’s response to Covid 19 pandemic. The paper notes that Ebers Papyrus is one of the oldest...

Age-grade System of Benin

INTRODUCTION         Benin is a territory closely bounded by neighbouring towns , villages in Urhobo land , Yorubaland and so on . Each town draws from it's environment it's own History. This is what is termed as internal contradiction. Contradiction is used by Moa in his well known work , written by him in address to the Chinese Communist party. It is a word that is refered to as opposite. Moa rejects explainations that aremainly external causes because they are capable of...

196 - 210 Of 239 Results