Human Rights and Administration Research Papers/Topics

Humanitarian Intervention and Sovereignty: A Case Study of the African Union in Darfur

Abstract: There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury; the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can. (Cicero, De Offiis I, vii trans. Michael Winterbottom, 1994) Non-state actors are increasingly getting involved in the affairs of developing nation-states thus altering the nature of state sovereignty. This research attempts to investigate the evolving concept of state sovereignty in the context of the African Union’s intervent...

Observance of Anti-Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Laws in Kenya: Case of Ngurumani, Kajiado West Sub-County (2011-2021)

Abstract: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a human rights violation and a manifestation of gender inequality, undermining the global development agenda. Over the years, various countries worldwide including Kenya, have enacted several laws and policies to prohibit FGM, which not only affects the physical health of victims but also impacts their mental health. However, despite the criminalization of FGM, the practice continues in some communities in Kenya. The main purpose of the study was ...

An Investigation of Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy and Applicability for the United States of America

Abstract: Feminist foreign policy began in 2014 with the first large-scale implementation of the foreign policy taking place in Sweden. Governments of several developed nations have since taken on feminist foreign policy initiatives, finding the worldview that human rights are an imperative step in the commitment to international peace. This study aims to establish the merits and demerits of feminist foreign policy, using the example of Sweden’s feminist foreign policy, to assess whether t...

An Assessment of the Implementation of the Economic and Social Rights of the Makonde People in Kenya

Abstract: On 16th October 2016, President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya decreed that the Makonde community should be included as Kenya’s 43rd tribe. The Makonde who had initially come to Kenya from Mozambique as from 1936 to work on sisal farms in coastal Kenya had been stateless ever since. Their inclusion as Kenya’s tribe meant they had crossed the rubicon; being the pioneer stateless community to be registered ever since the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya in August 2010 showed pr...

Assessment of International Human Rights Instruments and Their Application on Extra-Judicial Killings by the National Police Service in Kenya

Abstract: Extra-judicial killings have been of concern in Kenya, especially as the perpetrators are state agents, the National Police Service. Kenya is a signatory to key international human rights instruments and is therefore bound to respect and uphold the foundation documents of international human rights law. The study assessed the key international human rights instruments and the application on extra-judicial killings by the National Police Service in Kenya. The study objectives sought...

An Assessment of the Human Rights Attitudes toward Sexual Diversity in Kenya: A Case Study of Universities in Nairobi

Abstract: the adoption of liberal constitutions that provide for extensive bills of rights in the world, there has been strong resistance among African countries to extend these rights to include minority groups, particularly the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTI) community. To date, same-sex sexual relations, particularly male to male sexual relations remain outlawed in more than two thirds of African countries, Kenya included. Although several African leaders h...

Policing Kenyan Schools: The Case of Kiambu-Nairobi Context

Abstract: On 15th January 2019, police responded to yet another terrorist attack which happened shortly before 4pm at the Dussit D2 hotel Complex on Riverside Drive, Nairobi, Kenya. The attack was claimed by Al-Shabaab militants and perpetrated by young persons of Kenyan origin on a soft target in the leafy suburbs of Westlands, Nairobi. Schools by their very nature are soft targets given the vulnerability of the larger part of their populations who have very little experience in life’s re...

A Comparative Study on Burnout, Self-Actualization and Ego Strength of Male and Female College Teachers in Chattisgarh

This study was conducted by school teachers working in schools/College Teachers in Chhattisgarh. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of ego strength and self efficacy. A standardized survey was used to measure teachers' self-efficacy, selfefficacy, and burnout. Findings showed that the mean score of odd-even expectancy for the revised 32- item scale for ego strength, selfefficacy, and burnout was 0.78 (adjusted); this is slightly higher than odd-even reliability. The re...

The Role of the Mass Media in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution in the Durfur Region of Western Sudan

ABSTRACT  The study assessed the role of the mass media in peace building and conflict resolution in the Darfur region of Western Sudan. The study was guided by five objectives which included; to determine the profile of the respondents in regard to age, sex, education and occupation, to investigate the strategies used by the media in reporting conflict events in the Darfur region, to analyze the role of media in reporting conflict in Darfur, to examine the effects of the media on conflict r...

Polygyny and its Effects on Womens Rights in Rwanda A Case of Nyamagabe District

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the effect of polygyny on women’s rights in Nyarnagabe District Rwanda. The general objective of the study was to analyse the relationship between the practices of polygyny in Nyarnagabe District and its effects on women’s rights. The study population comprised of 151 respondents of Nyarnagabe District especially in three Sectors both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The study used questionnaire and interview method to collect data from the respond...

Human Rights

Human Rights are moral norms or principles which describe certain standards of human behaviour. These rights are regarded under municipal and international law as natural and legal entitlements of all individuals and are thus protected. Such rights include right to life, right to social security, right to freedom of thought, right to freedom of speech, right to religious freedom, right to private property, right to democracy, right to gainful employment, etc. The United Nations Universal Decl...

Disability and Access to Education in Primary Schools in Hamarjajab District, Mogadishu - Somalia.

ABSTRACT  This study was carried out to assess disabled learners’ access to primary education in I-Iamatjajab district, Mogadishu Somalia. Specifically the study sought to; determine the risks that disabled learners face while travelling to school in Mogadishu; establish how the school environment meet the needs of disabled learners in primary schools in Mogadishu; determine the challenges disabled learners face while studying in primary schools in Mogadishu. This study adopted a mixed met...


ABSTRACT Background: The three well-established regional human rights systems (in Europe, the Americas, and Africa) aim to provide access to individuals to a decision and remedy based on the violation of human rights in the founding treaties.It’s exactly 18years; 24years and 33 years after the establishment of African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights; European Court of Human Rights; and Inter-American Court of Human Rights respectively, but still but still the gross violation of human ...

Implementation of Childrens Rights and Child Soldiering in Hawl-Wadag District, Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study sought to establish the relationship between implementation of children rights and child soldiering in Hawl-wadag, Mogadishu Somalia. This study was guided by three specific objectives, that included determining the i) implementation of children rights; ii) the level of child soldiering; iii) the relationship between the extent of implementation of children rights and child soldiering in Hawl-wadag, Mogadishu Somalia. This research employed descriptive correlational desig...

Socio-Cultural Practices and Girl Child Education in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The is sought to investigate Socio-Cultural Practices and Girl Child Education in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia with the following objective’s the general object of the study was to examine socio-cultural practices and girl child education in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia and the Specific Objectives were (i) To examine the state of girl child education in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia, (ii) To examine the relationship between socio-cultural practices and girl child...

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