Basic Education Research Papers/Topics

Teacher Motivation And Performance Of Pupils In Selected Primary Schools Of Gatundu Division, Gatundu District , Kenya.

The main purpose study was to investigate teacher motivation and performance of students in selected primary schools of Gatundu division, Gat-undu district, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine; teacher motivation and academic performance of pupils, Teacher's qualification and pupil's achievement and School facilities and academic performance The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the teachers and focus group discussions with the pupils The findin...

Problems Faced By Teachers Teaching Mentally Retarded Children In Kairaa Primary School Abogeta Division Meru District Kenya

The research carried out is about the problems faced by teachers in the teaching of the mentally retarded children in Kairaa primary school Abogeta division Meru Kenya. The researcher being a trained special need teacher handling mentally retarded children in a special unit class failed to understand why so many mentally retarded children in the mainstream dropped out of school so often and tried to find out the degree of problems faced by teachers teaching mentally retarded children and addr...

Problems Faced When Handling Learners With Int}-Lectual Challenges In Gucha Primary School

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWi{LEDGEMENT ......................................................................................

Effects Of Drug And Substance Abuse On Academic Performance Of Students At Bondo Teachers Trainingcollege In Bondo District, Nyanza Province Kenya.

Oxford advance learners dictionary define drug as an illegal substance that some people smoke, inject etc to give them pleasant or exciting feelings. Kenya scout magazine (Jan 2002) define drug as a chemical substance that causes changes in mind and / or body of the person using them. They can be legal or illegal or can be medical or non medical. Drug abuse is the repeated non medical use of potentially addictive chemical and organic substances. It includes the use of chemical in excess of no...

Gender Ckdmistry Concepts Perception And Its Effects On Students Academic Performance In Selected Secondary Schools Of Ndundu Division, Gatundu District Kenya

The major purpose of the study was to determine Gender chemistry concepts' perception and its effects on academic performance of students in selected Secondary schools of Ndundu Division, Gatundu District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to Investigate the relationship between girl's attitude and performance in chemistry , Investigate the relationship between teachers attitudes and girls performance in chemistry , Determine the relationship between the curriculurn and performa...

The Problem Of Stress In Primary Education Centers, Teachers Awareness And Intervention Measures Adopted By School. A Case Study Of Five Primary Education Centres Kanyuambora Zone Eastern Pro

ABSTRACT This study assessed the problem of stress in primary education centers with a focus on the following; establishing the prevalence of stress, identifying the common stressors of children in primary_ education centers, assessing the teachers knowledge to deal with stressed children and the intervention measures adopted by schools to help stressed children. The study was undertaken in Kanyuambora zone which is in Mbeere north district Eastern province Kenya. The population used f...

Causes Of Poor Performance In Mathematics Among Children With Hearing Impairment In Mainstream Schools In Maseno-Kombewa Division, Kisumu West District-Kenya

This study focused on the causes of poor performance in mathematics among children with hearing impairment in mainstream schools. Interviews and questionaires were used as research tools to collect data from respondents. Random and purposive sampling techniquues were used to select schools and the respondents. The findings revealed that teachers in the mainstream experienced some challenges which among others included; lack of training in special needs education among teachers, inadeqaucy of ...

Inclusive Schools And The Perforn4anace Of Pupils With Hearing Impairment In Lærá District. The Case Of Lira Municipality

There are number of the schools in Uganda that have taken the initiative to provide education to the children with special needs (CWSN) including those with hearing impainnent (HI). These include both government and private schools. Among these the researcher has developed interest in the educational provision by the inclusive schools to children with Hearing impairment (CWHI). According to Opira, C (2011) inclusive schools refer to those schools that address the learner's needs within the "m...

Impact Of Free Primary Education To The Academic Performance Of Pupils In Selected Primary Schools In Moyale District, Kenya.

According to Drucker 1993, Allis etal, 1996, education is defined as key to future economic prosperity. According to Drever, education is a process in which and by which the knowledge, character and behaviour of the young are shaped and modified" According to Rodden "Education is the deliberate and systematic influence exerted by the mature person upon the immature, through instruction, discipline and harmonious development of physical, intellectual, social and spiritual powers of the human b...

Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Continuous Assesment In Primary Schools In Kole District. The Case Study Of Alito Sub County

The study was made to obtain findings on the implementation of continuous assessment in Kole district. The case study of Alito Sub County. The objectives of the study were:- Challenges teachers are facing in the implementation of continuous assessment in a primary school in Alito Sub County. Factors hindering the implementation of continuous assessment in a primary school classroom. Intervention for improving continuous assessment in a primary school classroom. In chapter two related literatu...

The Effects Of Learning Materials On Performance Of Children In Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Bubandi Sub-County Bundibugyo District

The study investigated the effects of learning materials on performance in schools. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; determining different kinds of learning materials, to identify the effects of learning materials on performance and to assess the relationship between learning materials and performance in schools. The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one with introduction, chapter two consists of the related literature, chapter three consists of the methodo...

Paîhways Through Which Drought Has Impacted The Educational Attainment Of Learners In Selected Primary Schools Of Mwingi Zone, Central Division, Mwingi District, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the Pathways through which Drought has impacted the educational attainment ofpupils, in Mwingi Zone, Central Division, Mwingi District. The following objectives guided the study. To investigate the relationship between drought and attainment ofpupils in Mwingi Zone, Central Division and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating drought and improving primary school pupil's attainment in Mwingi zone. The methods for data collection was ...

Nature of Parenting and How it Has Affected Pupils Academic Performance in Selected Primary Schools of Marani Division, Kisii Central District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the parenting styles and how they influence the behavior . of children at school in Marani division Kisi1 central district in Kenya. The following objectives guided the study/ to assess the role of parents have played in nurturing their children. to assess the dimensions of child parent interactions which are prevalent in some families of pupils we teach in class and to investigate the influence of parenting on pupils academic capability. This study used a de...

Factors Influencing Child Labour And Effects On Education In Kabiyet Division, Ndulele Village In Kabiyet Zone Of Nandi North Districts In Kenya

ABSTRACT Through the efforts made by the research in trying to establish the causes of child labour, the research used questionnaire method to collect the data. The data was collected from different people distributed allover the division who were the respondents. The findings of the research were as follows:- Children in Kabiyet Division engage in child labour due to:- Ill health of the parents, Poverty, Ignorance of parents and Nature of employment In conclusion therefore since the finding...

Financial Resources And Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary Schools Within Lari Division, Kiambu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out within Lari division which is located in Kiambu district of Kenya. To come up with this study, the researcher had to be driven by the cardinal (general) objective formulated prior to data gathering and this had been stated as: This study is intended to investigate the influence of financial resources on the academic performance of students in secondary schools within Lari division in Kiambu District. It is from such an objective that the researcher generat...

211 - 225 Of 701 Results