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Research Papers/Topics Education

Mother Tongue and Performance In English Language In Some Selected Secondary Schools In Wajir District, North Eastern Province- Kenya

The study sought to assess the effect of mother tongue and students' academic performance in English language in selected secondary schools in Wajir District, Kenya. The study was conducted in five schools. The specific interest areas on the philosophy and understanding of education by different scholars were reviewed addressing similar issues. The researcher used both random :and purposive sampling procedures. Purpose was used to select different ac iYitie s in the area of investigation i...

Challenges Of Teaching The Mentally Retarded Learners In Githambia Primary School, Thika Dictrict, Kenya.

In the year 2003. free primary education was introduced in Kenya. This enhanced the Jomtein Conference. 1990 in Thailand and Dakar Conference in the year 2000 which advocated for free education for all. (EF A). In this regard, every child irrespective of nature. religion race, color or creed has a right to education. In reference to the under privileged in the world, even people with disabilities of which ever nature, should have access to education. It is now upon the teachers handling ...

Poverty And Pupjls Academic Perfomance In Selected Primary Schools In Tulimani Division~ Makueni District Kenya

This study was carried out in Tulimani Division Makueni District. It covered poverty and dropout rates in primary s~hools. The ' major objective of this study was to examine the poverty and its implications 11n the school dropout and educational sector, the existing government interventions and also sought the effective policy recommendations for better conditions in the education sector. The study employed beth qualiunive and quantitative approaches, interview and structured questionnai...

Challenges Faced By The Physically Handicapped Learners In Inclusive Settings In Emuhaya Division Primary Schools

Looking at the plight of learners with physical disability in inclusive setting in Emuhaya division primary schools, the study seeks to unveil the current appalling situation in view of the policy and practice of inclusive education of learners through improved practice approaches, like early intervention, finances, provision of facilities among others. For instance, the work of educational assessment centres should be spread throughout the district. E.g. introducing mobile services, the...

The Impact Of Kikuyu Speaking On Performance Of English In Iyiego Location, Kangema Division, Kenya

The performance of English in lyego location, Kangema division, Kenya is way below expectation of the education officials, board of governers, teachers and parents. English is a core subject and compulsory in the Kenyan system of education. It is, therefore, necessary to pass in English for one to be absorbed in the colleges/university or get a job (employment). Most students, teachers and the family members speak in Kikuyu and have negative attitude towards those who speak in English. T...

Perception Of Early Childhoo I Educa Ion Teachers Towards P Rformance A’ Praisal: A Case Of Teac Ers Sergoit Zone, Uasin S Dist ‘ict -kenya

The purpose of the study was to determine the perception of ECD teachers towards performance-appraisal. The study was on perception. The study was carried out in Sergoit Zone ofUasin Gishu District, Kenya. The study adopted a theoretical framework i.e. systems theory. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the ECD teacher perfo rmance appraisal and its effect to effective school management. A case study wasadop ted for the study. The target population was 46 comprising of teachers a...

The Impact Of Transition From Pre-primary To Lower Primary On Learning In Wandiege Primary School

The main aim of the study was to find out the impact of transition from pre primary to lower primary on learning in Wandiege Primary school. The study used 16 teachers of Wandiege Primary school as subjects. From the study it was found that there was a sic~a tificant impact of transition from pre-primary to lower primary on learning in Wandiege Primary school: This project is made up of five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introductory part of the research. It talks about the backg...

1~He Contribution Of Agricutjtural Institute To The Modernization Agriculture At Namulonge I Wakiso District, Uganda

The study was all about the contribution of agricultural research institute to the modernization of agriculture at Namulonge in Wakiso district, Uganda. The objectives of the study were as follows; to find out the contribution of the Namulonge agricultural institute to the society, to find out the different activities carried out at the institute and to find out the problems faced by the institute and their proposed solutions. The major findings from the study carried out indicated that...

Academic Performance Of Students In Science Subjects Of Mutonguni Secondary School In Kitui District, Kenya

Objectives: This study determined the academic performance of students in science subjects of Mutonguni Secondary School in Kitui District, Kenya. Specifically, this study determined the profile of the students as to age, gender and class. It determined the level of academic performance and determined if there is a significant difference in the level of academic performance between male and female students. Design: This study employed the descriptive survey method of investigation. Responden...

Causes Of Drug Abuse Among The Youth In Majimazuri Division, Nyamache District Kenya

ABSTRACT The JJllf'JJose o/1hi.1 s/ll((l' 11·us lo inres1igu1e 011 !he causes of drug abuse among !he youlhs basically fi-0111 ages (15-]5 years) in Majimazuri division ·within Nyamache district-Kenya ,J desaiplire research design was adopted where the /arget population consisled of youths, parents und /eachers . . I lo/a/ of'70 re.11wnde111s were involved in !he study that included ./0 youths, 20 11are111.1· and 10 1eachers. Queslionnaires and inlerl'iews were !he main tools of data coll...

Effects of conflict on the delivery of social services a case study of nungwi, north "a"district north ungunja: zanzibar, tanzania.

ABSTRACT This study investigated effects of armed conflicts on delivery of social services in Nungwi District of Zanzibar. The region continues to experience intermittent conflict from Bachaga and Sukuma. The specific study objectives include; finding out the services affected by the conflicts; to identify the people affected by conflicts in accessing services and to find new methods of delivering the services in such violence - tone areas. The literature indicates little success in resolvin...

Single Parenting And Its Influence On The Academic Acidevement Of Cidldren In The Selected Pr~Aryschoolsofnakuru District Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to investigate the academic performance of children living with single parents in Marigat Zone in Nakuru district, located in the Eastern side of Kenya. Specific Objectives of the study were: (1) To investigate the relationship between children living with single parents and poor performance, (2) Investigate the relationship between children living with single parents and emotional stress, (3) Investigate the relationship between children living with s...

International Law On Diplomatic Relations: An Analysis Of Diplomatic Immunity And Privilege In Light Of Actual And Potential Crth:Le

ABSTRACT The study was exploratory and analyzed the gaps between the provisions of diplomatic immunity and privileges and the realities of the serious crimes that are and that can be committed. It was designed to examine the potential for diplomatic immunities to be abused, in order to identify weaknesses in the relevant law hence requiring revisiting of 1he law. The study relied upon qualitative methods of data collection and analysis to gather data from key informants who included; employe...

The Impact Of Drug Abuse On The Perfromance Of Pupils Of Herman Gmeiner Primary School Of Eldoret,Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of drug abuse on the academic performance of pupils of Herman Gmeiner Primary school in Eldoret, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the Reasons for drug abuse. Dn1gs commonly abused and their sources and the Effects of drug abuse on academic performance. The methods used for data collection was questionnaires to the staff members of the • schools who were involved in the study. In chapter four, th...

Factors Affecting Education Of Children With Learning Difficulties In Pallisa Town Council Primary Schoolspallisa District

ABSTRACT This study's purpose was on the factors affecting education of children with learning difficulties in Pallisa Town Council primary schools Pallisa District. The research questions formulated for the study in chapter one had the objectives of establishing the involvement of the selected sampled respondents. To get this information, teachers and head teachers gave the responses. This study was aimed at discovering the factors that affecting the education of children with learning diff...

2986 - 3000 Of 8017 Results