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Research Papers/Topics Education

Factors Contributing To Low Attendance Of Exceptional Children In Schools~ A Case Study Of Machakos District Of Kenya

ABST~CT This study generally investigated on factors that contribute to dismal attendance of exceptional children in schools of Machakos district, Kenya. Theoretically and empirically, literature was reviewed with references to writers in special needs education like Cherono M.(2005), Chieni,S.N (1995) , Rosenberg, B (1969) ,Shakespeare’s psycholo~r of handicapped persons [1975] and UN World Declaration on Education for All.

Incidence Of Worms And Its Effects On Leaner's Academic Peformance.In Primary Schools Of Nyamilama Village, Kwimba District Tanzania

ABSTRACT In this research report entitled Incidence of wmms and its effects on learners academic performance in primary schools of Nyamilama village, Kwimba district Tanzania. The researcher tried to find out the causes of intestinal worms in Nyamilama village, how wmms affect children perfonnance and establish way forward in eradication and suggest some simple home remedies of wo1ms infections. The researcher used descriptive survey design. The study was aimed at collecting information from...

A Sound Study Of The Effects Of Divorced Parents On Their Children’s Academic Performance In Selected Secondary School In Kansanga Sub-Parish

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Kansanga Sub-Parish between July 2007 and September 2007. The aim of the study was to observe the effects of Parental Divorce on children’s academic performance within the Parish. The specific objectives were to determine the effects of Parental Divorce on a student’s academic performance, to examine the need to change the attitude and perspective towards family values, to develop a criteria for identifying the minor and major effects of marriage b...

Attitudes Of Pupils Towards Mathematics Among Schools In Nansana Town Council Wakiso District, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study investigated the attitudes of pupils towards mathematics in Nansana town council primary schools in Wakiso District. The study was to find the teachers use of appropriate methods of teaching mathematics, attitudes of pupils and teachers towards mathematics and the relationship between pupil's attitudes towards mathematics and their performance in mathematics. Approximately 50 pupils from five different sampled selected primary schools were selected for the study. In a...

Causes Of Poor Academic Performance Of Learners With Learning Difficulty A Case Study Of A Selected Primary School In Kabartonjo Division In Baringo District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title of study i CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1 Background of the study 1 Statement of the problem 3 Purpose of the study 3 Objective 3 Scope 4 Significance of the study 5 CHAPTER TWO: Literature review 6 Hypothesis 8 CHAPTER THREE: Research methodology 9 Qualitative 9 Research environment 9 Respondents/participants 9 Sampling and sampling procedures 9 Descriptions of instruments 9 Interviews 9 Questionnaire 10 Observation 10 CHAPTER FOUR 11 Statistical treatment of data 11 Tea...

Factors Affecting Students Performance In Physics Examinations In Utithi Secondary School, Eastern Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research study investigates the factors affecting performance of physics in Utithi secondary school, Kibwezi district, Eastern province, Kenya. The researcher at the inception stage got disturbed by declining performance in physics and for this reason he sought to find out the factors affecting the performance of physics and likely solutions. The investigation was conducted by collecting secondary data from the physics teachers of Utithi secondary school. The methodology u...

Adolescent Crisis And Acadei'viic Performance Of Stl1dents In Selected Secondary Schools Of Kombe\Va Division, Kisl'mll West District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATIOi' ............................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................................... ;; . DI

Traditional Beliefs On Educational And Social Provision To The Learners With Mental Handicaps In Laikipiadistrict-Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION - APPROVAL ii DEDICATION TABLE OF CONTENT iv LIST OF TABLES AKCNOWLEDGEMENT vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii OPERATIONAL DEFINATION OF TERMS ix CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction ____ 1 1.1 Back ground of the study 3 1.2 Statement of the problem 5 1.4 Objective of the study 5 1.5 Research questions 6 1.7 Significant of the study 6 1.6 Scope of the study 6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.0. Introduction 7 2.1 Theoretical frame work 8 2.2 Traditional beli...

Factors Affecting The Teaching Of Kenyan Traditional Dances In Primary Schools Ofdandora Zone, Nairobi East District

ABSTRACT This is the study was about the factors affecting the teaching of traditional Kenyan dances in the primary schools of Dandora -zone, Nairobi East district. The instruments of research used were questionnaires, interview. guide and observation schedule. Five primary schools were involved in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and oral interviews. The survey shows that there are a number of factors Affecting the teaching of traditional Kenyan dances 111 pnmary sch...

Absentism And Academic Performance In Mathematics Of Form Four Students .A Case Study Of Ny Atieko Secondary School Kish District-Kenya

ABSTRACT Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) has been decimal, a situation many have said to be sad and wanting. • - The children from the 50% population that lives below the poverty line do not attend school regularly. This has really worsened the performance in K.C.S.E.The Researcher will find out the impacts of absentism and try to find out how the impacts have contributed to be decimal performance of the students. Then necessary recommendations will be made ...

Child Labour And Academic Performance Of Learners In Luwero District, Uganda: A Case Study: Bombo Town Council

ABSTRACT The study focused on child labour and academic performance of learners in Bombo town council, Luwero District .This study was based on three objectives, i.e. to find the causes of child labor in Bombo town council, to identify effects of child labour on academic performance and solutions The study employed a cross sectional survey with 196 respondents selected by simple random sampling. The schools and respondents were randomly selected. Qualitative and quantitative data collections ...

The Impact Of Instructional Materials And Pupils Enrolment On Primary School Pupils Academic Performance In Nyeri Municipality Division Kenya

ABSTRACT The study on Impact of Instructional materials and pupils enrolment pupils academic performance was calTied out in 9 schools in Nyeri South Municipality division. The sample area had 42 schools and an enrolment of 19,600 pupils. Thus the visited schools represent 21 .4% of the schools and 1 9.3 % of the enrolment in the targeted division The overall aim of the study was to document the impact of instructional materials and pupils enrolment in Free Primary Education Programme on pupil...

Academic Performance And Epileptic Learners In Inclusive Setting In Migori Zone, Migori District Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was designed to investigate the academic performance of learners with epilepsy in inclusive setting in Migori Zone - Migori District - Kenya. The research was done in sampled schools across the zone. The finding of the research was as below; i. That children with epilepsy had children with epilepsy can learn alongside their peer with no epilepsy, most schools visited had children with epilepsy, which indicated that children with epilepsy get access to regular schools. ...

Effects Of Educational Resources On Performance Among Pupils In Kipkeino Primary School, Uasin Gishu District In Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to investigate effects of Educational Resources on performance among pupils in Kipkeino primary school in Uasin Gishu district, Rift Valley Province in Kenya. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative approach in collecting data. The researcher used documentary analysis type of qualitative approach to collect information on performance of the sample population. He used questionnaires a type of qualitative approach to obtained infonnation ...

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