Religious Studies and Theology Research Papers/Topics


Our generosity in giving is a demonstration of God’s character and a response to what He has done for us.  As God has given to us generously, we are to give cheerfully, not by necessity or grudgingly. When we appropriately receive God’s generosity, it humbles us. We recognize that we are not worthy of His gift. Out of gratefulness, we become more gracious with others. When one person gives freely to another, the recipient often “passes forward” the gift. In the Christian life, the im...

God’s Image in Man: A Biblical Perspective

Over the years, the nature of mankind portrays that he is implicitly created in a special way. The generally known concept of man depicts a ruler of the universe. Regardless of the race, color,tribe, gender, language and other seeming physical differences of man, man is still rated higher than animal everywhere in the world. This is explicitly seen in the biblical account of Genesis; man is directly referred to as the climax of God’s creation (Gen 1: 28-30). The murder of a man is blata...

Christian Missions: a means of achieving Christ’s agenda in the society

For one to achieve his goal effectively he or she must have an agenda, in some religions today, we heard of their religious agendas for instance we heard of the Islamic, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, agendas, it is very important we know every agenda has a purpose and its centrality. The central theme of the student body magazine for this year is timely in its cohesive sense. This article is arming at giving an understanding on Christian missions a means of achieving Jesus Christ agenda in t...

Significance of Mission Theology for effective Christian witnessing

The positions of Universalism, Pluralism, Inclusivism, and Exclusivism is very important in doing missions, for one to do mission effectively he or she must know the positions of universalism, pluralism, inclusivism, and exclusivism, so many missionaries witness Christ to the unbelievers wrongly because they done understand the four views of mission theology, as the result of that instead of witnessing Christ in a biblical way, baiting is taking the other of the day. That is why instead of ra...


Working with teens has its own unique set of challenges and oftentimes as providers we’re relegated to positions of listener, mentor, and guide, regardless of whether or not we’re actual therapists or counselors. I have known many teachers who build authentic relationships with their students and in turn their students feel more comfortable talking to them about their problems rather than the school therapist. For educators ,it’s important to know that there are limitations to the cou...

AFRICAN INDEPENDENT CHURCHES (AICs): Overview of History, Achievements and Prospects

African Indigenous Church(AIC) is a Christian church independently started in Africa by Africans rather than by missionaries from another continent. African Indigenous Churches, also known as African Independent Churches, African Initiated Churches, African Instituted Churches, or just AICs, represent well over 10,000 independent Christian denominations in Africa. African Indigenous Churches are found in every region and country in Africa, but they are more adequately documented in west A...

OLD TESTAMENT COVENANT (types and foundations)

Covenant is one of the most important theological ideas in biblical theology. It is reflected in the traditional labels Old and New Testaments,i.e. ,covenants. The concept exists at significant points in the Bible’s storyline and is the theological glue that binds promise to fulfillment.  Psalm 25:14, David says,“The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him, and He wilt make them know His covenant". The secret of covenant must be approached in the reverent fear of God. It is wit...


Death is not something that we enjoy talking about, at least not seriously (the jokes are innumerable), and funerals are even less popular as a topic of serious conversation. Joseph Bayly called death The Last Thing We Talk About.  Yet such discussions ought not be left to the end, for if we have time to discuss it at the end (we often don’t since such appointments are rarely made in advance!), we are often in the least objective place to do so. Pain, grief, and sorrow typically color the ...

Traditional Religion and its Impact on the Practices of Apostolic and Zionist Churches in Zimbabwe

Abstract Traditional religion is core to Zimbabwean people and, its impact has been felt by many Christian churches in Zimbabwe. Churches that are affected most are Apostolic and Zionist churches. These churches have promoted syncretism because they have mixed practices from African Traditional Religion (ATR) and Christianity in their worship and practices. While there have been attempts, especially by mainline churches, to extinguish traditional religion in the country, the efforts paid less...


                                            ABSTRACT Although modernism has brought development, (advancement in technology which brings about transformation in human psychological, socio-economical and religio-cultural vibrancy) of many Igbo society, a devastating and opulent living that accrue from the modern life continue militating against the images and objects of worship prevalent in the pre-modern era. Most Igbo religious objects and images have encountered severe...


Abstract  The thrust of this paper is on personality cult as a cultural residuum in Africa. The idea of personality cult as known in the Igbo worldview (Africa) is that of the ancestors. The ancestors are the police of their individual families, who keep surveillance on their descendants. Though dead, they continuously participate in the holistic family activities. Viewing from this lens using observation and phenomenological methodology of study, it is pertinent to understand that different...

Nidan - International Journal of Indian Studies July 2019

This Nidān special issue on ‘Christianity in India’ is an extensive enterprise of most recent scholarship pertaining to the topic. Contributions for this special issue, carried out from a historical, literary and anthropological perspective explore pertinent questions about Christian vernacular movements, identity, texts/ literature, music, poetry, institutions, missionaries and cantonments. All this, further contextualized within the local and regional history of colonialism and Brahmin...


ABSTRACTS This research work focused on early marriage as an antidote to illegal relationship  (premarital sex) among the youth, Ilorin south Local Government Area of Kwara State.  Premarial sex is an isssue which most people r1efuse to talk about. It is sadly, still in a  Muslim society, premarital sex is no more recognised as a forbidden fruit. Illegal  relationship involves the various sexual activities performed by unmarried individuals. Illegal relationship is considered a major sin ...

Precolonial Norms and Values as the Pillar for the Sustenance of Igbo Post-Colonial Society.

Abstract Igbo post-colonial Igbo society has witnessed various degrees of desecration of its values and norms through the indices of modernism. The work aims at studying those values and norms in pre-colonial Igbo society that endeared communalism, good neighbourliness and live let spirit. This will invariably be inculcated in the protege of pre-colonial Igbo society in order to ameliorate the incessant decadence predominate in the post-colonial era/society. Table of Contents  Abstract.  �...

Representing Identity

 In this paper I shall demonstrate through the case study of Nanaimo Sikh community how significantly they view their religious orientation as opposed to their ethnic identification. I will point to some implications for them within the Canadian society as a result of them being primarily seen as one among many religious groups.

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