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Research Papers/Topics Education

Pastoralism And Range Land Management In Ngoma Subcounty.

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to explore the impact of pastoralism on rangeland management in Ngoma sub-county. This was after the realization of the degradation of the rangelands due to human activities such as pastoralism. The study took the form of a case study of Ngoma sub-county in which the data collected was both qualitative and quantitative. The study design also involved purposive sampling. The data were collected using interviews, observation and questionnaire for primary data ...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Learners In Regular Schools In Nandi Central District - Kenya. A Case Study Of: Emgwen Division

The research was carried out in Emgwen division, Nandi central district Kenya with an aim of determining the factors affecting the academic performance of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. All relevant Primary sources were visited in the process of gathering Primary information. A descriptive design was employed and in this case, questionnaires and interview guides were used in the process of data collection. The study findings revealed the following: that the majority of teach...

Academic Performance Of The Hearing Impaired Learners In An Inclusive School Setting: A Case Study Of Chiakariga Division, Tharaka District.

ABSTRACT The study carried out a critical analysis and investigation on the academic performance of the Hearing impaired learners in an inclusive setting (regular schools). The study took Chiakariga Division, Tharaka District as a case study. Previous studies indicate that a number of factors ranging from the lack of audiological equipment, negative attitude of teachers towards the hearing impaired learners are among the many forces behind their poor academic performance in regular primary sc...

Upe And Academic Performance Of The Pupils At Some Schools In Kirinyaga County Kenya From May To August 2013

This paper examines the contribution of Universal Primary Education in academic performance of pupils from a sample selected schools in Kirinyaga County. Using the information obtained from the field study of sample selected schools from the county, the study tries to uncover the reasons as to why the performance of pupils in Kirinyaga County is wanting. The study unveils that though there have been plans by the government to ensure that the performance of the children from the public schools...

Effects Of Drug And Substance Abuse On Academic Perfoeffects Of Drug And Substance Abuse On Academic Performance Of Primary Pupils In Yala Division, Gem District-Kenyarmance Of Primary Pupils

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of drug and substance abuse on academic performance of primary pupils in Yala Division, Gem District - Kenya. Most of schools in this region have being experiencing challenges in trying to fight this menace of drug and substance abuse among the primary pupils. The eight (8) schools that participated in the study were selected random sampling technique. Both random and purposive sampling techniques were used in selecting the 80...

Determination Of Students' Academic Performance In Private School A Case Study Of Nkenge Province Kagera Regiontanzania

ABSTRACT The study based on the determinants of students' performance in private schools in Nkenge province - Kagera region in Tanzania. The purpose of the study was to investigate the root causes of good performance in private schools in Nkenge province. The study was guided by the following objectives; identifying factors to god performance in private schools in Nkenge province, assessing the number of trained and qualified teachers in these private schools, identifying the availability an...

Topic: Stress Among Health Workers Of Kyenjojo Hospital In Kyenjojo Town Council Kyenjojo District

The study was conducted under the topic, stress among health workers of Kyenjojo hospital, Kyenjojo Town council, Kyenjojo District. It was guided by the following objectives; to find out the causes of stress among health workers of Kyenjojo hospital, to find out how stress has affected the performance of health workers of Kyenjojo hospital, to find out the health workers attitudes towards the stress they experience. The methods of collecting data included questionnaires to obtain data ...

Motivation And The Performance Of Primary School Teachers In Uganda: A Case Of Kameke County, Pallisa District.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION. APPROVAL .11 ACRONYMS / ABBREVIATION iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v CHAPTER ONE: 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Objectives of the study 5 1.3.1 General objective of the study 5 1.3.2 Specific objectives 5 1.4 Research questions s 1.5 Scope of the study 1.5.1 Content scope 5 1.5.2 Geographical scope 5 1.5.3 Time Scope 1.6 Significance of the study s 1.7Conceptual framework 6 1.8 Definition of key terms 7 1....

Schools Influence On Learning With Hearing Impairment In Selected Primary Schools Of Shinyalu Division, Kakamega East District - Kenya

ABSTRACT  A qualitative study to investigate the school influence on learners with hearing impairments was carried amongst primary school teachers Shinyalu division, Kakamega East district in Kenya. The following objectives guided the study; to identify the number of learners with hearing impairments who are currently in regular schools. To establish the teachers attitude towards learners with hearing Impairments, to establish whether the teachers teaching learners with hearing impairments i...

The School Environment In Primary And Secondary Schools Inmasinga Division Yatta District In Kenya

ABSTRACT The performance of science in national exams has been deteriorating over last few years. This is so in majority of primary schools in Kenya and especially Yatta district. The situation may not be different in other districts Kenya. The problem is therefore global concern given that most of the technology is statistical based with a science orientation. Science being a branch of science that deals with precision and quantitative applications is widely appreciated in many fields. Thes...

Effects Of Socio-economic Status On Academic Performance In Primary Schools In Soy Zone, Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

Kenya has experienced a rapid expansion of the education system partly due to high government expenditure on education. Despite this high level of expenditure on education primary school enrolment has been declining since 1990. 2003 when gross primary school enrolment increased to 104 percent after the introduction of F.P.E. the objectives of the study will be, to identify the relationship between the family economic status and academic performance of primary school pupils and to inves...

Challenges Faced By Teachers In Teaching Children With Hearing Impairment Under Inclusive Setting In Makindye Division, Kampala District-Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to find out challenges encountered in teaching learners with hearing impairment. The researcher was interested in finding out the views of different people towards the education of children with hearing im[airment in the area, therefore qualitative approach was employed to collect data. The researcher chose Head teachers, teachers, parents and children with hearing impairment as sample population because through them relevant and appropriate information wo...

Effects Of Poverty On The Growth And Development Of Children In Kenya Service Slums Eldoret.

ABSTRACT This report titled Effects of Poverty on the Growth and Development of Children is based on the reality of an impending calamity that ought to be dealt with urgency. Through historical data it has been realized that poverty is a key factor in the deprivation of child growth to attain optimum cognitive ability and increases the chance of psychological complications in future. It dampens the chances of a developing child to attain his capacity compared to his counter parts that live in...

The Academic And Social Challenges Affecting Learners With Epilepsy In Inclusive Setting In Nthongoni Zone, Kibwezi District Kenya

The central problem of the study was born out of the fact that despite epilepsy being a disease like others and that an epileptic child may have normal intelligence, many teachers and society know little or nothing about it and therefore have negative attitude towards these children Factors leading to negative perception and discrimination of epileptic children have not been fully investigated and understood. The purpose of this study was therefore out the teachers' understanding of epile...

Challenges Faced By Mentally Retarded In An Inclusive Setting In Lamuria Division Of Laikipia District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................... vii APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................ viii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... .ix ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..........................................

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