Religious Studies and Theology Research Papers/Topics

From David to Solomon, A Study of Throne Succession Disputes: An Exegetical Study of 1 Kings 1-2

ABSTRACT  This study examines the phenomenon of succession problems in ancient Israel during the transfer of power from David to Solomon. The study is an exegetical study and thus focuses on the text I Kings 1-2. The exegetical method used in the study is the reader-response criticism, specifically the text centred approach. This approach recommends that the reader oscillates within the world of the text and that of the reader. The world of the text is an insight into the historical an...

Evangelical Zionist and Israel: An Islamic Critique

One of the most aforementioned fundamentals of American Israel relationship is the escalation of evangelical unwavering support for Israel. The close bond amid evangelicals and Israel is of great significance. The term “Gospel” refers to a Protestant religious movement dating back to the eighteenth century. Deliberate use of the term in America in the twentieth century since the founding of the National Association of Evangelicals in 1942 under the leadership of Billy Graham.There are mor...

Role Of Religious Sites In Development Of Tourism Industry In India

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Religious Tourism can be defined as travel with the core motive of experiencing religious  forms,  or  the  products  they  induce,  like  art,  culture,  traditions  and architecture. Being one of  the most ancient civilizations of the world, India has been in contact with almost all the major religions of the world, and despite being dominated by Hinduism in the present context, religions like Islam, Buddhism and Christianity have also influenced a sizeable po...


The relationship between culture and religion is often seen as a pseudo-conceived one (positive or negative one), with freedom of both often invoked to defend human and course of existence. In response, many draw a distinction between culture and religion, and what is insinuated is that culture is the problem, not religion. However, the reality is that in many cases, culture and religion are not so distinct, with cultural practices becoming “religionized” and religious ideas becoming part...


Religion and culture seem like complex ideas to study from the perspective of International Relations. After all, scholars and philosophers have long debated the meaning of these terms and the impact they have had on our comprehension of the social world around us. So is it an impossibly complicated task to study religion and culture at the global level? Fortunately, the answer is ‘no’, for we can recognise and respect complexity without being confused about what we mean by each term. In ...

Women as Culture Creators; A Critical Response to Monica Sjöö Barbara Mor

The article explores the argument for a developing agrarian society due to the frequent inefficiency of male hunting. The earliest attribution of Goddess worship is suggested as pre-dating male deity along with a consideration that the agricultural Neolithic Revolution was preceded by a cultural revolution in religious practices and the use of symbolism. This response explores the authenticity of the claims propounded by Sjöö & Mor with particular reference to the Çatalhöyük complex in Anatolia.

French Nationalism and Religious Recession - Religion In A Secular State

The history and challenges presented to France as an example of a secular state addressing religious presence.

The importance of Hajj

This essay explores the place of Hajj as one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It considers whether these devotions, exemplified ny Hajj, can be undertaken in a superficial fashion by the individual, or does the manner in which they are practised as an internalised experience, identify the relationship that the person is developing with Allah. The essay concludes that Hajj not only focuses the mind toward Allah, but also provides the potential for symbolic empowerment when confronting, and overco...

Celts, Copts and St Anthony - Notes on pre-Augustine Coptic and Celtic churches

Exploring the earliest contacts with the Coptic and Celtic churches regarding the pre-Augustine mission.

Durkheim - the emergence of religion and the limitations of his approach

Durkheim’s argument consisted of two propositions. Firstly, that religion was not divinely inspired but born as an expression of society and within that expression the capability to transcend itself and, secondly, as a means of social coherence, the ability to build its own citadel; a self-contained social organism with modus operandi specific to its own needs. His work in this field is very insightful in terms of its observations, of its structure and the content of its mechanics, but its ...

A critical discussion of ethical issues raised by war

In this essay the role of religion in a Just War is addressed. Considered is the political currency which can be gained by using established religious tenets as a motivating force for political approval by the people with regard to political ideals. It also introduces the possibility of two levels of ethical criteria. Primary texts are taken from The Dhammapada, Aquinas’ Summa Theologica, The Gospel of Matthew, The Bhagavad Gita and Ninian Smart. Secondary texts include Thomas Hobbes’ Lev...


The preacher's vocation is that of addressing the popular mind and heart on religious truth, as that truth is set forth in the sacred Scripture, for the spiritual profit of the hearer as its end. The preacher, recognized as such by the church, speaks as a personal witness of God's saving truth, explaining it and applying it as the circumstances of the people and the time may require. The gravity and importance of this vocation, as set forth in the sacred Scriptures and amply illustrated...


Godly character is lacking in the 21st century church. Integrity which is built on accountability and transparency is no longer cherished in the Christian body. The virtues are now seen as cankerworms of goodness and the unfortunate part of the story is that pastors - who should be role models to the church, are also victims of the menace of the ill characters seen in the Church today. The presence of these ill characters is evidenced by a number of high-profile pastors who have fallen ...


Custom is perceived to be acceptable way of behaviour which is an integral part of morality of every society. The custom of people guide them into doing the right thing expected of them in the society. In Nigeria, there are ills which affect the well being of the citizens; corruption has devoured the goodness seen in the country. This problem ranges from social, cultural, educational, political and religiously. This is a cankerworm in the fabric of the country. This research will help to addr...

Evaluation of Some Leaders of Agitation Groups in Nigeria With Some of The Leaders That Served as Messiah in The Old Testament

The research topic for study is “Evaluation of some Leaders of Agitation Groups in Nigeria using some of the Leaders that served as Messiahs in the Old Testament.” The study centered on the leadership qualities and the works done by these agitation group leaders in their various spheres, bringing out explicitly the motive behind their leadership and the agenda which these groups propagate. In essence, leadership entails influencing others to accomplish an objective and directs the organiz...

106 - 120 Of 156 Results