Basic Education Research Papers/Topics

The Impact of Health And Nutrition On The Performance Of Pre-Primary School Cidldren In Thegu Location, Kieni East District, Kenya

Abstract It is a fact that all people need food and cannot live long without eating enough of it. It is this fact that the researcher has decided to establish the Impact on Health and Nutrition on the Performance of Pre-Primary School in Thegu location Kieni East District; the research is based on finding out the relationship that exist between feeding and the academic performance of the ECE children. The researcher based her research in children Thegu location randomly selected schools and ...

Indiscipline And Mathematics Perfomance In Secondary Schools. A Casestudy Of Kigumo Division In Muran Ga South District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was focused on the views of the various stake-holders in the secondary schools of Kigumo Division in Muran' ga South district as pertains to the effect of indiscipline and mathematic performance and the effectiveness of the school administration in maintenance of discipline in their institution. It sought to identify the effect of indiscipline on mathematics performance , causes of indiscipline is handled in schools.The rationale and motivation for carrying out this study...

An Analysis Of Transition Process From Pre - School To Lower Primary Case Study Of Nandi South District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTiON 1 1.1. Background to the study I 1.2 A statemelit of the problem to be investigated 2 1.3 Purpose of the study 2 1.4 Objectives of the study 2 1.5 Scope of the study 2 1.6 Significance of the study 3 1.61 Delimitations 3 1.62 Limitations 3 1.7 Dcfinitaon of te ‘n~s. vu 1.8 List of abbrevi ntions. Jjjj CHAPTER TWO~ 2.0 LITERATURE ~EV1 ~W 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Review of related lite1atu ~c. 2.21 Teechiug end Inarning meterinIs 5 2.22 Socializ...

Human Activities And Management Of Environment Within The School Setting In Madi Opei Sub-County Lamwo District

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to investigate human activities and the management of the school environment in Madi Opei Sub-county, Lamwo District The study was conducted through a qualitative design using survey data being collected during June -August 2011 . Questionnaires, interview guide and observation were the main tools used for data collection from the respondents who included the officials from national forestry authority /(NFA), national environmental management authority (NEMA)...

National Examinations Performance: Facts And Factors-Case Study Of Ngooru Secondary School In Nyeri District

ABSTRACT This study investigated causes of poor performance in Kenya Certificate of Education in N gooru mdary school in Nyeri district, Kenya. ms caiTied out on the background that performance of stndents in the school has generally been •r over the years. : study was guided by objectives of the study which included: to determine the effects of lack of ;hing and learuing aids/resources, absenteeism due to lack of school fees, poor attitndes towards the ;hers school and studies and weak aca...

Culture as an impediment to girl child education in primary schools the case study of kifvmbira p/school, kalama parish, butologo sub- county, buwekvla mubende district uganda.

ABSTRACT . This sh1dy was about culture as an impediment to girl child education. This sh1dy was conducted at Kifumbira Primary School, Butologo, Sub County in Mubende district Uganda. The objectives of the study were to establish the causes oflow enrolment of girls into schools, assess the extent to which culture has hindered girl child education at Kifumbira Primary School, Butologo, Sub county in Mubende district, document the challenges faced in trying to promote girl child education and ...

The Factors Affecting The Performance Of Pupils In Primary Leaving In Gulu District A Case Study Of Bobi Sub-County

Abstract Education is the study only trend to development. It's an essential element for cultural, social and economic progress of any society in a society where education is sound; people are able to fight diseases and ignorance, poverty and oppression. Since the goal of much education is behavioral change, the understanding of behavior afforded by behavioral change theories provides in sight in to the formation of effective teaching methods that into the mechanism of behavioral change in an...

The relationship between the teaching of english and academic performance in the uganda certificate of educationexaminations in kaproron sub -county, kween district.

ABSTRACT  The researcher set out to establish the relationship between the teaching of English and the academic performance in the Uganda Certificate of Education in Kaproron sub —county in Kween District. The study involved data selection which was collected from different categories of people who included the head teachers, heads of departments, students and teachers of English. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative methods in obtaining and analyzing data. Three research ...

Factors Affecting Girl Child Education A Case Study Of Bungokho South Constituency Mbale District Uganda (2009)

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out factors affecting girl-child education in Bungokho South Constituency. It was realized that in other parts of Uganda girl-child education had deeply taken place while as in Bungokho it has not. In this research a combination of both quantitative and qualitative design were used for this study. Also purposive sampling as a method in research was used to find out the necessary informktion pertains the study. The findings revealed that the factors affecti...

Survival Of The Farmer By Morning Vending In Kampala Central Bussiness District

ABSTRACT This study explored the survival of the farmer by morning vending in Kampala CBD. This was after the realisation that liberalisation and rapid urbanisation of Kampala City have lefi tens of thousands of the city residents in squalid conditions where abject and absolute poverty rule. The study specifically sought to achieve the following objectives: to explore the basis for the growth of morning vending in Kampala CBD; to examine the effects of morning vending on the economy of Kampa...

The Impact Of .Mathematics In The Performance Of Science Subjects In Secondary School In Winam Division Kisumu East District Kenya

Abstract :::onsidering the contributions of mathematics, science, and technology to today's world, one ;vould have expected mounting interest in these disciplines, but the reverse seems to be the case. :ndeed, there is declining emolment in mathematics and science subjects among the youth, and Joor performance in examinations, such as those taken in high school math and science courses :especially physics) by the brave few who email (Ezeife, 2004). t is ironical that in our pro-science and te...

The Relationship Between Free Primary Education Progra And Academic Performance Of Kcpe.In Public Primary Schools: Case Study Of Kiriti Region, Nyandarua District Of Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration . Dedication Acknowledgernent Acronym:. Operational Definitions of Terms Abstract . Chapter One .. Rationale of the study; Specific Objectives . Statement of the null hypothesis . Significance of the study .. Chapter· Two ... Literature review Chapter- Three .. Research methodology .... Research Design .. Data Collection Procedures ... Statistical Treatment of Date; ..... . Limitations of the Study ... Chapter Four Data Analysis Interpretation  

The Effects Of Teachers' Pr.Epai{Ation On Pupils Performance In Schools In Bat A Sub-County Dokolo Distl{Lct 2004-2008

Abstract Bala sub-county is one of the sub-counties in Dokolo District in 'Jorthcrn 1 l:111:l:1 •.: hi:1• ; /', '' 1 with the most troubling question as to why there is poor performance in most primarv schools wt there are qualified teachers and enough teaching learning materials. Several attempts have been made by inspectors of schools (DIS) from the ministry of Education and Sports (MOES), District coordinating centres like !gar, Amatiburu, Auda and even Lorn Core PTC for a long time bu...

Student Enrolment And Selection Of Public Day Secondary School In Magumoni Division, Meru South Distrct, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study set out to explore the student enrollment and selection of public day secondary schools in magumoni division, meru south district, Kenya" In this chapter the major findings of the study are discussed and interpreted. The discussion of the findings of the present research was based and centered on the major research objectives and questions directing the study. To determine the social and economic constraints /problems facing day secondary schools in Magumoni division...

Challenges Faced By Visually Impaired Learners In Ongata Rongai Zone - Kajiado District - Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to analyze the challenges that teachers face in teaching the visually impaired learners in Ongata Rongai zone in Kajiado District, Rift Valley Province Kenya and this was used as a case study. Data was collected through the use of interviews accompanied by observation and questionnaires. The study involved a sample of 70 respondents that is 50 teachers and 20 pupils. 8 teachers from each school and 3 pupils from each school while Kiserian Primary was repre...

226 - 240 Of 701 Results